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Builders of the Adytum
Builders of the Adytum is a modern Mystery School. Adytum is derived from a Greek word that means Inner Shrine or Holy of Holies. Like Jesus, who many believe was trained in Qabalah, members of the Order aspire to build the Inner Temple, to construct the Holy of Holies within. People of all faiths are welcome to study the teachings of this Order. B.O.T.A. recognizes Qabalah as the root of Judaism and Christianity. Its ultimate purpose is to hasten the true Brotherhood of mankind and to make manifest the truth that love is the only real power in the universe.
Michael Shreffler
Seaqueen's newsletter
Samantha Vanderslice
Debra Pilgrim
Johanna Mooney
Oghenemena Okobiah
Mae Edwards
Trine C Jensen
Angelina Teran
studio seror
Angelique Jackson
Lawrence Sutherland
Gisele T Nguyen
Kaleb Mickley
Michael Spinks
AlaStar Godr
Hidden Light
t mccool
Enrique Castells
Mystik Spirit
Kevin Mack