BUILDesign Magazine Issue 010

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Issue No. 005/2014 |Ksh. 300 | Tsh. 5600 | Ush. 8600


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Building Review: The Oval Building – Westlands, Nairobi Profile: Architect Jim Archer Feature: Security in Buildings Opinion: The types of clients to avoid


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



Issue 005/2014



06 A masterpiece of contemporary architecture


16 Making the change to BIM PROFILE

design and conservation icon 26 The - Architect Jim Archer



20 Security in buildings OPINION

the nature 34 Understanding of your clients


perfect solution for any 42 The bathroom


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |






Martin Tairo

Editorial Assistant:

Wendy Kinya

Marketing Executive:

Felister Mugambi

Layout Design:

Lawrence Odawa

Photography George Ogutu Contributors: Adam Miller | George Mbuvi Dick Olang’o | Edward Davis Martin Higgins | Mwaki Makau


his issue of the BUILDesign magazine

and robberies to terror. Many people would

marks a major leap for us. It is the tenth

presume their homes, places of work and other

issue since we started publication back

buildings they visit as areas with relatively

in 2013 and moves to prove our commitment

better security than out in the streets. How do

to providing you the most accurate, relevant

architects and designers achieve this? We have

and cutting edge information on architecture

expert opinions and technological features on

and construction consistently and timely.

how best to secure the buildings we design for our clients.


(+254) 722 387 110 (+254) 720 650 898 (+254) 725 075 993

Sales: Executive

Lea Masamo Walter Meja


Architecture Kenya Media Ltd Suite 16, 5th floor, Vision Plaza P.O.Box. 60540-00200, Nairobi


Jetsam Distribution Ltd Mai Mahiu Rd, Off Lang’ata Rd

To serve you better, we have engaged Jetsam Distribution Ltd to carry out the distribution

In our building feature, we have reviewed

of our magazine for us. You will therefore be

The Oval Building in Westlands by Bowman

able to pick up a copy while shopping at your

Associates. On people’s profiles, we had an

favourite store all over the country and across

interesting chat with Architect Jim Archer,

borders in East Africa.

whose knowledge and experience transcends

the whole of the 20th Century, first through his In issue 004/2014 of the magazine, we looked

father, Howard Archer during the colonial era

at why creative consultants, mostly architects

and later through him in post independence

and designers, are not valued by their clients.

Kenya to date. Jim is also the founder of

We tried to find out why they are not paid

Planning Systems Services Ltd, a leading

as they should and maybe how that can be

architectural practice currently going by the

changed. As a follow up to that, we have

name PLANNING Architecture + Land use.

published an opinion piece by Martin Higgins

Copyright ©:

Architecture Kenya Media Ltd

giving characteristics of the nine nightmare

Have a good read and as usual, we welcome


clients that you should avoid at all costs. He

your comments and feedback via email to

No part of this magazine may be reproduced in

says when you spot them, RUN!

any form or stored on a retrieval system without

Security has also been a major issue under discussion in the recent past. The threats

the permission of the publisher. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors that may appear or for any consequences of using the information contained herein.

have heightened from the usual burglaries Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


The Oval Building

About the Oval Building


t is always a good problem for an architect when brief requirements for a project are rather generic and the client


hasn’t placed a lot of demands on it. The challenge therefore goes to the architect to explore his/her creativity without a set of guidelines and still meet the unspecified desires of the client or even supersede their expectation. It happened to Bowman Associates Architects in 2011 when Seyani Brothers approached the firm for design of a timeless and iconic commercial building with flexible lets. The only condition the architect had to adhere to was the budget.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


Site Features

Design Concept


across from Westgate Mall and in close


houses in the back yard, all of which were


proximity to the prime retail outlets

demolished to accommodate the new

expression creating a dramatic view that

including the Nakumatt Ukay and Sarit


is attractive to the eye.

ocated in the heart of Westlands, Nairobi, Oval building sits at the junction of Jalaram and Ring roads,

nitial site features were one large commercial block of ancient Asian architecture and a few residential

he pure basic form that the building takes gives it a timeless mileage guaranteed to stand the test of time

while the outer shape offers a sensational

Centre. Its prominent position allows

In relation to the surrounding imagery of

quick and easy access to the numerous

dynamic growth in terms of housing in the



area, the architect decided to append a

attractions in the area hence a major spot

similar feel that amplifies the modernized

for its target clientele.

touch of design in the neighborhood. To




break the monotony of blocky commercial buildings, he played a twist with the exterior form giving it a sunken-slanting oval shape and hence the name, The Oval Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



Ground floor plan|

Typical floor plan|

Building. Interestingly, the architectural

This progression meant that on each floor,

Structurally, this was to ensure stability of

design influenced choice of the name

the scaffolding had to move away from

the peripherals’ and avoid down stands or

for the building as well as the managing

the building because the largest plate is

reinforcement. There is also +1T5 roofing

company of the commercial entity!

the topmost floor and the smallest is the

to particular areas of the roof.

The main challenge in actualizing the

ground floor. This was achieved through

proposed design was fitting its shape in

flat slab construction such that on the

the site in the sense that with every floor

last rings of columns there are beams,

plate, you diverge upward moving out.t.

and all the beams are on the slabs.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


Elevation |

CONSULTANTS Client – Oval Ltd Architects – Bowman Associates Contractors – Seyani Brothers Quantity Surveyors YMR Elec & Mech Engineers Loadline Structural Engineers CED–62 Limited

skylight from the ground view

Efficiency The design is based on two axis centered

air conditioning. Considering the oval

building. In terms of waste management,

on a large atrium as the focal point. This

shape of the building, the architect could

the building incorporates a refuse chute

ensures proper circulation of air in the

not apply north south orientation to limit

such that waste is disposable from the

building to enhance cross ventilation.

sun penetration, neither could he use sun

respective floors where it’s then fed to a

The architect hence limited the grid to

shaders. For glazing therefore, he chose

central place and collected in bulk from

a depth of between 12mm to 14mm

low reflecting solar glass with thermal

the ground floor. To supplement potable

ensured to take maximum advantage of

insulating properties which minimizes

water, there is a borehole in the building

natural ventilation and minimize use of

heat gain, helping regulate cool inside the

whose water is mainly used for sanitation Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


MAIN FEATURE purposes. The





maintenance of the building by choice of building materials that are manageable in the commercial spaces - mazeras stone cladding, the glass and Crown shieldex as the external finish. This allows flexibility on the use of spaces and interior design for different tenants. On the lobbies, there is granite cladding on the lift doors and porcelain tiles. There is also a good balance in the use of glass versus masonry in that, the retail outlets are introverted for social activities; hence less glass and more stone work is visible from ground floor to the first floor while the office spaces on the upper floors are extroverted with more glasswork for a light work environment.

Capacity Covering approximately 15000sqm above the ground, the building comprises of eight floors, including the ground floor and three basement levels. The parking area of 13000sqm can comfortably accommodate 450 cars. Two levels, that A closer view of the oval peripherals



Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

MAIN FEATURE is the ground floor and the first floor are intended for retail outlets while the upper floors are intended to be office spaces. The property also boasts world class security surveillance round the clock, access control, 6 panoramic lifts (3 on each wing), standby generators, ample underground water storage and borehole supply, drive through car scanners, generous




(3:1,000 sq ft), direct link from main fibre optic and provision for installation of air conditioning among others. The complete project took three years.

Water feature with oval shaped stones

Main staircase from the lobby

Staircase leading to the basement decorated with mazeras stone

We are proud to be associated with

Seyani Brothers (K) Co. Ltd. as Borehole drilling Contractors.

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |





ll homeowners and tenants want

effective solar water heaters are made up of

before selecting a system.

to be able to have a hot shower

a storage tank and a solar collector. Cold

With solar heat only available during

with plentiful water but even in

water is fed into the solar collector and the

sunlight hours, solar heated water may not

some up-market properties across Kenya,

heat exchange between the collector body

be available throughout the day. If it is used

the experience of showering leaves a lot

and the water results in a phenomenon

in the evening, for example, there might be

to be desired. Hot showers can be costly,

called the thermosyphon effect which

insufficient hot water in the morning. For

with the electricity used to heat water

causes the water to circulate as it heats up

this reason, the tanks are available with

accounting for more than a third of the

over a period so that eventually one is left

automatic electric booster heaters so that

average household electricity bill.

with a large tank of hot water ready for use.

hot water is available even at times of low

Indeed, in a household of five, where the

In choosing a solar water heater, the size of

radiation.Obviously, it is essential to fit

monthly electricity bill is KShs 5,000, at

a household will dictate the tank capacity.

solar systems so that they are exposed to

least KShs 1,650 goes on heating water. But

as much direct sunlight as possible with a

this need not be the case. Kenya receives

The exposure of a home to solar heat

roof pitch of about 15 degrees and a North-

an estimated 4 to 6 kWh per square meter

is important too, with more temperate

South orientation facing the equator being

a day of solar power, according to the

climates, such as Nairobi, needing solar


Climate Innovation Centre (CIC). This is far

collectors with a larger surface area

more than the 2.3kWh consumed by the

than would be necessary in the tropical

If correctly sized and installed, solar water

average household each day, according to

conditions of the Kenyan coast.

heaters are effective and reliable, though it

data from East African Community.

Generally, the solar tanks are fitted on

is important that the unit you choose is of

to a frame together with the collector

high quality, robust and efficient. This will

This natural solar advantage in Kenya,

and placed on the roof. But for aesthetic

ensure reduced power costs by up to 60 per

coupled with the rise of the cost of

reasons, the tank can easily be concealed

cent, with the system being able to meet as

electricity to 48 cents per unit in June 2014,

under the roof.

much as 90 per cent of the household’s hot

up from 30 cents per unit, is set to prompt

water demands. With prices of good quality

many more well informed consumers to

Another critical factor in choosing which

domestic solar water heaters ranging from

move to solar water heaters, which are

system to install is the water condition. If

Sh105,000 to Sh165,000 depending on

already in use in over 75,000 households

the water is aggressive and with a high salt

size, the payback period is usually lies

across the country.

content, then solar collectors with direct

between 2 and 3 years depending on usage.

Many developers are now equipping

contact between the heating elements

homes with solar water heaters as they

and the water will not be suitable and an

It is, however, always imperative to

build, in a move to cut the running costs

indirect system must be specified.

consult with a professional and competent

for future occupants without compromising

Indirect solar water systems work by

contractor who has been certified by the

on the luxury of hot water. Indeed, it is a

running non-mineralised heating liquid

Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) prior

pre-requisite for planning permission now

through the solar collector, which then

to investing in any equipment in order to

that all new developments must have a

goes into a jacket around the tank and

ensure that the system will be effective.

provision for solar water heaters. For those

transfers heat to the ordinary water held

installing themselves, there are choices to

with the tank. Though widely used at the

The writer is the Business Development

be made on the best kind of solar water

Coast, where water is often quite saline,

Manager of Davis and Shirtliff.

heater to install, based on the amount of hot

indirect systems are a less efficient option

water needed and a home’s location and

than direct solar heating, but it is important

the layout of its plumbing system.The most

to test the water pumped into your home


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



NATURAL STONE DIVISION WALK IN LOVE WITH STONE ARTS as well as Athens in Greece where they made historical statements that couldn’t really be matched. Fast forward to 21st century you will, you will be surprised to see how this has evolved. Today, the ancient times are awake again but with modern imitations of what existed then in unrefined forms “When you are looking for old world craftsmanship for timeless décor, you need not look any further” We follow no political boundaries in case of execution and art


NATURAL STONE CLADDING Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |




"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm (indifferent, uninterested) defenders in those who may do well under the new." Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince




to it. Throughout the entire project life

(BIM) is changing how buildings,


cycle the information model acts as shared



knowledge resource for all relevant project

planned, designed, built, and managed.



stake holders. The information-rich model

How do you successfully transition your

provides clarity and insight so that more

firm to harness this new way of working?

informed design decisions can be made.

Because each project and each enterprise is inherently different, there is no fully

BIM starts with a 3D model, but it is more



than that. Whether you start with existing

solution for BIM implementation, but there

conditions or a conceptual design, an

are broad guidelines to help a business

information-rich model is key to realizing

make the transition successfully.

the benefits of BIM. With this data-rich


Understanding BIM The first step in making the transition is understanding what BIM is. BIM is an integrated process of collating and maintaining information relating to a built project (note that the concept is not limited to buildings) by means of an intelligent digital model with 3D objects and data associated


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

model, you can: •

Simulate and visualize key physical and functional characteristics

Coordinate project information and collaborate with stakeholders

Build smarter, more agile processes that help retain knowledge

and support

quality targets Understanding BIM will hopefully also clarify the value of BIM, making it easier to quantify the ROI expected from the

TECHNOLOGY investment





hardware, when switching to BIM.

Advantages of a BIM workflow

• •


with its compartmentalisation and emphasis

A high degree of analysis which leads

on individual profit margins to the detriment

to more informed decision-making

of the project as a whole

More design options from more perspectives with a similar budget

The third area of change is technology.

One of the most significant ways a BIM

and time schedules than with

BIM adopters will have to invest in the

workflow affects projects is by allowing

traditional methods

software and computer hardware that is

Increased overall accuracy of

right for them. Autodesk delivers advanced

process when changes are easy (maybe even

project documentation resulting

design and simulation technology and a

fun) to make and do not have significant cost

in reduced contractor uncertainty,

comprehensive portfolio of BIM solutions

implications to the project, as illustrated by

more accurate cost picture and more

for BIM enabled workflows through desktop,

the MacLeamy Curve.

consistent bids

cloud, and mobile platforms, so that:

Improved project planning

decisions to be made earlier in the design

A good example of this at work is ability to

quickly perform energy and carbon footprint

context and consistency are maintained throughout the project lifecycle

analysis on conceptual building masses

What and how BIM will change the

using Autodesk’s Revit and Green Building

construction process.

information they need when and where

Studio, and using the feedback to quickly

The decision to adopt BIM involves change

they need it

optimise massing configuration for your

in three areas:

project very early in the planning stage.


presented in such a way as to help

Process and

achieve project objectives


(e.g., simulation, visualization, analysis,

Other advantages of a BIM workflow include: •

• •

the right people are able to access the

information is able to be used or


20-30%higher productivity in the

The people issue is often considered a

construction phase and reduce

major hurdle; leadership is crucial to drive

overall project delivery time during the

and manage the culture change in the


design phase as well as the construction

organisation and a series of discussions

visualisation and analysis, the computational


might be needed to remove anxiety about

load is also increased. This, for some

Reduction of Requests for Information

change e.g. lack of technical skills.

companies, will mean upgrading of hardware

(RFI) and Change Orders (CO) by a

Change is also needed in business process:

to take full advantage of the advanced

factor of ten or more

BIM is not just a replacement for CAD and

capabilities of the BIM solutions. Another

Reduced response time from designers

must be underpinned by a clear strategy. The

solution is to off-load computationally

and architect to owner’s questions

collaborative working needed is a far cry

intensive processes processes onto cloud

Higher engagement and buy-in of all

from the historical structure of the industry,

based platforms, such as offered under




Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |




Autodesk’s 360 Cloud services.

model complexity, etc).

Implementation Strategy for BIM

than way before the implementation starts, to ensure the skills are not lost due to lack

A very important first step is to take stock

The Right Stuff

of exactly how the firm is functioning with

Change as radical as adopting BIM must

regards to BIM adoption. The three levels of

be driven from the top, for it to pervade

Training can start early by leveraging many

BIM adoption are very handy in deciding

an organisation. For this reason, top

free tools and services available such as

where a firm is on the BIM adoption scale.

management must buy into BIM and set the

Autodesk 360, Project Vasari and FormIt,

A formal implementation strategy is an

firm’s BIM vision. Since the partners who

which allow users to get a feel for the

essential component of any successful

make the decisions, do not necessarily need


BIM deployment and must go well beyond

detailed understanding of the technology


a simple training & rollout schedule. It

used, they should be supported advisers

need to learn to work transparently and

should address head-on the workflow and

who fully understand the technologies and

collaboratively as they contribute to the

organizational changes inherent to BIM.

can summarise them in a relevant way.

shared model, especially as your BIM

The implementation strategy also needs

Because BIM represents a new approach to

to address how the new solution will

building design – not just the implementation

Bread & Butter Projects Starting Out

initially co- exist with existing 2D drafting

of new supporting technology - firms

Select the right project to start with;

or 3D modelling applications. Wholesale

should pay close attention to the makeup

something your firm already knows how



of the transition team. The team should be

to do, so there’s only a single dimension of

applications is impractical and often ill

comprised of agile, progressive individuals


advised, but as the implementation expands,

who understand the big picture and will act

the strategy may also include plans for the

as evangelists for BIM.

of application.





process matures.




phased retirement of legacy systems if applicable.

If possible, select a project type with known metrics, so you can accurately gauge the

Your team needs to come from the entire

benefits of the new solution. Some of

organization - reflecting the underlying

the most important benefits of BIM are

Firms should look at how the building

process changes that come with BIM. And

difficult to quantify: more time for up-front



your user community should extend beyond

design, clearer presentation of the design

by related applications such as energy

your core group of CAD operators. In fact,

to the client, etc. But some benefits, such

analysis, cost estimating, and specifications.

don’t put your best CAD operators on a

as increased documentation productivity,

Specifically, look at the work you need to

solution like Revit Architecture—put your

are more immediate and relatively easy

accomplish today, and match that to the

best building designers and architects on it!

to measure. Gathering these statistics can




tools you put in place today. For firms that handle very large projects,




The project team will need to know how the

include guidelines for creating and working

tools work to create and use a BIM. Training

with large models (additional hardware

will probably be needed. It is important that


the training be offered just-in-time rather







Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

substantiate the promised ROI of the system and help garner support amongst the “showme” members of the firm.


Learn. Connect. Explore. Thursday, 23 October 2014 InterContinental Nairobi | City-Hall way, Nairobi (CBD)

Early Registration for Autodesk University Extension ends 22 October 2014! Register TODAY and get your early registration discount for the Autodesk University Extension (AUxKe) event, presented by Autodesk. Join us and improve your businesses with new innovative techniques and approaches designed for Autodesk products. Enjoy access to industry leaders as they discuss techniques for managers and executives to realise their specific business goals.

Meet the Keynote speaker Lynn Allen, worldwide Autodesk Technical Evangelist

Experience global AU training classes and keynotes, improve your job skills, resolve questions, and connect with industry experts and fellow design professionals in a local setting. Date: Thursday 23rd October 2014 Time: 07h30-17h00, with post-event cocktail function Venue: Intercontinental Hotel, City-Hall way, Nairobi (CBD)

Highlights of this year's event include • • •

Keynote speech by Lynn Allan, worldwide Autodesk Technical Evangelist Industry-specific classes by Autodesk Africa & International representatives, including Q&A Sessions Industry trends and project successes

Seats Are Limited Register Now!

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Please note: Travel expenses are not included in the cost of this event and will be for your own account.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



Construction of Safe & Secure Buildings


ou probably think that having a

the likelihood of getting hit is greatly

There is currently a possibility of a CCTV

CCTV system that is up to scratch


camera to pick up a left or removed item,

and an army of security guards

The most common installation used to

vehicle monitoring, loitering, people

with scanners sorts out the security for

perform the detection role is the CCTV

counting and intrusion detection if the

a building. Architects and designers are

system combined with human monitoring.

analytics and preset conditions have been

taking steps to ensure that the buildings

In itself, it is however a very basic form of

set up for such. Systems may also have

they come up with are secure, especially

detection and can be affected by many

capabilities to identify people as cameras

with the recent upsurge in terror threats in

factors including the physical status of

can pick up faces and match them with

Kenya. But you could be ignoring the very

the person monitoring, their attentiveness

existing databases. Such may be used to

basic principles of security that you have

and competence. It is therefore, more

prevent specific people from accessing

direct input in, which is physical security

often than not, used after an incident has

a building automatically, or even track

in and around a building.

happened, to review the evidence.

down and arrest wanted criminals. A lot

George Mbuvi, the Managing Director

“CCTV was mainly used as an audit tool

of Synthesys Systems Ltd, advises on

to recreate what happened after the fact.

the approach that needs to be taken to

But that was not good enough. You need

Safe and secure facilities do not just

completely secure a building. He notes

to prevent an event from happening at

happen. They are developed through

that a proper system needs to deter,

the time it is. More advanced systems

an all inclusive and integrated process

detect and to elicit a reaction in case of a

are therefore coming into place that gets

that identifies and embraces the goals of

planned or actual breach.

the system to react when the event is

the project including those of security

happening,” asserts Mbuvi.

and safety, functionality, aesthetics and

more intelligence is being used in security

The deterring role is the most important

systems to increase efficiency.

sustainability among others.

as it prevents an incident from happening

Newer systems may employ automated

all together. This role of a security system

intelligence. The most common is the use

Proper design of a safe and secure

is usually made possible through physical

of sensors that pick up movements and

building will have to anticipate and then

elements such as perimeter protection

heat changes which are more useful when

protect the building occupant, resources

through use of electric fences, boundary

there are no people in the spaces where

and structure from multiple hazards.

walls, photo beam sensors etc. These

they are installed. These sensors would

elements are geared towards deterring

then focus the CCTV camera to where the

“The first step would be to understand the

and a lot of them are very visual.

change has been picked and also trigger

various risks. An assessment is then done

an alarm.

to identify the assets or resources to be

“A lot of crime is based on a cost benefit

protected and also highlight the possible

analysis by the criminals. When the risk

With the advent of terrorism and increase

threats and the consequences of the

is much higher in a facility, the criminals

in threats of terror, analytics is also

occurrence of the risk”, notes Mbuvi. He

would always want to hit a much softer

coming into play. Security systems are fed

adds, “Based on this, the building team

target,” says Mbuvi. With highly visible

with intelligence so that they are able to

would select the appropriate safety and

and more pronounced deterrent elements,

pick up certain preset conditions.

security measures to implement.”


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

SECURITY Such measures would depend on security

surveyors, engineers, planners, project

more insecure. Such inherent conflicts

requirements, acceptable level of risk,



therefore challenge the project team to

the cost effectiveness of the proposed

stakeholders should work together to

find creative solutions for the issues at

strategies and the impacts that these

come up with creative solutions that fulfill


measures will have on the aesthetics,

all the goals of a project and also be cost

The emerging challenges in security and


effective for the owner.

changes in tact by criminals means that

Late incorporation of some elements of the

architects and designers by themselves

building also means that such elements

are unable to tackle all security issues in a

Until only recently, security experts were

operate individually. This is not ideal.

project as it has been traditionally. There

only called in to perform their tasks once

Most effective results can be obtained by

has however been a growing number of

a building is already up and ready for use.

designing various building systems and

security consultants locally who come in

This would present a lot of challenges

components as interdependent parts of

handy to advise in such circumstances.

as they were required to work through

the entire structure.









difficult space provisions and conditions

It is also important to ensure objectivity

as they fulfilled their mandate. A lot of

Integration of safety and security often

in the role of the security consultants as

conflict would arise, especially with

times requires compromise and tradeoffs.

most of them are suppliers and installers

designers as such implements impacted

For example, having large glass openings

of the systems they design. Unnecessary

on the aesthetics of the building.

in a house can be desirable as it increases

provisions and installations should be

This has changed especially in projects

day lighting into the spaces. This is

avoided as these systems may also result



however incompatible with the need to

in unreasonable budgetary increases.

should however be done. Project teams

reduce ‘weak’ surfaces that can be easily


penetrable and hence making the house



significance. architects,


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



Integrating Your Security Systems for Better Performance By George Mbuvi voice evacuation component plus much

machine or a transaction at a point of sale


and much more.

There are several things that organizations

It is also best if security systems have

could do to improve the quality of security

the ability to accommodate additional

and safety management systems installed

requirements. Most such new requirements

in their premises. This will not only result

can be custom built using the same

into better use of finances allocated to

platform through a Software Development

such projects but will also go a long way

Kit. This is also very important when

in improving performance of such system

making enhancements to the deployed

and thus effectively manage the current day

system. Be it the common requirement

security challenges.

of time & attendance requirement or any other unique system application.

As a basic, the core Security Management System should be able to manage the

Recently one of our clients required access

different components of security and safety

to the university library to be regulated

wo decades ago, Security Systems

using a single interface. What this means

to bona fide users using biometrics. The

were basic, analogue and mainly

is that the video surveillance, the access

criteria for a bona fide user were a student


standalones. Separate systems were

control and the intrusion detection should

who has paid school fees and one that

installed for each application; an intrusion

work together. It is also very critical to

does not have an overdue book from the

detection system, an access control system

ensure the security management system

library. The students were in excess of

and a few low resolution monochrome

can communicate with the ‘Life-safety

15,000 and as such we made a decision

cameras that would occasionally have a

system’ such as the fire detection and

to use hand geometry. This is because of

time-lapse tape recorder that passed off

evacuation systems. When this integration

the high resilience of the hand readers and

for a CCTV system. The most appalling

is seamless, the loss of lives in case of an

we also based this decision on the number

aspect of these systems is that there was no

emergency such as a fire or a burglary

of students we needed to enrol into the

communication between the systems.

occurs is minimized.

system. Using turnstiles, we ensured that for each authentication only one person


As system integrators, when we integrate

was granted access to the library. We

risks to be mitigated are multiple and the

your security systems our objective is to

integrated the various systems, made light

technology available in use is extensive and

make it work as one. For example the access

work of the project and now we have a

diverse. The main focus today is ‘seamless

card also used as a staff identification card

delighted customer. By integrating security

integration’ with multiple systems built

is used to arm the intrusion system using

systems, organizations stand to benefit

from a single platform. What this means is

a procedure such as badge twice at exit

from high performance not easily achieved

that access control and intrusion detection

reader to arm. The smart video system can

with stand alone systems.

could be on a single panel with the software

also associate video footage to an alarm

component also having an element of

condition such as an attempted illegal

George is a director at Synthesys Systems and

video management. Also a fire detection

entry to a door or a unique event such as

can be reached

system could have a

withdrawal at ATM

Today we live in different times.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


Telephone: +254 708 98 5656 | Email:

More Possibilities in Design of Safe and Secure Spaces

Reduced need for burglar bars & other physical security measures

Fog Cannon

Effect of the fog after few seconds

The industry now has a cost effective way of delivering secure living spaces to the market while worrying less about security Current solutions in securing premises have been in the market for a long time and are becoming ineffective. Security Fog is a total crime prevention solution that is 100% safe to use and leaves no residue. In just a few seconds you can generate an impenetrable cloud of 100% safe fog which prevents criminals accessing your home or premises. The technology is new in Kenya but globally proven to be highly effective at preventing burglaries and robberies.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



We don’t have to build fortresses to stay secure K

enya is facing an increasing amount of

By Adam Miller



That innovation is security fog.


become bolder, more adventurous,

This was conceived initially as a protective

and worry less about their victims well

device for banks and cash in transit in

being and life. A lot of robberies now

European markets. In principle, it works

end up in fatalities when victims get shot,

the same way as the theatrical fog and

injured and even killed.

possibly that’s where the idea of its use came from.

For many years, we have had electric fences,





Fog security is packaged in a relatively

nothing much else. Systems like CCTV

small unit, measuring about a cubic

would normally tell you what happened

foot and weighing between 11kgs to

after an event and is rarely used in a

15kgs depending on the manufacturer.

preventative way.

Internally, it consists of two components, the fog canisters and a heating element.

In security, a lot of investment is made in deterring access by criminals into

The canisters have a mixture of water

a secured area. This is done through

and glycol which, when activated, passes

fortifying the space using electric fencing,

through the heating element and causes

burglar proofing, intruder alarm systems

an expansion many thousands of times in

that scare away criminals and having tight

volume. This then pushes the fog at very

human security presence. The idea here is

high velocity out into the target zone.

to delay or prevent access by criminals. The system has a detection unit which is However, when this fails, the only

linked to an intruder alarm system or a

remaining aspect that may come in

remote controlled or fixed panic button

handy is that of response from the police

system which is used to activate it.

or security personnel. In our Kenyan scenario, very few lucky individuals have

When the fog is deployed, within seconds

the luxury of a timely response to raised

it creates an impenetrable cloud that

alarms. And in this case still, the response

makes it impossible to see. This frightens

would take anything between ten to thirty

and disorients the intruder, forcing them

minutes. In most cases, it takes several

to leave the target area, and gives time


for organized response as the fog lasts between 30 minutes to an hour on internal

There is therefore space in the market for

environment depending on the amount of

an innovation that can prevent a successful

fog deployed and the level of ventilation

robbery from taking place. There is such

in the space.

an innovation which is cost effective, and


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

that does not involve turning your home

In instances where ventilation maybe

into a fortress.

a challenge, an extraction unit maybe

SECURITY installed to help clear out the fog once the

unit, like a two storeyed house, it can be

threat has been neutralized.

located at the top of the staircase facing downwards. This would direct all the fog

The security fog is safe for humans. Its

to the lower floor.

key elements, water and glycol, are

Multiple units are sometimes necessary

completely harmless to human skin and


even when breathed in. The fog also

being protected. The units could be

dissipates leaving no residue. It’s therefore

programmed to work in different ways to

safe for property including electronics,

reflect the nature of the space that they

furniture and even clothing.

are protecting.

The only known risk of using fog is

The uptake of the fog security units in

the health and safety risk of injury of

Kenya is very positive, especially noting

people within the spaces where fog has

the reasonable cost of the unit and the

been deployed due to tripping resulting

security value it adds to a building. The

from lack of visibility. This is however a

unit costs between Kshs 140,000 and

management issue that is mostly resolved

Kshs 250,000 depending on the size

through training of the users of this system

which is determined by the space to be

on what to do in case of a deployment.

protected. The smaller unit would be ideal






for residential use or a small commercial What fog offers is an opportunity for

space whereas the larger unit could be

architects and designers to provide safe

used in large spaces and warehouses.

and secure environments for their clients, whether it is a home or business premise,

There are a number of installations in

without turning the space into a fortress.

Kenya, most of them residential. There have been no recorded case of fog

Some of the fog units, depending on

preventing robberies locally just yet, but

where they are manufactured, could be

globally the technology is well proven

aesthetically attractive. The machines

and can reduce the success rate of

could also be produced in any colour that

robberies by 97% . However, fog security

could easily fit within the scheme of the

is a very effective tool. If the fog deploys

space it is installed.

correctly, there is no evidence in the world where fog has been defeated in

When considered early in the designs, the

preventing a robbery or burglary. There

fog units could be concealed behind grills

is no other security measure that can

or even fully hidden behind a wall with a

prevent a successful robbery in the way

small opening that allows for deployment

that fog can.

of the fog to the target space. The other value that fog will have, when For the unit to function well, positioning

it becomes known within the criminal

is critical. The standard is to locate the

fraternity, it will become a deterrent as

fog device in a way that it does not trap

criminals will not target premises and

a criminal, but instead, pushes them

facilities defended by fog.

back out of the building from where they accessed.

The author is a security consultant with Carpe Diem and an expert in Fog Security

In a retail setting, it would mean placing


the unit around where cashiers are located facing the main access door. That way, it pushes the intruders out through the door they accessed from. In a residential

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



Securex embarks on technology for residential and commercial security







expansive a building is, without proper

Rwanda and now Tanzania,” explained

Equipment, provide an intelligent system,

Mr. Sahni.


security it remains vulnerable. In the





security risks the premises can be exposed

contemporary Kenya, security remains

According to Mr. Sahni, these technology

to and can be of great assistance during

an essential need and in turn security

driven security systems are tailor-made to

emergencies,” he added.

agencies have had to up their game in

meet the need of every customer. “Security

Securex has partnered with some of

providing more concrete and practical

business is not similar to retail business;

the most renowned suppliers in the

security solutions.

before installation of any security system

world, such as Honeywell, Garret and

For the past 43 years, Securex Agencies

we always ensure that a vulnerability

Astrophysics to provide authentic and

Limited has witnessed various transitions

security assessment has been conducted

quality products to the East African region.

in provision of security solutions and has

to the particular premise and a report

adopted accordingly. According to the

generated on the same. The report is then

Securex Group Managing Director Mr.

presented to the client with a solution to

Tony Sahni, years back a security guard

curb any risks identified,” he explained.

at the entrance of any premise played the


sole role of protecting the entire premise.

applicable for all categories including





residential, small to medium enterprises, This has since changed over the years

and huge commercial premises. For

leaving citizens with no option but to

big commercial premises Securex has

opt for technological security solutions in

secured a number of buildings in Nairobi

addition to the security guard.


“It is for this reason that we unequivocally

specialist security solutions such as the

decided to offer our clientele with


technology driven security systems to

X-Ray Baggage Scanners and Explosive

curb the ever increasing insecurities in









the country. This has positioned us as the leading security company in provision of

“These simple technological solutions

technology driven security solutions in

such as the Intruder alarm, Automated

East Africa with offices in Kenya, Uganda,

Access Control and Fire Detection


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

Securex Group MD, Mr. Tony Sahni

Specialist Security

Baggage & Cargo Scanners Explosive Detectors

Smoke Cloak Turnstile, Bollards & Barriers Under Vehicle Surveillance System

Email: Call: +254 711 069999

Technology-driven security solutions @securexea •

K E N YA • U G A N D A • R WA N D A • TA N Z A N I A Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


Jim Archer 26

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


Empowerment for the future from the past Environmental Conservation with Jim Archer Education


orn in 1937, James Howard Archer,

a big part of the person he is. Jim attended

better known as Jim Archer grew

Nairobi Primary School for his early

up in Nairobi in his parent’s home

education and the Prince of Wales for his

in Lower Kabete. He was born in the room

secondary education. He then went to the

he now works in at PLANNING House!

UK to the Oxford School of Architecture.

And this is one of the many places where

He graduated with First Class Honors in

he does creative thinking; this room and


the office and the beautiful garden forms


The Lonrho house

im started accompanying his architect father on construction site visits at the age of 5. At that time the architecture industry in Kenya was basic with the Kenya-Uganda railway line and a few government buildings and dukas at the town centre. Uganda Railways and Harbours was the major developer in the country. Jim’s father, the late Howard Archer worked on several projects which still remain timeless edifices of architecture in Nairobi. To mention a few; the City Hall, the National Archives, the High Court, All Saints Cathedral and the Railway Headquarters.Jim’s formative years as a child were characterized by lengthy periods beside his father supervising projects on construction sites. By the age of 10 Jim had acquired a basic knowledge of building technology. By then, he knew he wanted to be an architect. Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


Citi bank

“My best project is not a building but the team we have built at PLANNING over the years. Our staff members are my pride and my best project.”


is final portfolio and thesis was selected by the RIBA as one of five UK students’ work to

represent British schools of architecture for the Commonwealth Tour of 1961. His design was a proposal for the Supreme Courts of East Africa, to be sited in Mombasa. It was a simple interpretation of ethnic building technologies and set, without compromise, in an entirely modern context. The design was a bold attempt to establish a modern African design language and was inspired by the ruins at Kilwa and the historic buildings at Konga, Tiwi, and Fort Jesus in Mombasa all of which Jim admired. The design managed to “escape” from the “Cubic Concrete” architecture of the time and had no glass at all – three things that made the design stand out from typical student architecture, or any architecture, at that time.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

Professional Background His early career experience, the success and disaster in Uganda, and a fresh start After





joined Norman & Dawbarn Architects in London, where he was to work on projects in theWest Indies, Tanzania and Wolverhampton, as an assistant architect. Though a financially fulfilling opportunity, Jim felt limited as a designer in exploring his creativity. He remembers his first project in Wolverhampton was to move a massive and very heavy steel hammer mill through a cramped and busy Victorian factory which was working 24 hour shifts 365 days a year, a task that had nothing to do with his newly gained skills as an architect. However, such humbling experiences were useful because they helped him gain valuable hands-on

FEATURED ARCHITECT confidence. His first architectural task

successfully chaired the Committee that

for the firm in Wolverhampton involved

revised the Kampala City Planning and



Building Regulations. With a growing

amazingly primitive Victorian factories.

practice and his signature on several

Also the detailing and construction

large projects in the country, Jim was a

supervision of five identical schools in the

successful young architect in Uganda.

Midlands of England.

Little did he know that all his efforts

At the end of 1961, Jim returned to Nairobi

would crash when Idi Amin overthrew

to take up a position as a project architect

the government of Milton Obote in 1970,

in his father’s practice – Cobb, Archer and

resulting in the mass exit of foreigners

Scammell. He designed and supervised










the vibrant and stable economy of the

Corporation headquarters on the then

country. Jim secured all his employees

Government Road (now Moi Avenue). He

new jobs outside Uganda before he left

also designed the UK funded Veterinary

which he did within 20 minutes’ notice

Preclinical School for the University of

on what proved to be the last scheduled

Nairobi on Chiromo Campus and the US

flight out of Uganda for 1½ years.

funded Teacher Training College in Afgoi,

On his return to the UK, Jim was fortunate


to get a partnership in a commercially

Shortly after independence, investment


confidence was low in Kenya so contract

Manchester - Watkins Gray Woodgate

opportunities were few.Jim moved to

International. The money was good but

Kampala to manage the firm’s office in

there was no design stimulus no “design

Uganda. There over time, he designed

motivated get up and go”.








and Town

After deep soul searching in the U.K.,

Council offices, the National Insurance

Jim and his family returned to Kenya in


1975 to join the University of Nairobi





as a Senior Lecturer, Department of

Trevor Andrews joined Jim in Kampala as a

Architecture. Later he was selected and

senior assistant, and years later in Nairobi

appointed Chairman of the Board of

Trevor became his co-founder of Planning

Professional Practice Examiners. With the

Systems Services Ltd.

approval and encouragement of the Vice

In Kampala, Jim

KCB - Headquarters Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


FEATURED ARCHITECT Chancellor of the University, Jim set up

championing conservation programs to

holds in very high regard a number of

a small architectural private practice that

protect and improve natural resources. He

people who deeply influenced him and

he would work at in the evenings and at

is the inventor of the international award

his practice. Needless to say, his father,

weekends. During University holidays, he

winning Community cooker, a waste-

the late Howard Archer – he is the reason

would employ architectural students to

burning stove designed to transform waste

why Jim is an architect today, shaping his

enable them to gain hands on experience.

into safe, clean and cheap energy for

thinking at an early age and exposing

Gradually Jim’s private practice grew and

cooking and heating water. It has been in

him to architectural works. Others who

handling the two jobs was becoming a

use in one of Africa’s largest slums - Kibera,

have inspired Jim include; Architects Le

challenge so Jim formed the partnership

in Nairobi, Kawangware and Naivasha.

Corbusier, Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe,

with Trevor Andrews establishing Planning

Jim hopes to build hundreds hopefully

Dennis Lasdun, Norman Foster, James

Systems Services in 1978. Their first office

thousands of these stoves especially in

Sterling, Richard Rogers, Renzo Piano,

was on the open balcony of a car repair

impoverished areas where the traditional

Colin Stansfield Smith, I.M. Pei, and the

workshop in the Industrial area, Nairobi.

fuels - wood and charcoal and kerosene

Engineers Happold and Peter Rice, also

Their first big break was in 1979, when


the economist Mark Bostock.

they won the competition for the design

unaffordable and increasingly not readily

Having overcome the many challenges

of Lake View Residential Estate in Lower

available. He says, “Now I get up in the

he has experienced in his personal and

Kabete, Nairobi.

morning for the Community Cooker

professional life, Jim now highlights


corruption as one of the major problems










PLANNING as it is often called is today




encountered today. He has turned down

in Africa

Jim has another conservation project

seemingly dubious job opportunities that

delivering architecture, land use and

known as Intervention. He conceived this

might compromise PLANNING’s integrity.



idea in the early 1990 and he first put it

signature projects, international awards

on paper in 2003. The project is about

and commendations for architectural


excellence, the firm strives to continue to

of the Nairobi River and Ngong River;

Jim feels that student architects in this

deliver quality projects on budget and on

converting them from open sewers and

age are not set nearly enough design


dumping sites to clean water ways with

and construction challenges to be solved



quickly and hence their capacity to solve

This involves cleaning up both rivers and

problems rapidly is often lacking. Like

converting them both into a continuous

a good teacher, he appreciates what his

PLANNING is the architectural practice

series of water gardens and wetlands.

students are doing in the industry today,

behind some of the most notable buildings

Properties on the river bank will then

though, he feels that there is much much

in Nairobi. These include; the I & M

become desirable and can then be

more that could be done. He reminds

Bank Tower on Kenyatta Avenue, Lonrho

redeveloped into promenades to house

students and young professionals that

House, Hilton Hotel fire escape ( a major

small scale kiosk owners. Jim explains that

the world of design is without limit in its

technical challenge), Windsor Golf and

his choice for Nairobi and Ngong Rivers

exploration and exploitation and so, “you

Country Club,Fedha Tower, Rahimtulla

was inspired by their localized catchment

have to live every moment of what you

Trust Tower , KCB Headquarters and Citi

areas. Nairobi River originates from just

draw and you have to believe in what you

Bank, Braeburn schools, both Starehe

beyond Dagoretti while the Ngong River

draw, which means you have to be able

Boys and Girls schools and the Agakhan

hails from the lower slopes of the Ngong

to back it up with hard fact – now, that is

Academy in Mombasa, among others.

Hills, and therefore to clean up the upper


However, Jim takes no credit for these

regions of both rivers is relatively easy.

His other two cents is in regard to creativity.








accomplishments, he rather commends

Design Advice

According to Jim, creative ability helped

his staff for his success. In his own words,





by the pencil is simply priceless. For the

“My best project is not a building but the


team we have built at PLANNING over



last 54 years in his architectural practice,

what is it that keeps Jim energetic and

Jim has created using pencil. His design

the years. Our staff members are my pride

inspired? The natural world – tangible,

advice to young architects is; Throw away

and my best project.”

visible, naturally occurring things hold a

your computer.Pick up a 3B pencil and as


dear place in his heart. His major aid to

you draw, THINK, as you draw CREATE.

In addition to being an architect, Jim

inspiration in his architectural thinking is

Always look at the details and ask yourself:

is also an environmental enthusiast,

his 3B and 6B pencils. Besides, Jim also

Is this buildable? Those young architects


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

FEATURED ARCHITECT who have sat under his mentorship and have embraced this concept have not looked back in regret. Jim also thinks that a major flaw with architects (himself included) is failure to listen. He says most architects don’t listen enough. He tells us that he has learnt, from his professional life and especially from his time teaching at Nairobi University to

The present appearance of Nairobi dam

The Nairobi dam as it would appear

be a good listener. Jim will never ever forget listening as a student to a lecture by Dennis Lasdun when Lasdun said “An architect’s job is of course to always give your client what they want but it is also to strive to give them what they never dreamt they could have.” something Jim has remembered and tried to do for the rest of his professional life.

A model of the Nairobi river_kipande road zone_1

A model of the Nairobi river_kipande road zone_2

Family and Future Plans Jim is also a family man, a proud grand father of three, a father of four and a husband. His wife, Dr. Linda Archer, is the Director of Projects at an International non-profit




Besides his conservation programs, the Community Cooker and the Intervention project, Jim is focused on the succession plan





Limited. Over the next few years, he and Trevor Andrews are determined to successfully hand Planning Systems Services




Management and Planning for Energy and the Environment over to the new generation of PLANNING’s Architects, Project Managers and Environmentalists. “They are competent, rational and ready” Jim says.

A model of the community cooker Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



Good Tidings N

Crown Paints posts 29 per cent rise in first-half pre-tax profit

airobi, August 26th 2014 NSE

60 percent of our products portfolio. The



category has seen our sales cross the half-

Crown Paints Kenya Limited has

a-billion shillings per month mark for the


registered a 29 percent growth in pretax

first time,” said Rao.

profit for the first half of the year. The pretax

This year alone, the company opened three

profit grew from Sh120.6million in 2013

showrooms in Nairobi, Mombasa and

to Sh156.2million in the same period this

Nakuru, signed an adhesive distributorship


deal with India’s Pidilite Industries and

The group revenues also rose to Sh2.8

commissioned a Sh300million satellite

billion in the period ended 30th June 2014

factory in Kisumu.

compared to Sh2.4 billion that was posted in the same period in 2013.

“We have a positive outlook for the final

Crown Paints attributes the growth to a

half of the year given the current state of the

number of innovative products launches

construction industry,” said Rao.

it has done within the period as well as

According to Kenya Economic Survey

the increased activity in the construction

report 2014, the building and construction


sector expanded by 5.5 per cent in 2013

Announcing the half year results the Group

compared to 4.8 per cent in 2012.

CEO Mr Rakesh Rao said the firm has seen a

The significant rise in construction activity

spike in sales in the six months particularly

was linked to a decline in interest rates

in its premium category as it increasingly

spurring investment in the sector as well as

targets the lifestyle conscious consumer -in

the devolution leading to increase investor

the booming real estate market.


“Our premium market now accounts for


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |





By Martin Gittins







Some clients don’t want to be clients.

any firm, bringing with them

They’re looking for a supplier not because

problems to be solved in return

they want to, but because they feel they

for cash. So when one comes along with

have to. The Reluctant Client is a client

an exciting project it’s easy to get excited

in denial.

about the design possibilities without

Be very wary of potential clients who

thinking clearly about for whom you will

don’t seem to want your guidance, who

be working.

just want someone to build something.

Spotting a bad client early on is key to


keeping both your sanity and a sustainable

communicate with, slow to respond,

business. But how do you know what they

disengaged, and unresponsive to your

will be like as a client even before you


start working with them? First, do your research. Find out what





2. The False Client or ‘Hoopbringer’

other suppliers they have used and contact them to get their feedback. If they are looking to use you as a replacement for an incumbent supplier, it’s a good idea to find out why. This can avoid nasty surprises down the line. Then, trust your instincts. A client who is difficult or frustrating to deal with during

Is there actually a job to win? Often clients

the initial discussions and pre-contract

get ahead of themselves in trying to find

phase is not suddenly going to turn into

suppliers before the job exists. Tread very

the perfect client once you start working

carefully when approached by someone

with them.

— usually in a junior role — at a company

Most of the times you only discover a

who is looking for a huge amount of

problem client once you have started

guidance up front. You will often find

work with them, in which case you need

that there isn’t actually a job there, and

to either fix the client-supplier relationship

you’re just an unpaid consultant. Often,

or fire them.

they are using your time to try and further

Here are some examples of problem

their own career. They might consider

clients, if you encounter them (and you

themselves as ‘rainmakers’, able to make

will) run for the hills.

big things happen for you, but they are

1. The Reluctant Client

‘hoopbringers’, hoops that they will expect you to keep jumping through. Identifying timescales and budgets will help you determine if there is an actual project. Suggesting a period of paid initial consultation is a good step to finding out how serious they are. Also, find out who has sign-off on invoices, to see just how


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

OPINION genuine this opportunity is.

3. The Hidden Client

their design vision properly. Of course, some clients are very creative in their own fields, but whilst you might speak a similar design language, the creative client is often not good at leaving you to do your thing and trusting your particular skillset. People in creative professions are used to leading design work, and can find it hard to let go.

A variant of the false client is the Hidden

5. The Broke Client

Client. The person whom you regard as the client is actually a puppet, and might have no power within the organization, or is acting as a middleman with the real client hidden behind the scenes. Identify the real client. When a client is a middleman between you and the real client, they are likely to do anything to

Making sure you get paid is the most

ensure you have no direct contact with

important part of the design process. But

the real client. And often you’ll end up

even with the best will in the world, often

with effectively two clients on the same

clients will try and change the deal in

job, getting feedback and revisions from

terms of payment, both in terms of when

the puppet client before the work is even

and how much.

shown to the real client.

It’s worth checking that the client actually

Ensure you meet the real decision makers

has the ability to pay you. Beware of

early. There is nothing worse than working

clients who say “you’ll get paid when

closely with someone, and then finding

I get paid” – it means that you’re taking

their boss coming in and overriding all the

all the risk on the project. If a client says

decisions you’ve made together.

they will be getting the money soon, then

4. The Helicopter Client

you should reply that you’ll be ready to start work when the funds are in place. Remember, if the budget is not in place, they are a False Client.

6. The ‘Weasel’

A client who wants to hover around and oversee your every move is a helicopter client. They are either so precious about their project, or so doubtful of your

Sometimes clients can afford to pay you,

abilities, that they feel the need to hover

but won’t. It’s a power trip that some

over you all the time. A twist on the

clients cannot leave alone, believing it to

helicopter client is one that wants to do

be an essential part of ‘doing business’. For

all the design work themselves. Not only

some reason, some clients feel the need to

does this completely marginalize your

teach designers some tough lessons.

skills as a designer, but when the results

If the client starts trying to change the

are inevitably terrible, they will regard it

payment terms, a big alarm should go off.

as your fault for not being able to translate

This is when you’ll be glad you have a full

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |


OPINION written agreement of what you will get

They will add you as a friend on Facebook


paid and for what work, or better still, a

and send you funny links by e-mail.

Remember, being a design professional

formal contract. Also make sure you retain

This client is likely to use emotional

is not about trying to be friends with

all the intellectual property in your work

manipulation to get you to do more work,

everybody, but by being clear and upfront

until you have received full payment — in

accept lower payments, and be their

with clients you can ensure that in your

many countries this principle is enshrined

support network. Remember, you are

dealings with them there can be no

in law.

not in business to make friends; strong

emotional manipulation.

relationships with clients are built on

Clients that are responsive, engaged, and

mutual respect, over a long period of

(most important of all) pay on time, are to

working together. Sure, go out for a drink

be treasured. If you have them, hold on

if you’d like to, but don’t let it get in the

to them, cherish them, and don’t forget to

way of business.

tell them once in a while how much you

7. The ‘Entrepreneur’

9. The Client from Hell

appreciate them. Martin is an interactive designer based in North Yorkshire. He still spends way too much time thinking about Constructivism, linear cities, and cycling.

A variant of the Broke Client is the client that can’t afford to pay you now, but will if the project is successful. Another big alarm should go off at this point. In this

There are infinite variations on the Client

situation you are effectively an unsecured

from Hell. Here are just a few:

investor in a venture, and are operating

entirely at risk.

Clients who constantly want to make changes on changes.

Ask yourself how much you believe in this

Clients who never respond.

venture, and also how much risk is the

Clients who go behind your

Entrepreneur putting in? Sometimes you might find out that everyone else is getting

back. •

paid, and you are the only one expected

Clients who impose impossible deadlines.

to work without pay.

Clients who miss deadlines.

If you do go down this route then choose

Clients who don’t want to pay

your projects carefully, and insist that you

for any work they don’t use.

earn some equity in return for your efforts

The trouble with the Client from Hell is

— big risk should result in big reward. Get

that they tend to disguise themselves well.

it in writing and signed. Depending on the

The only thing you can do is ensure you’re

amount of work involved you may want to

covered legally, and get out before it’s too

let a lawyer look it over.


8. The ‘Buddy’

Don’t be a bad supplier Finally, it’s worth looking at your own performance as a supplier. Are you doing everything you should keep the working relationship healthy? Try looking at things from the client’s perspective. If you were a client, how would you like your supplier to conduct themselves?

Sometimes a potential client might act like

It’s tempting to moan about your clients

your new best friend. They want to take

to friends, colleagues and acquaintances,

you to the pub, go for coffee, or just drop

but the person you moan to today might

by your studio because they were passing.

think twice about being your client


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

BUILDirectory is an online building products and services resource directory and is the first choice for architects, designers, contractors, and developers in selecting and comparing building products and services. With comprehensive building product and service information, BUILDirectory is like no other building product resource available today. Visit the address below to view the directory and submit a listing Get in touch with us for more information Call: +254 722 387110 E-mail:

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‘Safe Haven’ from the scorching sun’s heat

Suspended carport in shade net

Back supported carport in shade net

Sail shades in PVC

Canopy in shade net

With over 35 years of experience, in the provision of soft roof shelter solutions to a wide variety of sectors. We work closely with our suppliers around the world to ensure we get consistent quality supply of raw materials and update our processes and technology to accommodate improvements in working with technical fabrics. We fit into the value addition supply chain ensuring mutual benefit for all concerned. Our products can be found as far as Australia, the Caribbean, Canada and a majority of the African continent.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



The Green Movement

What is Green Construction?


ast African Canvas & Eco-Steel

What Do We Offer?

Africa offer a complete solution from our in-house design team, architects


and engineers. We work with the client


at all project stages providing a turn-


key solution. Our focus complements


the traditional building concern for the

Military Solutions

economy, utility, durability, and comfort.


Office Space

Energy Efficient

Staff Accommodation

Protecting Occupant Health

Double Story Structures

Reducing Waste, Pollution &

Ablution Blocks

Store Rooms

Environmental Degradation


With a history of building in eco


environments such as National Parks, we


have the experience of using materials

Private Housing

and methods that are environmentally responsible and efficient throughout the

Using a combination of Eco-Steel and


Canvas Architecture together with a wide variety of finishing materials we can

We have become leaders in the Eco-Lodge

work within your delivery deadlines and

Industry around the world and pioneered

budgetary requirements, supported by a

the first ever Eco-Steel structures clad

maintenance care package.

in Canvas for 5 Star Lodges in sensitive ecological areas


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



Vanity Space

Green Toilet in Mukuru, Changing a community from the toilet

Name: Green Toilet in Mukuru Slums

piped water systems reaching the schools.

Name of School: Maendeleo Learning

Water-Flush toilets are not used because of


lack of proper disposal infrastructure by the

Client & Sponsor: LIXIL Corporation Japan,

authority. The only option is the use of pit

Improved Sanitation in Schools Program

latrine, which when full; is vacuumed and

Design: Dick Olango, OSA Social Design

carelessly disposed in the nearby trench.


This creates high risk for contamination of

Design Period: Jan - Mar, 2014

water borne diseases.

Construction Period: April - June 2014 Appliances and Equipment: LIXIL toilet

About Mukuru Slum

From waste to resource LIXIL CORPORATION, a leading housing building and appliances manufacturer in


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

A Mukuru slum is located in the heart of

Japan commissioned green toilet project.

Nairobi County with a population of about

LIXIL did provide the technical expertise

500,000 people. Despite being in Nairobi

around the toilet. This toilet is based on

County, there is no proper drainage and

an old technology and new technology.


An illustration of the squat toilet

Site plan

maendeleo learning centre

A complete sanitation block. Designed as a squat toilet, it is a nonflushing, all natural allowing for separation of the excrements and use as fertilizers. With the use of removable containers the excrements are collected and changed upon getting full. The design has allowed for onsite storage and decomposing section for the excrements. The design also captures the following: •

The is 100% rain water collection

Natural ventilation and lighting

Plants that will form natural curtains and provide food

A shift in the preset mind set, almost a taboo to discuss about poop to open discussions regarding waste is being witnessed.

The Vanity Space The toilet provides well naturally ventilated and naturally lit space that allows the kids to spend most of their free time in the toilet powder space, especially for the girls. Girls normally do miss roughly 4 days per month

future roll out. There is awareness creation and job creation at the same time; this coming from the once almost taboo topic: toilet and poop. By Dick Olango JIA, Principal architectAOAD, Partner-OSA Social Design Group

because of the menstrual period, which account for a great loss in education to the children. Through education on sanitation, there is ripple effect where the kids educate their parents on the importance of regarding the waste as resource. Local communities taking charge of the maintenance of toilet, plants and being the pioneer trainers for

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |



Good Better Best GROHE shower systems offer 100 % enjoyment



pleasant and relaxing shower can

fluctuations in the pipes. No matter which

showering experience. The new DropStop

be a true moment of bliss, and

version you choose – all GROHE shower


even more so if the entire shower

systems mean pure water enjoyment. And

no cold water comes dripping from the

set-up is perfectly matched to the user’s

they can be retrofitted quickly and easily

showerhead after the shower has been

personal preferences. GROHE offers a

with no need to renovate the bathroom.

switched off - for undiminished showering

wide range of shower systems catering to

Upgrading a bathroom for maximum

pleasure from start to finish.

all needs and expectations. For all those

showering pleasure has never been easier.

who want to treat their body to an all-over




The ultimate showering luxury is afforded

indulgence, for those who want to upgrade

Good – Better – The Best: The perfect

by the “Go For The Best” range, which

their bathroom visually and functionally,

solution for any bathroom

comprises various types of high-quality

and for those who want to forego the difficult



GROHE Rainshower® systems. They not


The GROHE product range comprises

only feature the new GROHE PureRain

shower and hand shower because they

shower systems for every taste. Under

and DropStop technology but are also

simply want both. GROHE offers three

the motto of “Go For Good”, the shower

equipped with the GROHE CoolTouch®

categories of products with different

systems of the New Tempesta and Euphoria

technology, which prevents the surface

functions, components and designs. New

lines offer a unique water experience.

of the Grohtherm 3000 Cosmopolitan

features include GROHE PureRain spray

Tried-and-tested GROHE technologies

thermostat from overheating and thus

and DropStop for even greater well-being

ensure precise spray patterns, a brilliant

allows the chrome to be touched anywhere

and unspoilt showering pleasure.

shine and long-lasting quality. Attractively

without any risk whatsoever. High-quality

designed and offering excellent value

metal head showers measuring between

GROHE shower systems offer aesthetic

for money, they guarantee the ultimate

210 and 400 millimetres in diameter

all-in-one solutions for any bathroom.


and two attractive hand shower variants

They comprise design-coordinated head

make for a uniquely pampering shower

and hand showers in different sizes and

For those who want a bit more, the motto

experience. This range takes showering

with different spray patterns and functions.

is “Go For Better”. Euphoria XXL and

comfort, safety and style to new heights.

They come with a single-lever mixer for

Euphoria Cube XXL with extra-large head

precise temperature and flow control

showers made from stable metal pamper

Diverse, highly functional and attractive

or with a diverter for easy switching

the skin with an optimised Rain spray.

all-in-one solutions for today’s shower –

between hand and head shower or with a

Producing even larger and softer drops,

this is what the current range of GROHE

thermostat, which instantly compensates

the new GROHE PureRain technology

shower systems is all about.








Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |





Wettech Africa is a proudly African company specialising in all aspects of wastewater treatment and management

RECOVERING WATER | SUPPORTING LIFE Treatment of waste water not only ensures the availability of water but can also be important for our environment. Wettech Africa has several wastewater treatment plants that are today effectively supplementing the urban water needs. We have a team of qualified waste water treatment plant designers that works to make “Africa a GREENER place” We at Wettech Africa believe that the wastewater treatment has become a fundamental need for the today’s urban society. This is the reason why we endeavor to produce enhanced designs and use high-quality machines and equipment to offer a complete solution. Now we introduce a new product called Fusion Clarus Plant is a factory-built Moving Bed BioReactor (MBBR) sewage treatment plant. It follows the same treatment process as municipal activated sludge plants but in a smaller scale. Fusion clarus

Activated sludge plant Tailor designed

Concrete Plant under construction

We believe in treating each client differently WETTECH does not only sell a product, we offer a SOLUTION because each CLIENT is DIFFERENT and each SITUATION is UNIQUE. Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

Contact Shainaz Jamal : +254 722 513133 | 736 129966 | 772 513133 | E-mail:





Buildesign Magazine | Issue 005/2014 |

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