BUILDesign Magazine Issue 006

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Issue No. 001/2014 | Ksh.300 | Tsh.5600 | Ush.8600


Main Feature: Sustainable Design of Strathmore Business School Profile: Architect Steve Oundo Exhibition: CIBEX east Africa - 11th - 13th February 2014 Buildesign Magazine | January 2014



Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


Battling quacks in the profession

08 | MAIN FEATURE Green Technology - Retrofit for resilience: Strathmore Business School

14 | SPECIAL FEATURE Green Building Design Strategies in East Africa

18 | PROFILE Featured Architect - Steve Oundo

24 | WATER A smart way to all the water you need – Premier Water

28 | ADVERTORIALS GROHE SPA - Turning every bathroom into a feel-good space

30 | DID YOU KNOW? Interesting facts Petroleum Gas



Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


Editorial Editor: Martin Tairo Editorial Wendy Kinya Assistant: Marketing Felister Mugambi Executive: Layout Lawrence Odawa Design: Photography George Ogutu Advertising: Tel: (+254)722387110 (+254)720 650898 (+254)725 075993 Publisher: Architecture Kenya Media Ltd Suite 16, 5th floor, Vision Plaza P.O.Box. 60540, 00200, Nairobi Copyright:

Architecture Kenya Media Ltd

DISCLAIMER No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or stored on a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors that may appear or for any consequences of using the information contained herein.


appy New Year! The BUILDesign

environment sectors who are major players in

through some basic sustainable design strategies

magazine team is glad that you are still

CIBEX. The BUILDesign Magazine shall have a

and we have interrogated the Strathmore

following the features and stories in

stand at the exhibition and would be at hand to

Business School’s approach to sustainable

Kenya’s leading architectural review magazine.

assist those who shall attend. See you there.


We have come a long way and we have every

Towards the end of 2013, a story about an

Our featured architect is a familiar face in

one of you to thank.

‘architect’ hawking building plans in the streets

the profession, Architect Steven Oundo, who




of Nairobi hit the headlines. The reactions were

was AAK Chairman and who is currently the


varied from the public and professionals circles.

Chairman of NCA and APSEA.

Energy in Eastern and Central Africa, shall be

We have revisited this story in this issue of the

We do hope you enjoy the reading and welcome

held between 11th and 13th February 2013 at

magazine and bring to you the feelings and

you to contribute on topical issues and further

the Kenyatta International Conference Centre.

reactions of some members of the profession.

debate in the profession. Get in touch with us

This event, with over 170 exhibitors, is a must

On sustainable design, environmental design


attend for players in the architectural and built

specialist and architect, Kimeu Musau, takes us







Buildesign Magazine | January 2014



Battling Quacks in the Profession



he Standard Group had in December

place if other professionals in various fields

the article was not spared either and was

ran a story titled, ‘Fredrick Ochieng,

were accessible and affordable like him.”

accused of sheer ignorance and writing

Architect who hawks building plans

Another reader had this to say, “You are a

about a profession without doing proper

on the streets’.

patriotic and determined intellectual out


The story was received with mixed

to demystify technology and knowledge.

Professional bodies like BORAQS and AAK


Keep it up.” Many others left their contacts

were also blamed for laxity in dealing with

The layman viewed this man as a hero,

for the street ‘architect’ to reach them and

the issue of quacks who at the moment

congratulating him for his good work

render his services.

seem to be handling a substantial volume

in ensuring that this service reaches the

In professional social media circles for

of construction works within and outside

‘normal mwananchi’ on the streets of

architects, engineers and other consultants

the city.


in the built environment, it was a different

Here below we sample some of the

One reader noted, “A great man is one who

reaction. Some reacted with rage and


makes others great. Kenya would be a great

others with a lot of disgust. The writer of

Ngugi Mwito: It is an insult to all architects

and AAK collaboration is done. If it is to

think they can be architects.

to use the title ‘architect’ in connection with

minimize the pandemic, it needs to begin

Mwalyo Ndulu: AAK that ought to be in

this story.

with the decay in illegal building approvals

charge of building practitioners welfare

Eric Njunu: On whose behest is this

to streamlining the city planning and

should come out strong and voice their

‘architect’ plying his trade for? A wise

urban design visions. Then a Ministry led

concerns to the necessary authorities. This is

Architect recently to me that getting

distribution of Architects that would put

a clear manifestation that our architectural

projects is about lobbying, this is a clear

to shame the type of developments that

societies have lost moral authority of their

demonstration that the fight has been taken

appear in disadvantaged areas. If you fill up

existence and exposed the professional

to the gutter.

the cracks, less people will slip through to

lives of their members to ridicule. Our

Andrew Em: It’s a free market, willing buyer

create their own rules.

organization has not been sensitizing the

willing seller. Let clients get what they pay

Chad Chwiri: Doctors have The Hippocratic

public (including the journalist, the editor

for. Any professional worth the title should

Oath to fortify their profession from acts

and the media house) on who an architect

not be scared of quacks, especially when

of misdemeanor. Maybe it is time the

is and what role they play during building

relevant regulatory bodies have failed.

profession of Architecture had its equivalent

process. It will serve us good if we get

Stephen Munderu: Whoever wrote that

of the Oath. This is stooping too low, and

a balance sheet that indicates revenue,

article is naive. Ignorance is one of our

a person who can go to such heights is

expenditure and the list of resources

toughest battles. But let’s look closer into

definitely not fit to call himself/herself an




BORAQS and AAK for us to understand their

wrong? Are we protecting the image

Mwangi Mugo: I have seen guys putting up

limitations. We also need to take an active

(glamour) of the profession or its ethics? Are

advertisements selling plans. I have raised

role in appointment of the individuals in

we protecting the society? That Frederick is

this matter with BORAQS but nothing was

both organizations and may be review the

talking about some other architect (probably


mode of appointment of BORAQS executive

a registered one) making a case for perfect

Zainab Jalalkhan: We need our professional

members to a delegate conference.

defence! Anyway, I have a problem with the

bodies to protect us from quacks just as

Dennis Nganga: We need to deal with the

low fees.

doctors do. This profession must not be

quacks fast before a wholesale shop for

Michael Muriuki: There is not much to say

opened up to anyone who somehow learns

plans is opened along Biashara Street with

than a strong Nairobi County Government

how to use architectural software and they

retailers on Tom Mboya Street.


scenario. What’s


Join the discussions on our social media handles

Architecture Kenya





@Kenarchitect Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


CIBEX East Africa

CIBEX East Africa is the main Event for

largely be the
 result of investment by

industry. Availability of sufficient, reliable

Construction, Infrastucture, Building and

governments into housing, roads and civil

and affordable energy is crucial for the

Energy in Central- and Eastern Africa


functioning of the economies of the East



The construction industries in Kenya,

African region.

exhibitors. The Expo will take place in the

Uganda and Tanzania are primarily driven

As a service and productive sector, energy

Kenyatta International Conference Centre

by government initiatives to eliminate

plays a catalytic role in stimulating

(KICC), Nairobi.

urban slums.


Cooperation with various governments

Infrastructure is one the most critical

productivity. Energy supply and energy

will attract decision makers in the public

enablers of a successful regional integration,

access have, therefore, been integrated

sector as well as cooperation with regional

taking into account its importance in

into the EAC Development Strategy the

associations will attract many participants



focus of which is the supply of sufficient,

from the private business sector.

agriculture, tourism and the movement of

reliable, cost effective and environmentally

About the Market

labor and/or other resources. Outlining in

friendly energy through promotion of both

The construction industry in East Africa is

greater detail the need for co-operation in

renewable and non-renewable energy

expected to expand in value to $9.3-billion

infrastructure and services within the EAC,


over the next six years as investment

the EAC Development Strategy underscores

Kenya Federation of Masterbuilders have

increases, a new research report asserts.

the importance of infrastructure, noting the

given their official support to CIBEX East

Research by global consultancy Frost &

catalytic role it plays in the functioning of

Africa 2014.

Sullivan pegs the current value of East


The Architecture Kenya Media Ltd are the

Africa’s construction industry at $6-billion,

Energy is essential in the running of daily

and notes that the expected increase will





Buildesign Magazine | January 2014












official media partners of CIBEX East Africa, 2014.

Welcome to the East and Central Africa´s event on Construction, Infrastructure, Building and Energy – An international trade show MadE In GERManY!

at Register noW .com ca ri af st ea www.cibex

Leading east african construction association incl.

Major east and Central african projects will be

the east africa Community, the east african Busi-

highlighted at the CIBeX COnFerenCe which

ness Council as well as the Kenyan Government,

consist Green teCHnOLOGY, saFetY On COnst-

the Kenya national Construction authority and Ke-

ruCtIOn sItes, FOrM WOrK teCHnOLOGY, CItY

nya Federation of Masterbuilders are inviting you

traFFIC & COnJuCtIOn.

to the upcoming CIBeX east africa which opens its doors on 11th February 2014! Welcome the only

new projects like tHe neW naIrOBI aIrPOrt

official German government pavilion within east

terMInaL, tHe LaPsset PrOJeCt, stanDarD

africa with about 20 companies and meet with a

GauGe raILWaY and LaMu WInD POWer will be

German investor delegation. Further european

presented by government experts.

and east africa´s leading exhibitors will speak with their counterparts about construction, energy and

REGISTER today as exhibitor or ensure your con-

infrastructure solution in nairobi.

ference entry!

PRoducT GRouPS: Building & Construction Heavy Machinery, equipment & technology Infrastructure | environment | energy

VEnuE: Kenyatta International Conference Center TRadE VISIToRS: Governments, institutions, organizations and private enterprises

11th – 13th February 2014 (annual) 10:00 am – 6:00 pm daily Our Partners:


Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


Business School 8

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

The client wanted a building for the purpose of serving an overwhelming need for world-class executive training in Africa.

The need for energy conservation, in these

requirements against the need to conserve

days of scarcity of resources, cannot be


gainsaid. Ironically though, many architects, designers and developers do not give

This feat has been achieved with high lev-

proper consideration to energy efficiency

els of success at the Strathmore Business

during design of the buildings. The build-

School. The school was awarded the Best

ings orientation, massing and finishing are

Green Building Development in Africa

usually dictated by factors such as land, its

by the African Real Estate and Housing

formation and structure and the aesthetic

Finance (AREHF) academy awards in

requirements of the client.

March 2012. The awards were designed to appreciate those who have put in mea-

However, all is not lost as a middle ground

surable efforts in boosting the real estate

can always be achieved, one which

and housing finance market in the African

balances the site and client demanding

region. Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


| The Brief


he client wanted a building

rooms and breakout areas.

spill-out balcony, library completely fitted

for the purpose of serving an

The building features a dramatic Atrium.

with indoor air quality designed to meet

overwhelming need for world-

This is known as the soul of the building

LEED standards with optimum relative

class executive training in Africa. The

as everything revolves around this space.

air changes controlled using evaporative

building was required to have ultra

It is multidimensional as it can be used

cooling air units situated at the top of the

modern facilities and have the capacity to

as an auditorium, graduation court or


accommodate up to 800 executives.

cinema. It has 12 tiered, breakout areas,

The building has four storeys and a

each of which can seat 10 people on


break-out mode & up to 20 on auditorium

The internal partitions in classrooms are

mode and circulation spine. It features two

flexible and can adapt depending on the

giant waterfalls and a tensile structured

teaching style and need to ensure that the

glass roof curtain wall system.

students get the maximum out of their

The building also features an auditorium,

lecturer and each other in discussion

chapel, dining area with a lounge and a


Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

| Construction of MSB

The MSB lay out and foundations were

Another feature of the building is extensive

constructed using well shaped stone with

The windows are made of aluminium

use of natural ventilation through windows

no exterior finish. Curtain-walling was

frame and 6mm clear glass panels. They

which can be opened. The roof is a slab

carried out using 12mm clear glass. The

are set into the wall to provide further

structure with a coating of polyethene and

windows are aluminium framed fitted

shading by the walls and roof overhang.

tar, with a polished aluminium top foil

with 6mm clear glass. The entire floor is

Integration of day lighting into the building

finish to maximize the reflectivity of solar

of porcelain and ceramic tiles while the

has been achieved through use of 12mm

radiation and thus minimize heat gain on

interior is of cement and plaster finish.

clear glass curtain walling system.

the slab.

The MSB covers 4,570 square metres and

The Western faรงade of the building is

The main source of energy is electricity

has four storeys and a basement. The main

shaded by a neighbouring building while

from the national grid. The building is

building mass is oriented in the North-

the Eastern side has roof overhangs and set

also supplied by a stand by generator for

South direction presenting minimal direct

in windows which permit minimal solar

emergency loads in case of mains power

solar radiation onto the building faรงade.

radiation into the building.

cuts. Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


| Inspiring details


lighting fixtures that are close to the

storage tanks where it is treated before

he building has Building

windows when sufficient natural lighting

being pumped to the various water taps

Management Systems integrated

is available. It also disables all lighting

in the building. An estimated 90% of

into it to control the resource

in individual rooms when the motion

water needs for the building are met

utilization. User defined control-

detectors indicate that the area has been

using the harvested rain water.

programming was used to define the


functioning of the various components

Provisions have been made for

such as motion detectors, power cards

Use of energy efficient fluorescent tube

evaporative cooling ducting in the whole

and lighting control.

lighting with electronic ballast adds to

building. The systems have however only

the host of other energy saving measures

been deployed at the basement due to

employed in the design.

the sufficient natural ventilation and high

Lighting control system is directly affected by the building envelope

indoor air quality in the other spaces in

designs. The system uses room

Rainwater from the building roof is

orientation and time of day to disable

harvested into underground water


Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

the building

| Ground floor plan

| Cross Section

| Consultants Architect – Lexicon + Ion Quantity Surveyor – Tandem & Stark Civil/Structural Engineer – Apex Consulting Mechanical/Electrical Engineer – Asahi Consulting Main Contractor – Mavji Construction Co. Ltd Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


Sustainable building design strategies in East Africa | By Musau Kimeu


ince the mid 1980’s, towns in East

principles. The governments could give

should also put emphasis on Sustainable

Africa have seen a rise in construction

tax rebates as incentive to developers of


of heavily air conditioned glass

green buildings or offer cash incentives to

cladded buildings which were originally

green building developers as is the case in

In East Africa, there has been no pressure to

mostly developed in the temperate climates

Malaysia as well as enact legislation and

achieve meaningful construction of green

of the northern hemisphere, in particular

put in place policies on green building

buildings. Nearly everyone has failed

Europe and North America.


to lead in this front and what we have

These glass buildings are now proving to

The banking sector too should join in by

The region needs to pursue a systematic

be uneconomical even in Europe, and the

offering incentives in the form of lower

strategy of using sustainable building

cooling loads they generate in the tropics

interest rates to developers of green


are ridiculously wasteful.

buildings. This will go a long way in

witnessed is sporadic individual efforts.

creating the right atmosphere to spur

In order to actively promote and implement

We must realise that the importance of

sustainable building boom in the region.

sustainable building construction in the

environmentally friendly buildings has

UN-Habitat, AAK and other like minded

region, it is important to understand

never been more central to both the

organisations should actively take a leading

what building green entails. Below is an

economic and environmental welfare of

role in educating the East African people

illustrated check-list of green building

the East Africa countries.

why building green is the only way out of

design strategies that should be included

the environmental crisis being witnessed

in any project so as to achieve sustainable


or environmentally conscious buildings.

Governments should take the leading role to facilitate and encourage best environmental practice.

Selective application of a few of the Leading architectural practices in the region

strategies will not result in a green building.

should be at the forefront in designing All new government buildings should be

environmentally friendly buildings.

For prevention of heat gain and provision

environmentally friendly and should be

Architectural programs and curriculae

of cooling, apply the first nine strategies

good case studies for “green� building

in our local Schools of Architecture


Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


toilets, stores, ducts etc) on the East and West

neutral) building that is capable of generating

buildings such that the long axis is along the

facing facades to act as heat buffers from

enough green energy to meet all its energy

East-West axis.

strong solar radiation.

demands during the day and at night. Here

2. Design buildings that are narrow in plan.

8. Have minimal window openings. It is

• Use of solar power harvested using

This helps to achieve maximum natural

recommended that all buildings located

transparent photovoltaic panels mounted

lighting penetration into the buildings and also

within the tropics, the East African countries

on the ground or used as roof cover and

good cross - ventilation. In situations where

included should have minimal window

hot water solar heating panels. The project’s

a narrow building plan is not achievable,

openings. Fully glazed buildings are not

outdoor walkways could be lit using solar

courtyards and atria could be used to aid in

recommended for tropical climates. If glass

powered street lights.

provision of natural lighting and.

cladded buildings are built within the tropics,

• Use of wind energy to generate electricity.

then all the glass must be fully sun-shaded

against direct sun shine throughout the day.

biodegradable waste generated within the





several strategies could be employed:-

3. Sun-shade all glazed areas. This should







project, especially projects in the outskirts

be realised by use of vertical and horizontal sun-shading elements, deep roof overhangs,

9. Use external finishes that are smooth and

of urban areas and rural based projects e.g.

balconies, perforated timber screens etc.

light coloured to reduce solar heat absorption

waste from farm produce and also from toilet

e.g. roof cover consisting of brilliant white


4. Use natural ventilation to provide cooling.

coloured g.c.i or aluminium-zinc sheets etc 12. Rainwater harvesting

This should be elaborately done throughout the





10. Choice of materials

Rainwater should be harvested from the building roofs and its water used for cleaning, flushing toilets and watering plants etc. 13. Sanitation Use environmentally friendly toilets and sewerage system e.g. bio-digesters, oxidation ponds etc. Toilet waste from the project can be used to produce biogas for cooking and manure. Waste water from wash hand basins (WHBs) and showers can be treated and reused as grey water in flushing of toilets. Sanitary fittings that are water efficient e.g. waterless urinals taps with proximity sensors should be encouraged to reduce water consumption. 14. Solid waste management The solid waste generated within the project should be sorted out and the biodegradable waste used to produce biogas whereas the

thermal chimneys, metal/timber louvered

Your building should use locally available

fenestrations etc.

materials, with low embodied energy, with

non-biodegradable waste is recycled.

none or minimal maintenance, materials that

15. Landscaping

5. Use high thermal mass on walls (thick

are sustainably harvested, non-toxic, those

The proposed developments should be

walls). All external walls should be at least

with minimal internal pollution and damage

landscaped with well-chosen native trees and

200mm thick.

to health and those which are easy to re-cycle

shrubs etc that require minimal irrigation

or to re-use.

using portable water.

South facing walls as they receive less solar

11. Renewable energy

The author is an Architect and an environmental design expect.


Every building should generate and use

6. Place window openings on the North and

renewable energy to power its operations. The 7. Locate building services (like lifts, lobbies,

target should be a net zero energy (carbon Buildesign Magazine | January 2014



Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014



Arch. Steve Odundo Evident from his story, Steve commands an exclusive multi-tasking ability. But besides that, he is also a social capital with an outstanding credit of people’s skill.


rchitect Steven B. W. Oundo

its pursuit.

is a familiar name in the built


environment fraternity.

Architecture from the University of Nairobi

Architectural Association of Kenya - AAK

Born in 1971, the 42 year old architect is

in 1997, Steve sought to sell his final year

Steve was elected the Hon. Registrar of the

an epitome of what opportunities career/

project (a state of the art trade exhibition

Architects Chapter in 2001 and later as

profession can instigate for a bold and



the Hon. Secretary in 2003. In 2005, he

passionate individual. He has handled

contracted, hence hiring him for the

was elected the vice chair of the chapter.

every blow of life with courage, turning


In 2007, Steve was elected as the Vice

challenges into opportunities and ensuring

After working with Free Mark for 8 months,

Chair of AAK and in 2009, he became the

a breath of change in everything that comes

Steven left and joined Trioscape Architects

chairman until March 2013. He was the

to his hold.

as an assistant architect in late 1997. He sat

longest serving chairman in the history of

Arch. Steven is a born leader. Not just

for his professional exams with BORAQS in

the association.

because he falls in the premier category

1999 and was registered as an architect in

Remarkable milestones in his tenure

within the academic scope, but also

2000 becoming a corporate member with




AAK the same year. In 2000, Steve became

of professionals from paying for single

transformation in the built industry through

a partner at Trioscape and then a director

business permit to the local government, a

the various positions he has held up-to-

later in 2005 when Trioscape became a

regulation that was granted by the Act of


limited company.

Parliament after over ten years of advocacy

But just how has Steve visualized his

Besides architectural practice, Steven has

i.e. from the year 2000 to the year 2010.

quick growth in the industry? His love

distinguished himself as a professional

Steven also advocated for the elimination of

for challenges was his magnet into

through fundamental involvement in the

financial proposals for consultants during

architecture. He was told how challenging

revolution of the construction industry. He


the career would be and that led him into

has served in senior capacities in the AAK,

regulated by the Act of Parliament. The





Buildesign Magazine | January 2014









NCA just to mention but a few.







| Executive courtesy

With former Speaker Kenneth Marende

With former Dep. Prime Minister, Moses Mudavadi

The AAK team led by Arch. Steven Oundo after paying a courtesy call to former president Mwai Kibaki

With former lands minister James Orengo

regulation has ensured that consultants

other issues.

the common perspective of professional

only compete on technical proposals

Following this initiative, he was nominated

fee being expensive. They managed to get

upon which contracts are awarded for

for the National Honors Award and

22 constituencies to submit their projects

consultancy services and not professional

received the Order of the Grand Warrior

before the end of last parliament. These



(OGW) honors from H.E. The President for

projects are still ongoing.

culminated in the issuance of circular from




distinguished service to the profession and

He was also instrumental in digitalization

PPOA in February 2012 which demanded

the nation.

of architectural and structural drawing

that professionals should not bid for less

In the chair capacity again, Steve proposed


than the minimums specified in their

to parliament to identify one project per


various Acts that touch on professional

constituency upon which AAK members

collaboration between the Nairobi City


would offer their professional services on

Council (presently the Nairobi City County)

During his term also, Steven organized a

probono basis with CDF meeting direct

and the AAK. Today, submissions are done

meeting of the Governing Council of the

expenses of the projects. The aim of this

online – a move that has cut out quarks and

Association with His Excellency President

proposal was to show value for consultation,

ensured that only legitimate consultants

Mwai Kibaki in October 2010 where they

quality, money and time in execution of

registered by their respective registration

discussed developmental projects among

construction projects as well as demystify

boards can submit their drawings for



approval He



Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

the this


Cardinal Otunga Plaza



He has also been treasurer and vice president

of collapsing of buildings occasioned



of East African Institute of Architects (EAIA)

by supervision by non professionals in

and served in different capacities at the


Commonwealth Association of Architects

Another memorable event in his tenure

where he participated in the accreditation

is the Annual International Society of

of University of Nairobi and Jomo Kenyatta

Urban and Regional Planners (ISOCARP)

University of Agriculture and Technology.

Conference held at KICC in 2010. The

He is currently the chairman of the

conference attracted over 1000 participants

National Construction Authority NCA) and

from all over the world, recording the most

the Association of Professional Societies in

successful attendance in the history of

East Africa (APSEA).

ISOCARP. Steve has also been a member of the Board of Registration for Architects and Quantity Surveyors (BORAQS) serving in various capacities and chaired the Africa Union of Architects (AUA) committee on Architecture and Culture between 2008 and 2011. 20

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

‘And when he has done all these, he will study law – just for the title of the ‘learned friend’

ACK St James offices, Buruburu

| Some of his works Luna Villas, Nairobi

Trioscape Planning Services LTD


teve is also a practicing architect and a director of Trioscape Planning Services Ltd since 2000.

In that regard, he holds signature to several architectural projects which the firm has been involved in. We chose to look at the Cardinal Otunga Plaza which is the most notable of them all. The building sits at the intersection of Koinange and Kaunda streets, next to the bell tower of the Holy Family Minor Basilica, east of Teleposta towers with City hall on its south and Catholic Parochial Primary School on its north. The Catholic Church wanted a building that would house all the operations of the Archdiocese of Nairobi. The brief required a modern outlook of the building with a historical impression of traditional


balancing time between office operations

The Trioscape Team responded to the brief

and public service in the many professional

by introducing Doric columns in the main

bodies he serves in without spreading

entrance facade, a classic order of the old

himself too thin.

Greek Architecture believed to convey a

Evident from his story, Steve commands the

statement of authority in the structure. They

rare multi-tasking ability. But besides that,

also mimicked the use of large horizontal

his greatest wealth is his social capital and

keys to give an impression of the traditional

networking skills where he is able to access

large stone architecture.

and knock on the doors of practically all

The project was completed in 2013. It was

the who-is-who in this country. You will

named after late Cardinal Maurice Otunga

also be right to say that he can handle

who came up with the original idea of the

pressure and still deliver. Such capacity

project in the 1970’s.

coupled with fearless pursuit of people’s

Steve has had his share of challenges in

agenda lays a firm foundation for a possible

life, the major one was losing his wife in

presidential candidate in the near future!

2010 when their last born son was barely

You never know!

a year old. Steve has however managed

And when he has done all this, he will

through the difficult times with the support

study law – just for the title of the ‘learned

of his family.


Career wise, his major challenge is

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


The National Construction Authority


bbreviated as NCA, the parastatal was established in 2012 to oversee the construction industry and coordinate development in the country. The Authority comprises of fourteen Board members drawn from the infrastructure 22

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

sector at large. They include the Chair and the Vice chair, representation of the Principal Secretary(or designated officer) from key infrastructure Ministries, representation of private institutions; the Architectural Association of Kenya(AAK), Institute of Engineers in Kenya(IEK), Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya(IQSK) and the Law Society of Kenya(LSK). The Board also consists of members from contractor associations; the Kenya Federation of Master Builders (KFMB), Roads and Civil Engineering Contractor’s Association (RACECA) and Kenya Association of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors(KABCEC). The Executive Director / Chief Executive Officer of the Authority also sits as an ex officio member on the Board. Under its mission, to regulate and coordinate construction industry for sustainable social and economic development, the National Construction Authority overall mandate in the industry includes: Advising and making recommendations to the Minister on matters affecting or connected with the construction industry. Undertaking or commissioning research into any matter relating to the construction industry.

»» Promoting and stimulating the development, improvement and expansion of the construction industry. »» Prescribing the qualifications or other attributes required for registration as a contractor under the Act. »» Assisting in exportation of construction services connected to the construction industry. »» Promoting and ensuring quality assurance in the construction industry. »» Initiating and maintaining a construction industry information system. »» Promoting, reviewing and co- coordinating training programmes organized by accredited training centers for skilled construction workers. »» Accrediting and registering contractors and regulating their professional undertakings. »» Accrediting and certifying skilled construction workers and construction site supervisors. »» Developing and publishing a code of conduct for the construction industry.

“The Act”


he National Construction Authority Act No. 41 of 2011 establishes the parastatal as a government agency

with incidental powers of a corporate body placed under the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. It




management, expansion and improvement across the industry. Prior to the Act, infrastructure Ministries dealt





according to their various classes of works. Notably, the Act consolidates the registration process whereby contractors of all classes of works register under one body thereby countering the various challenges and frustrations of numerous registrations with the involved Ministries. The Act illustrates the blueprint for regulation to be undertaken by NCA in execution of its mandate. According to Section 5 of the Act, the Authority in reference to its core functions is established as the body dealing with the trainings and registrations thereby

cementing its authoritative status in the

investigating officers who are endowed

construction industry.

with the powers to carry out inspection

Section 15 of the Act states that a contractor

and investigation of any offence on

shall not carry on the business of a

the construction site. This creates a

contractor unless the person is registered

monitoring tool and hence compliance to

by the Board under this Act. The section


also sets a heavy penalty of Kshs.

The Act also creates an Appeals Board

1 million or three years imprisonment for

in which an aggrieved contractor/person

all said persons who breach this provision.

has the right to address his/her grievance

The Act stipulates that the Authority will

by appealing against the decision of the

carry out the registration exercise twice

Board of the Authority in their inquiry

a year i.e. January/June and publish the


particulars of all registered contractors in

consists of a panel of three Members; an

the Kenya Gazette and the Registrar shall

Advocate from the Attorney General’s

generate the register of contractors.

office (Chairperson), nominee from the

The Act also endows the Cabinet Secretary

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a

with the power to impose a construction

professional with technical knowledge of

levy in the industry of which funds shall

the construction industry.

vest with the Authority. It prescribes

Since its inauguration on 4th July 2012,

collection of the levy as”an amount not

the Authority has made purposeful studies

exceeding an equivalent of 0.5% of the

towards execution of its mandate with its

value of any contract whose value exceeds

priority being to register all construction

five million shillings.”

firms in the country as a prelude to

The Act provides the Board of the Authority,

regulation of their activities. Foundational

on its own volition, and members of the

steps have also been instituted to prepare

public, the ability to address any complaints

for the regulations.

or evidence of professional malpractices

Establishment of the National Construction

by contractors. After investigation and due

Authority is a triumph for the construction

dispute procedure has been undertaken, the

industry with unparalleled potential and

Board has the powers to caution, penalize,

opportunity for growth and impact in line

suspend and deregister contractors found

with Kenya Vision 2030.




liable. Of particular note, the Act appoints

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


A Smart Way To All The Water You Need Premier Water


ap water is a rare commodity

the client satisfaction before condemning

Mr. Kamau.

in many places in Kenya today.

it as dry.

“As a previous client and now the Sales



“While drilling some areas in Kenya can be

and Marketing Manager for Premier Water

remains a significant factor to consider

quite challenging, Nairobi region is full of

Solutions, I can comfortably call on Premier

when purchasing or leasing a property.

potential. Nairobi being a regional aquifer

Water Solutions to provide a complete line

Due to unreliable supply by authorities,

has no record of a dry borehole despite

of borehole drilling options professionally.

boreholes have become a popular solution

the varying quantities. It is all about the

It is not just about getting the job done,

to the water problem. This is where Premier

geology,” said Mr. Kamau.

the quality of our deliveries invite more

Water Solutions comes in.

Depending on the depth and geological

prospects while our commitment to the

Drilling a borehole starts with getting all the

formation, the actual drilling can take two

highest standards of integrity sustain

necessary approvals from Water Resources

to five days.

relationships with our clients. Premier

Management Authority (WARMA) and

Retrieving the water and storing it is the

Water Solutions is that ultimate one-stop



next step. Premier Water Solutions offers

center,” stated Elsie Ekabten.

Authority (NEMA). The administrative team

various pumping solutions but highly

Expanding its operations in Kenya, Premier

at Premier Water Solutions is always at

recommends solar pumps due to their

Water Solutions has also drilled boreholes

hand to obtain these for you.

low maintenance costs. “The solar system

in Southern Sudan and Rwanda. “We

“All you need to give us are copies of your

has a long life expectancy of over twenty

believe in and have created liaisons

Certificate of Incorporation or ID, PIN

years and its technology ensures good

with independent experts, professional

certificate and a title deed of the property

performance even with low sunlight”, adds


you want to drill in. We can get you all

Mr. Kamau.

companies such as Tuskys Supermarkets in

the required approvals and permits in at

To control the pumping cost, water storage

Kenya that operate our Premier Water Refill

least six weeks”, says Evelyn Nyamai, an

systems are essential. Premier Water

Stations,” said Mr. Kamau. “These liaisons

Associate at Premier Water.

Solutions fabricates Steel Tanks and can

bring a pool of experts and state-of-art

With vast experience in borehole drilling,

work with the client’s preferred PVC Water

technologies that Premier Water Solutions

Premier Water Solutions is responding to

Tank if it meets Premier Standards. Steel

draws from in providing exceptional

the need of conveniently accessible and

Towers, Power/Control House cum Towers

professional services and the highest

affordable clean water.

and Water Kiosks include some of Premier

quality of clean affordable drinking water”

According to Premier Water Solutions’ CEO

Water Solutions’ products. Water Towers

he continued to explain.

Waiganjo Kamau, there is no guarantee to

are a reliable way to generate enough

the quantity or quality of water. It is possible

pressure to get the water to where one wants

to also hit a dry well but they work on to

it. “Expect exceptional workmanship,” said





Buildesign Magazine | January 2014




Premier Water Solutions is located at N. Airport Rd. Warehouses, Block D, Shreeji Rd. Embakasi, Nairobi, Kenya. For more information feel free to call +254 724 238 955, +254 738 970 243 or email:

Premier Water SOLUTIONS

We Got Water! 1. Do you have an unreliable water source? 2. Do you have a shallow or contaminated borehole? 3. Do you need water for residential, commercial, school or farm use? GET A BOREHOLE.

Premier Water Solutions is the ultimate one-stop center for water related services. We provide: 1. Borehole Drilling and Rehabilitation 2. Water Tanks and Towers 3. Solar Pumps, Panels and Controls 4. Water Vending/Refill Stations 5. UV and Reverse Osmosis Purification Systems Best rates and Fast delivery. CALL US TODAY FOR A QUOTE.


PREMIER WATER SOLUTIONS LTD. HEAD OFFICE: N. Airport Rd. Warehouses Block D. Shreeji Rd. Embakasi, Nairobi. Web: Email: Tel: 0724 238 955/ 0738 970 243. Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


Rising Up Against Kenneth Kinyua Quacks The Kimathi Street Building Plans Hawker


he standard newspaper recently published an article regarding an ‘architect’ who ‘hawks building

plans on the streets’. The article, written by Pkemoi Ng’enoh caught the attention of




architects who were surprised by the unprofessionalism by both the journalist and the hawker. It turns out the journalist didn’t perfectly do

‘A quack not only interferes with the architectural profession, but also endangers the lives of the buildings’ occupants through substandard structural designs’ 26

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

his research before publishing the article on a national newspaper. Pkemoi Ngenoh ludicrously used the term ‘architect’ to describe Fredrick Ochieng’, a diploma graduate who allegedly hawks the building plans on the streets. To many architects, this passed as just a humorous article on a quack using the streets to do his illicit trade. Unfortunately, regardless of how insignificant it may seem, this alone creates ripples in the building industry. The hawker attracts a substantial number of clients, who coincidentally claim that architects are too expensive to

Scene of a collapsed building in Nairobi

approach. To many people, architects are

who want to declare themselves architects

building projects.

only suitable for large building projects

simply because they can use design


usually initiated by investors and NGOs.


proven to be ineffective in completely

Consequently, they opt to consult quacks

To most clients, the only way to get rid of



the quacks is reducing the architectural

quantity surveyors. They should therefore

architects for the ordinary wananchi’.

fees per project. To an individual who

lobby for more legislations and efficacious

Such quacks claim that they can produce



enforcement strategies. A good start would

full architectural and structural drawings at

design and building, the architectural

be borrowing a leaf from the contractors

a fee not exceeding Kshs 30,000. They even

fees stipulated by BORAQS are very fair.

who oversaw the National Construction

go ahead to produce bills of quantities,

Secondly, regardless of how cheap one

Authority Act Number 41 of 2011. It

particularly to clients who need building

prices a service or product, there will


mortgages. What’s more surprising is the

always be cheaper, poor imitations. Quacks

Authority, a board which ensures quality

fact that these quack drawings are approved

will always be there regardless of the fees

in the building industry. Additionally, it

by local authorities. Some use credentials

requested by professional architects on

awards certificates to proficient contractors

of registered architects and engineers while

their projects. Therefore, reducing the fees

and impose charges and/fees on quack

others simply bribe the local authority

is not an option at all.

construction workers and contractors.

personnel for approvals.

The only effectual way of permanently

A quack not only interferes with the

Most architects are aware of the existence of

getting rid of quacks and preserving the

architectural profession, but also endangers

quacks. As of now however, there are very

dignity of architecture is through legislation

the lives of the buildings’ occupants

few legislations and measures which have

and enforcement. Currently, one of the

through substandard structural designs.

been taken to scrap them off. Based on the

legislations which protect architects is the

The legislation should therefore seek to

current successes of quacks, the trade may

Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act

impose heavy fines and jail sentences to

develop and flourish in the coming years.

Cap525 which stipulates the requirements

people found to be conducting illicit trades

Soon the hawkers may go off the streets

of being registered as a professional

in the pretence of being architects and/or

to open quack firms and attract corporate

architect in Kenya. Another one is the fact

structural engineers.

clients with their ‘extremely reasonable’

that local authorities are only required to


prices. Measures should be taken now to

approve building plans done by registered

weed them out and discourage people

architects before the commencement of











legislations engineers


have and


The author is a fourth year architecture student at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


GROHE Turning Every Bathroom Into a Feel-Good Space

GROHE SPA™ Features New Forms and Functions


he world of premium bathrooms

and preferences. To make the most of the

designate an additional Recreation Zone

continues to evolve. Those seeking

available space, it is recommended that the

with a reclining chair or a chaise longue.

to pamper their bodies and minds

bathroom is divided into four zones:

with varied water treatments are now

A bathroom layout providing for these zones Preparation


offered an even greater choice of options for




will create a personalised environment

transforming their bathroom into a personal

washbasin is used for cleansing and getting

which appeals to all the senses and delivers

spa. For an even more relaxing experience,

ready for the day.

unique experiences - right at home, around

greater well-being and pleasurable water

the clock and at any occasion.

experience all round, GROHE has added

In contrast, the Rejuvenation Zone centres

a number of exciting new products to its

on the shower which refreshes and

GROHE SPA™ range.

revitalises the body.

Flowing forms GROHE SPA™ leaves no wish unanswered





The bathtub forms the centre of the

when it comes to outfitting and accessorising

your bathroom’s potential by creating a

Relaxation Zone where people can relax

a dream bathroom. The first decision to be

carefully customised wellness oasis which

their bodies and minds.

taken relates to the design style. GROHE

can be adapted to the shape of the room and also tailored to your personal needs 28

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

SPA™ faucets and fittings come in lozenge, Space permitting, it is a good idea to

square and round design styles for all areas

of the bathroom, and many items in the

showers, waterfall spouts, shower sets

range can be combined to create stylishly

and shower systems with thermostats are

coordinated environments.

just some of the many different options

Personalised wellness treatments can be

to choose from when creating a fully

created using GROHE SPA™ F-digital

personalised shower space.

Deluxe - from Chromatherapy based on






Showering has never been this enjoyable.

coloured lighting to suit the mood of the Variety





moment to Aquatherapy using steam for

Whatever look is preferred, matching

Power&Soul™ is all about. This line of

gentle skin cleansing, to Audiotherapy

GROHE SPA™ water fittings are available

showers features a convenient spray

providing musical accompaniment or

to complement any bathroom. From

pattern selector on the back of the shower

a natural sound ambiance. A docking

exposed to concealed fittings, from

face. Simply push a button to select one

station with an Apple iPod Touch 4G

single-lever mixers to two-handle faucets,

of four spray patterns or one of seven

connection permits easy control of all

from mechanical to digital controls, from

possible mixed patterns to switch from

module functions - i.e. coloured and

wall-mounted to free-standing fillers, from

a caressing to a bubbly shower, from a

dimmable LED lights, music and the

coloured to chrome-plated finishes - the

stress relieving to a massaging treatment.

intensity of steam - using the GROHE

variety offered by GROHE SPA™ allows

A highlight of German engineering is

SPA™ app.

for a totally personalised solution. This is

the GROHE Bokoma Spray™ which

true not only for the faucets but also for

projects a contracting and expanding

GROHE SPA™ is now more personalised

the showers. Hand sprays, body sprays,

circular spray pattern onto the skin for a

than ever.

overhead showers and ceiling-mounted

particularly relaxing shower experience.

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014


Liquified Petroleum Gas






specified LPG in their projects; whether this could be for servicing of large residential developments from a centralized system

Did you know? •

accumulate in cellar, pits, drains etc. •

gases used as fuel in heating appliances and vehicles.

that it may be cold enough to cause

Our specialist columnist, Satyan Bhalla, who is also director of a leading supplier of commercial catering equipment that has been in the industry for over 40 years, is giving us some interesting facts about LPG that we may have not known. 30

Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

Vaporization can cool equipment so cold burns

LPG forms a flammable mixture with air in concentrations of between 2% and 10%. It can therefore, be a fire and explosion hazard if stored or used



travel back to the source of the leak. •

At very high concentrations when mixed with air, vapour is an anesthetic

LPG in liquid form can cause severe vaporization


from the point of escape and flame can

and subsequently an asphyxiant by

cold burns to the skin owing to rapid

Gas, is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon


leakages may be ignited some distance

LPG is approximately twice as heavy to the lowest possible level and may

projects that have massive use of LPG in LPG, also known as Liquified Petroleum

as air when in gas form and will fall

or most commonly in hotel and hospitality their operations.


diluting the available oxygen. •

A vessel that has contained LPG in nominally empty but may still contain LPG





dangerous. Therefore, treat all LPG vessels as if they were full.

Speed Drive


Buildesign Magazine | January 2014



Buildesign Magazine | January 2014

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