BUILDesign Magazine Issue 009

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Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

Issue No. 004/2014 |Ksh. 300 | Tsh. 5600 | Ush. 8600


Main Feature: The Courtyard - Westlands, Nairobi Profile: Architect James Kimathi Opinion: Planning Challenge in Nairobi Event: SECPROTEC Expo 20-22 August, KICC |


Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014



Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 |


OuR PaRtNeRs:

Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014





east and Central africa‘s l E a d i n g t r a d E fa i r for the security and Protection Industry




06 | Main Feature

12 | Event

16 | Profile

The Courtyard - A treasure to explore

SECPROTEC - The security expo in Nairobi

Through my architectural eyes - Architect James Kimathi

28 | Industry

39 | Award

42| Technology

Dominating trends - Stone coated roofing tiles

Coveted product design award - Red dot Best of the best 2014

Engineered design efficiency - BIM

20th – 22nd AUGUST 2014 KICC, NAIROBI, KENYA



Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

EDITORIAL Editor: Martin Tairo Editorial Wendy Kinya Assistant: Marketing Felister Mugambi Executive: Layout Larry Odawa Design: Photography George Ogutu Advertising:

(+254) 722 387 110 (+254) 720 650 898 (+254) 725 075 993

Publisher: Architecture Kenya Media Ltd Suite 16, 5th floor, Vision Plaza P.O.Box. 60540-00200, Nairobi Copyright:

Architecture Kenya Media Ltd

DISCLAIMER No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or stored on a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors that may appear or for any consequences of using the information contained herein.



very issue of BUILDesign Magazine is

Courtyard building, a building that has

special in its own way, mainly due to

successfully married African cultural and

In Issue 003/2014 of BUILDesign magazine,

the opportunity we get to share with

Islamic religious themes resulting into a simple

we ran a feature of the Red Pepper Resort Hotel

you phenomenal experiences of some of

ingenious structure that stands out in many

in Lamu (pictured below) that recently won

Kenya’s greatest architects. In this issue, we are

aspects. The building recently won an award

award during the AAK Awards of Excellence.

privileged to share the story of Architect James

during the AAK Awards of Excellence.

We however omitted details of the project

Kimathi from his childhood to becoming the

Once again, we bring you insightful features


architect he is today.

and cutting edge opinions on issues that matter

We would like to clarify that the project’s

Architect Kimathi is the only architect in Kenya

to you and we promise to keep up the standard.

distinguished in parliamentary designs, and

This, just like all our previous issues, will

this might remain so in the foreseeable future

definitely be a good read!

since countries do not build parliaments every


day. He has further written a book about

articles and projects for review. Please get in

Parliaments and their design, in which he has

touch with us through info@architecturekenya.

shared his knowledge, experiences, challenges

com and we shall promptly respond.





lead consultant and architect is Urko Sanchez Architects in collaboration with Satt Fernando Navadijos.

and triumphs as he went around working on parliamentary projects. On our building review, we looked at the |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014



n abstract homage to the timeless design of the iconic KICC, the Courtyard building is a quality low-rise office block with a pleasant departure from the traditional high-rise office development pattern. It is not the best example of a 21st-century urban design but

its implementation is firmly rooted to an immutable concept with a perfect interplay of materials guaranteed to outlast age.



Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

Project Data Client Aga khan & PDM Holdings Kenya Architect & Project Manager Bowman Associates Architects Quantity Survayor YMR Mechanical & Electrical Engineers Load line Engineers Structural & Civil Engineers Civil Engineering Design Kenya Ltd Main Contractor Parbat Siyani Construction Company Project Cost Kshs 258 Million Project Duration 14 Months |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

| Location

| Brief

Located along General Mathenge Drive next

The client, Aga Khan and PDM Kenya, wanted

to Lerustique restaurant in Westlands, Nairobi,


half a kilometer from the West Gate Mall, this

building with an African theme and a touch

project was conceived around core principals

of Islamic design features. This is in line

of an environmentally sensitive design, to

with PDM’s philosophy of providing human

provide a cozy experience for the end user

centered developments that not only serve an

and a tranquil work environment in a leafy

economic purpose but uplift the quality of life,


alongside Aga khan’s firm Islamic culture.





that sat on approximately 300sqm. The




commissioned design and supervision of

neighborhood was dominated by low-rise single dwelling units on varying spaces hence a key consideration in the design concept of the Courtyard. The client required that the existing building be demolished with minimal interference to the natural vegetation and trees onsite.

| Architect’s Response

| Site features

In response to the brief, the architect made use

the project in 2008 upon winning a design competition that involved two other leading

The sloppy terrain of about 3,888sqm was

scorched earth paint work on the eaves of the

architectural firms in the city.

occupied by a single residential building

building that creates an African sensation. He



of naturally warm earthy colours, mainly the

Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

also tried to achieve an even feel of the mazeras stone cladding to give a natural texture. Brown aluminium frames were used in the roofing as well as in the giant concrete piers to give it a wooden effect and enhance the African theme. The architect tried to incorporate the residential feel in the area by use of ‘Prairie Styled’ low roof pitches and the giant columns together with the large eaves. He also made strategic use of calm colours and a simple form such that you can easily mistake the office block for an apartment until you actually get so close. Balance in height as with other buildings in the area was also maintained. |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014 Some of the trees on site were also maintained

as it keeps off the heat of the sun. Within the

to help with landscaping. In addition, the

lobbies, the architect created an atrium void

architect used 45DD in the arrangement of

from ground up to 3rd floor on one side and

surface parking so that he could leave room for

having windows on the opposite ensures free

growth of the trees that were already there.

flow of air thus enhancing ventilation.

The sloppy ground also worked to the advantage of the design as the architect was able to enlarge basement parking.

| Efficiency

| Construction Materials Apart from masonry, which consists of sand, cement and stonework, there are features made of medium density fibre board (MDF) on the

Creative interplay of glass use and masonry in

eaves of the building. The Mazeras stone used

the building is not only an interesting feature

for cladding also is low maintenance because

but also an environmental design measure.

it weathers evenly during harsh weather. The

The architect used reflective high performance

window frames are made of aluminium and

glass to enhance natural lighting in the building

parts of the façade are built of glass. Steel

and reduce heat gain from the sun. The dark

was used in the roofing as well as in the giant

green color of the glass also blends perfectly

concrete piers with trusses that get to the roof.

with scorched earth paint work. He also created short spans between offices to minimize use of AC in the building and large windows to allow proper circulation of air. Use of aluminium sun breakers also helps in maintaining a natural cool in the building

| Design features Unique features in this building include the large ‘prairie style’ eaves on the roof which create an interesting view within the simplicity of the entire design. The fire escape staircase

Corner detail



Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 also forms quite a large feature statement with

noted that its heart is a serene and balanced

its windows bearing Islamic expressions of

space, extraordinary for its sense of drama.

star symbols. Proper balance in glass use and

The project showed that it is possible to create

masonry also gives the building a contemporary

uplifting places in the sometimes nondescript

modern look whilst offering a cultural feel of

new development zones along previously

ancient architecture.

suburban streets in densifying cities across

Piers next to the windows enhance the ’prairie

Kenya and the continent.

style’ look with the massive concrete shafts that create a more dramatic tone in the building as well as the break between the glass to avoid monotony. Other design features include the shape of Islamic star on the fountain at the courtyard visible from above and the arrangement pattern of the Mazeras stone on the courtyard as well. Earlier



| Capacity The building has three floors exclusive of the ground floor. It is divided into two wings and each wing is about 400sqm. It can comfortably accommodate around 250 persons. It has 110 parking bays. Other facilities in the building include





Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK) Excellence Award as the Best Commercial Building Project in Kenya for the last 50 years. The awarding jury cited the building as compact and appropriately scaled, with pleasing proportions and sufficient detail for everyday business life. The citation further





Surveillance, Building Management System, Rain water harvesting, internet connection, lush green space, high speed elevators and 24hr security attendance among others. Construction began in February 2010 and was completed in April 2011. The built up area is approximately 5,640sqm and the entire project cost Kshs. 258M.

Islamic star detail |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

Security & Safety In Buildings SECPROTEC Security Trade Fair – 20th to 22nd August 2014


he design and construction of

“Our major concern as security experts

technical approach might stress camera

secure and safe buildings continues

is that we are usually brought in after

surveillance and warning sirens; while a

to be a primary goal for owners,

completion of the construction. In very

primarily physical approach might stress

architects, engineers, security experts

few instances, do we get consulted at

locked doorways and vehicle barriers. In

and other stakeholders in the building

design stage, and this is also after the

practice, a combination of approaches

industry. The realization of this goal is

design works have been completed,” He

is usually employed to some degree

often a challenge due to the competing


and a deficiency in one area may be

interests of the stakeholders.

compensated by a greater emphasis in the Mr. Theuri adds that security experts





other two.


are forced to navigate through a lot

limitations in funding by the owners;

of inconveniences as they make their

Over the years, the issue of security and

impacts of these security features and

installations which were not considered

safety in Kenya has gained prominence.

installations on the aesthetics of the

in the first place. “If security experts

A lot of equipment suppliers and security

buildings as designed by architects; and

are involved from the design level, it is

service providers have emerged. With

resistance from the building occupants

possible to save on the costs of security

this in mind, Trade and Fairs East Africa, a

due to impacts on operations, productivity

provisions and installations by 30% to

leading trade event’s organizer, arranged

and accessibility of buildings.

40%,” He concludes.

the first ever Security, Protection and

A balance between the security and safety

Good communication between members

goals and other design objectives and the

of the entire building team throughout the

Dubbed SECPROTEC, the expo returns

needs of the facility can be attained. The

design process is necessary to achieve the

again this year and will be held at the

first step is to have an integrated design

common goal of secure and safe building

Kenyatta International Conference Centre

process where all of the design team


from Wednesday, 20th to Friday, 22nd

Designing buildings for security and safety

this August. This is East Africa´s leading

members come together to understand each other’s goals.

requires an approach that anticipates and

Technology expo in September 2013.

event within the security and protection

There are times when design requirements

then protects the building occupants,


to address the various security and safety

resources, structure and continuity of operations from multiple hazards.

With official support from the Kenyan

concerns pose conflicts in arriving at acceptable




solutions. An example could be use of blast resistant glass or strict access control systems to stop intrusion, both of which will affect emergency egress in case of any emergencies in the building. Other installations also affect the outlook and

These hazards and risks are not only limited to physical injury to occupants but also health, theft and burglary of property or information, unauthorized access, and a more recent threat that has gained prominence in Kenya, that of terrorism.

appearance of the building.

Most security and safety measures involve

Mr. Bernard Theuri, Managing Director

a balance of operational, technical, and

of Akkad Systems Ltd and an expert

physical safety methods. For example, to

consultant on security observes that while

protect a given facility from unwanted

security and safety is a critical aspect in a


building, it is usually taken care of as an

approach might stress the deployment


of guards around the clock; a primarily






government, the East African Community, and main associations and institutions for East African security, the fair will consist of a high level conference and a professional matchmaking program alongside detailed technological exhibitions on the ground from the expected exhibitors within the civil security in the East African region. The resources to be offered in the exhibition will not only be limited to security and safety of buildings but also Aviation Security, IT Security, Gas Security, and cash handling among others. Purpose to attend!

Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 |


Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

East and CEntral afriCa‘s lEading tradE fair for sECurity, ProtECtion and tEChnology

Securing East Africa‘s Future 20th – 22nd August 2014 Security Trade Fair Nairobi, Kenya

Kenyatta international Conference Centre Partners:




secprotec AZ 210x275 RZ.indd 1 |

Taking Care

10.04.14 10:51

Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

Urban Renewal Or Eminent Domain Individual or public good | Socialism or capitalism By Arch Steve Gome “ The city came to us, not us to the city …………………” anonymous resident, Kisumu


hink of this; you have known

Urban renewal is a program of land

What balance could be struck between

this place as your rural home. It

redevelopment in areas of moderate to

the need for urban growth and the need

has been so as long as your great

high density urban land use. Sometimes

for integration of the affected populations

grandfather can remember. You possess



and heritage? Participatory Urban renewal

a freehold tenure.Untill a decade ago;

consensual with adoption of the affected

or compulsory acquisition? My opinion is

the village centre just had four old duka

populations. Eminent domain is also

that compulsory acquisition model opens

buildings. No electricity; just a dirt

known as compulsory acquisition. The

up capitalistic tendencies (gentrification,

road running across to the next village

government may acquire on compensation

hoarding speculation etc).The need for

ahead. Your local center now needs your

any asset or land for the public good

urban expansion must not be fashioned

neighboring home to expand.

including for urban expansions. In most

to benefit individual beauracrats but




cases of eminent domain, demolitions

modeled towards integrated inclusive

The past two decades have seen rapid

are experienced and the new desired

urban centers.

urbanization not only in the country,

developments put in place.

region and continent but as a global

The writer is an architect working with Pamoja. He holds a BArch. (Hons) UoN

phenomenon. For Kenya, the trend has further been accelerated by recent political developments including the roadside declaration of new districts the 1990s and early 2000s leading to emergence of new smaller “seats of power” of provincial administration. These smaller “seats of power” have formally been instituted recently by adoption of the constitution of Kenya in 2010 by activating county governments. The new urban centers and the old established centers alike are not frozen entities with no need to grow beyond their earlier envisioned extents. This need for growth has left the young county governments




on acquisition of land for the town’s growth and the most appropriate ways of integrating the peripheral developments given






unwelcome to the glamorous urban plans individual counties have been putting together for implementation. |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

THE LEGACY OF ARCH JAMES KIMATHI “A building that does not recognize the cultural context and existing forms is a disservice and a stranger to the surrounding community.”(James Kimathi 2011)



est known for use of round forms

that observing the moving water rotate the

planning and landscape architecture. He

and conical roofs in his designs,

flour mill system was quite an experience

has also acquired enormous ability in

Architect James Kimathi is one of

for him. He now realizes the mechanical

planning and management techniques

the most respected architects in East Africa.

inspiration of a flour mill may have given

over his period of practice in undertaking

With some of the great commissions in

him motivation for architecture, although

projects in a broad spectrum of building

the region under his name and a brilliant

he also admits that back then, he never

types in Kenya, Tanzania and Botswana.

career in architecture on his sleeves, it

perceived it as a drive. Kimathi also notes

is then a huge surprise to discover that

that his friends used to tell him that he

Kimathi did not grow up desiring to be an

was good in artwork but still that did not

architect. Born in Meru in an environment

gear him up to pursue an artistic course.

Kimathi attended a local primary school

James is a registered architect in both

1964. After high school, he enrolled for

endowed with nature, the last born child in a family of four remembers how as a young boy he’d find the rotating grinder of a flour mill fascinating. He also adds




and Tanzania.




thirty years experience in the practice of architecture, project management,

| Education and later joined Nkubu High School in a medical course in the Kenya Medical Training College to train as a Public Health officer. It is during the second year

Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 of his medical course that he purposed to change his career path when they were introduced to a building and construction unit in the medical course. The practical sessions of this unit involved visiting construction sites to inspect buildings for hygiene purposes. This experience doubled James’ appreciation for physical things and soon he found himself seeking to understand more disciplines in the built field. The same year, James was persuaded to pursue architecture but the finisher in him would not quit, so he went on to first complete the medical course. In 1971, James graduated with a Diploma in Public Health offered by Royal Society of Health. Rather than advancing his career in paramedical field, he applied for an undergraduate course in architecture at the University of Nairobi that same year. In 1974, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Architecture and subsequently a Masters in 1976. He is also an expert in Environmental Impact Assessment



(EA) from Nazarene University.

New National Assembly Chambers - Kenya

| Professional Background Upon completing his studies, James joined the Ministry of Works for his practical training. At the Ministry, he participated in the design of Prison Headquarters in Upper hill, Nairobi among other projects. During that time also, he sat for his professional exams and was registered an architect.

| Partnership

along Waiyaki way, World Vision office block and All Africa Conference of Churches. In 1990, James and his partner started an office in Botswana where they were commissioned to design three commercial blocks but due to increasing family commitments and more projects in Kenya, they decided to close down the Botswana office after completion of the projects.

In 1978, James and his friend, Arch.

| Private Practice

Stanley Kebathi registered a firm dubbed

In 1996, James and his partner agreed to

K & K Archplans. They immediately quit

branch out and share the workload, each

employment and started the practice. The

establishing a private firm and hence the

bold move to venture into business only

founding of K & M Archplans.

two years after university was propelled

K&M Archplans has since widened its

by sheer courage and the fact that they

consultancy services to East Africa and has

both had few commitments with small

an established office in Dar-es-Salaam.

families. K & K Archplans was the second

In 1999, K &M Archplans emerged

firm after Waweru & Associates to have

overall winner in an international design

pure Africans. It was also among the first


firms to become computerized and train

Parliament, shortly after the company

Archicad. Their early projects included

opened the Tanzania office. This project,

a government commission to design an

the first of its magnitude to be executed

office block at Kiganjo Police centre,

by an African architect in Africa, earned

design of Nairobi School of Theology

James a remarkable career lift and greater



new Tanzanian

Christ Is The Answer Ministries - Hq |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014 opportunities in the industry hence placing

a twin tower complex to be erected at

from tribes near Dodoma and Maasai

him on the frontline in parliamentary

Upper hill


architecture within the region. He notes

The massive ultra modern complex that

that the iconic commission also led to

shopping mall in Mwanza (Tanzania)

brought forth collaboration of over 30

major international travels and wide

1st prize for a 35 storey office

consultants, specialists, contractors and

exposure to trends and technology in

complex under construction in Dar es

subcontractors was completed in 2006

modern architecture.


with a capacity of 350 MPs, 40 VIPs

He also credits the experience and

success of that commission to his win in

Premium Award for Bomas of Kenya

government and other support staff,

the design competition for modernization

Design Award for East African

modern workstations for 350 MPs fully

of Kenyan Parliament and award of first

Community Headquarters in Arusha and

equipped with a digital communication

runners up in the design competition of


system and properly fitted acoustics.

the proposed East African Community


Union House Competition in Arusha

| Projects

The Parliament house of Tanzania

an open design competition for the

The project came as winning entry in an

modernization and expansion of the

international design competition in 1999.

existing Parliamentary chambers for the

The building design is abstracted from an

Kenya National Assembly.

African Traditional Hut and has vibrant

The scheme entailed implementing a

forms that are culturally responsive to

new seating arrangement as well as

the people of Tanzania. This building is a

modernizing its facilities to provide

major national monument for the people

multimedia electronic voting for MPs,

of Tanzania and a landmark for the city of



facilities with sophisticated electronic

The exterior form of the building has been

and mechanical systems.

derived from housing forms of various

The new facility is well fitted with proper

tribes around Tanzania. The conical and

acoustics hence individualized seating

vaulted roof forms have been borrowed

arrangement for the MPs, which provides

Kimathi has also done several other projects



buildings, with most of his projects passing as winning entries in architectural competitions. Some of which are briefly discussed below:

1st Prize in Tanzania Bunge

Design Competition 





Chamber 

1st prize in Kilimanjaro Towers

Tanzanian Parliament Building





and 200 members of public alongside

Prize for Pan African Postal Kenya Parliament This was another winning entry in

The winner by design, Architect James great

1st prize for the Ultra modern





Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

Model of the Tanzanian Ports Authority

MCK Head Office

each occupant of the chamber with

commissions demand intensive research

also, is as his way of giving back to the

comfortable workstation.

studies and adequate exposure to similar


Special attention is also provided for

structures and expertise.

He works to inspire and motivate students

artistic and cultural designs that form



and young professionals through his work

part of the interior décor and significantly

Parliaments and their Architecture –

and words of advice, “Be organized,

contribute to the chamber’s character.

Design, Art and Technology. Insights

focused, work hard and persevere. Travel

from his wealth of knowledge and

a lot and see different designs but develop

Tanzania Ports Authority

experience in parliamentary architecture

architecture practical for Africa. Research

This 35-level proposal was another

are documented in this book which is

on trends and read a lot.”

winning entry in a competition for design

available on sale all over the world.

James also has a word for everyone,





of a one stop centre along Sokoine





drive in Dar es Salaam. The design is an



in order to achieve anything in life and

abstraction of a moving boat.

practice has not been without challenges;

pursue your interests with undivided

The project, which is currently under

big decisions have had to be made, new

passion.” He dubs these principles in his

construction, accommodates commercial

innovations have had to be adopted

familiar jargon as ‘internal architecture’.

spaces on ground floor, two level

due to technological changes, growing

basement parking, one level of podium

competition has kept him on his toes

His future plans are a succession plan

parking and a 1200 pax conference hall



for his firm and of course retirement. His

on the fourth floor. The Proposal also has

unsuccessfully threatened to ruin his

retirement plan is to do something that is

a rotating restaurant at the top most level

morals. To stay grounded, James has

less strenuous most likely still within his

of the tower.

always had his priorities in order. God

line of practice. James is also passionate

The building which is set to be another

comes first in his life and family right

about mentoring younger architects. In

landmark in Tanzania sits approximately

after. Work comes third. He draws

his own words, “I have a serious desire

30 meters from the sea. Construction is on

inspiration from books and nature. He

to pass on what I have acquired over

30th floor.

also adds that his staff members are very

the years to young architects. I have no

supportive hence the success of his firm,

secrets concerning architecture that I

K & M Archplans. Other sources of his

want to hide from other architects. I have

inspiration are architectural works by

a burning passion to mentor younger

Antonio Gaudi and Santiago Calatrava

architects and this is one of my plans in

but he is more of Gaudi person.

the next few years.”

James still seeks to impact the industry

Kimathi is married to Grace Kimathi who

and is more vibrant to change, model

is an author and counselor in marriage

and remodel architecture nationally, in

and family. They have four children and

the grassroots through the counties in

three grandchildren.

| Parliamentary Architecture Architect James Kimathi is very conversant with parliamentary architecture but he notes that he has not deliberately chosen this as his specialization - it just comes by the grace of God. The bulk of work and technology required in such iconic






their parliaments and civic buildings. This |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014


Give that Residential Estate or Office Block a finishing touch like no other with our latest Solex Interior Locks and Fittings


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Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

Thinking Computers Existential and Embodied

Wisdom in Architecture Eric Loki David


n one on my favourite books, The

The influence of materials and techniques



in the adaptation of form is very



Embodied Wisdom in Architecture

well illustrated in the history of steel

(from which the title of this article is

construction. The Park Avenue Hotel

borrowed), Swiss Architect (and author)

below (1969) was built of cast iron

Juhani Pallasmaa looks extensively at

simulating steel!.

the lost art of hand drawing and the

Tradition many times hampers us in

importance of the ‘knowing hand’ in the

spite of our best intentions. Unlike

creation of architecture. To quote him:

Airplanes which (luckily for them) had no background in history and so were

The ‘GO Smart’ iPad stylus used by the author to create all the sketches in this article.

‘Architecture is .... a product of the knowing hand. The hand grasps the physicality and materiality of thought and turns it into a concrete image. In the arduous processes of designing, the hand often takes lead in probing for a vision, a vague inkling that it eventually turns into a sketch, a materialisation of an idea.

able to progress unhindered by deeply

The pencil in the architect’s hand is a bridge between the imagining mind and the image that appears on the sheet of paper; in the ecstasy of work, the draughtsman forgets both his hand and the pencil, and the image emerges as if it were an automatic projection of the imagining mind. Or, perhaps, it is the hand that really imagines as it exists in the flesh of the world, the reality of space, matter and time, the very physical condition of the imagined object.’

that we could analyse the automobile’s

Juhani’s arguments are very convincing,

projection of my imagining mind. In

but thinking about it ... anyone from my (the younger) generation of architects and designers cannot help ‘hearing the voice of another old man lamenting the lost art of hand drawing and the thoughtless computer drawings driving our industry today’. 22


grooved habits of thought, cars inherited a carriage tradition thousands of years old which held back their design for a whole generation. It was only when the memory of graceful horse-drawn vehicles had grown dim function in its own terms and evolve a rational form to suite it. I draw a lot, both by hand and using computers and I have experienced Juhani Palasmaa’s described feeling of forgetting both hand and the pencil, ... computer screen and the mouse;...and the image emerges as if it were an automatic one of his painting, Angelus Novus’ (see fig.), Paul Klee depicts an angel looking as if she is about to move away from something she is fixedly contemplating,... eyes staring, mouth open and wings spread. Kenneth Frampton likens this to how we view history: The angel would

Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

The Park Avenue Hotel (1969)

Computer Sketch

like to stay, awaken the dead, and make

In the same way that the boundary

To conclude, I have included several

a whole what has been smashed. But a

between the hammer and the hand

sketches in this article, all of which are,

storm is blowing from paradise, catching

disappears in the act of hammering, the

surprisingly done with a computer. Since

her wings with such violence that she

pencil, as well as other complicated

Apple’s plans to engage larger screen

can no longer close them. Architecture

tools such as computers merge with

manufactures for their next devices were

is very much an expression of culture,

the user’s body, becoming inseparable

leaked to the press, many have been

history, traditions, climate ... and these

extensions of the hand and the mind. It’s

predicting a larger iPhone. I doubt it:

can only be interpreted and expressed by

however important to note that despite all

the tablet computer is changing the way

the architect, not created. Materials and

these magical integrations, tools are not

we do our work and I have a feeling

techniques however play a large part in

innocent; they expand our faculties and

even the laptop is on its way out!. Ever

the architect’s expressions and mastering

guide our actions and thoughts in specific

since I discovered the brilliant stylus by

both is of vital importance.

ways. Borrowing Juhani’s conclusion:

Go Smart for the iPad, I have worked on

Mastering your technique, whether it’s the

... ‘to argue that for the purpose of

several drawings, taking advantage of the

use of a computer or a pencil, will free you

drawings an architectural project the

best of the computer while keeping the

from the fear of ‘unknowing’ as well as

charcoal, pencil, ink pen and computer

craft of hand drawing. This, for me, is a

reduce ‘surprise’ by the ‘forms’ that these

mouse are equal and exchangeable is to

good way of working: I could however be

tools generate (especially computers,

misunderstand completely the essence of

very wrong,... It’s a compromise.

which often lead to one getting too easily

the union of the hand, tool and mind’.

satisfied). The author is an architect and an environmental design specialist

Paul Klee, Angelus novus, 1920

The ‘GO Smart’ iPad

Computer Sketch |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

Money to equip painters with skills


isted paint maker, Crown Paints

shortage. The demand is being catapulted

The color visualizer, a first in the Kenyan



by choice, since most customers are well

market, features a large touch screen that



Sh40million, which will be used to

travelled. Before, we were selling a lot of

enables customers to explore different

train and equip painters with advanced

basic paints. Currently, designers coating

colour schemes in varying room settings.

modern painting skills.

contributes at least 10 percent of our

Customers can experience a virtual tour


paints sale. Designers coating generates

of the room while ‘splashing’ different

Paints Kenya Chief Executive Officer

value, satisfaction and delight,” Mr Rao

paints on ‘furniture’, ‘floors’ and ‘walls’ to

(CEO) Rakesh Rao said, “We are investing

explained. Some of the designer’s coatings

make an informed choice.

Sh40million to train painters across East

are armourcoat and flowcrete.

Africa. Recruitment will be done in all

He further added, “We are laying a

Rao said the firm has put in place several

major cities nationwide. By doing this we

foundation and in the next three years, we

initiatives geared to promoting use of

shall be able to reach many customers,

will be looking at volumes on designers

quality products to ensure safety and

since we want to work with zero queues.”

coatings. By doing this our Crown Paints

long-life of buildings. The showrooms

By setting these funds aside, Mr Rao said,

brand will be growing stronger.”

also showcase designer fashion finishes,

Crown Paints will be able to train at least

“We want to change people lifestyle

textured finishes amongst others.

200 painters, by the end of 2014. “We

through color. Color is not only changing

Earlier in July, Crown Paints also rewarded

want to take paint to the masses that

walls, but using high end coating that you

its loyal painters with a World Cup

why we are training painters. Our aim is

like to make your dream house beautiful,”

celebration like no other. Painters from

to train 3000 painters in the next three

Mr Rao said.

TEAM KUBWA were invited to Nyayo

years,” he added.

Earlier in the year, Crown opened three

stadium to watch one of the Quarter

Since the opening of Crown Paints

showrooms in Nairobi, Mombasa and

Finals matches on big screen. Apart from

Showrooms in three major towns, Mr Rao

Nakuru. The showrooms features the latest

the large amounts Nyama choma (200

revealed that the demand for designers

innovations in paints and interior finishes

goats), there was also a large variety of

paints and coating has enormously grown;

and offers consumers tips on how to

free food and drinks, as well live music

hence the need to equip painters with

enhance building aesthetics using quality

from musicians such as Ken wa Maria.

relevant skills in the market. “Demand

products. They are designed as a one stop

has grown and we are unable to satisfy

colour expression Centre, complete with

our customers’ needs due to painter’s

colour visualizer to simulate room sets.






Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 |


Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014



Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

Steel & Stone The Benefits of Stone Coated Steel Roofing


eople build homes to give a

weight which further increased the cost of

sheets. Suppliers of the materials give

safe haven for their families and

roofing as its required structure needed to

warranties in excess of 25 years. Their


be stronger.

light weight also means that they require

therefore defend its occupants from harsh

Steel roofing sheets would however

minimum load and shear support. The

elements of weather, the sun and rain. This

not match up to tiles on their look and

interlocking design of the roofs also yields

is in addition to other extreme elements

durability. The stone coated roof was

high wind resistance.

like storms, cyclones, whirlwinds, etc.

therefore developed as an attempt to

Most roofing products look pristine

Today, an attractive home, with an ‘up to

protect corrugated steel roofs from harsh

initially after installation. But during use,

date’ design, and which is aesthetically

climates and make them more durable.

the weather quickly takes its toll. Stone

pleasing and keeps off all the unfavorable

The basic stone coated roof had a layer

coated steel sheets stand up well against

elements of weather, is a dream to many

of bitumen above the steel which was

the test of time.

people planning to buy or build their

subsequently covered by sand or stone.

“We guarantee buyers on the quality of


Today’s stone coated roofing sheets

our roofing tiles. We do offer a limited 50

The roof plays a major part in reinforcing

incorporate the same basic ingredients

years warranty which shows that we have

the aesthetics of a building, especially

but with high tech flavor. Over the years,

confidence in what we are supplying”,

residential houses, whose scale is small

companies have perfected the coatings

states Anderson Njiru, Managing Director

enough for a person to see and appreciate

used and have incorporated state of the

of Metrotile Roofing Systems Ltd, a

its design and quality of finish. Key to

art technology to further beautify the roofs

leading supplier of stone coated roofing

these aesthetics is the choice of material

and increase their life spans.

tiles. “We have seen a huge rise in the

for the roof.

The popularity of stone coated roofs has

demand for these stone coated roofing

The roofing material has evolved over

greatly increased in Kenya. It has become

tiles as people are opting for the stone

time. From the past when home roofs

an obvious choice for architects. The roofs,

coated roofing tiles instead of old clay

were built with grass, branches and other

which are often pressed into different

and concrete tiles,” He concludes.

loose materials to the introduction of

profiles, offer a texture and style not found

The use of stone coated steel sheets is

slating and tiling. With industrialization

in traditional metal roofing products. The

growing beyond roofing. They are now

and technological advances, new roofing

steel substrate is also a perfect medium

being used in building envelopes and

materials made of steel came to be. These

for pressing panels to resemble many

other non-traditional uses like mansards,

were lighter, easier to install and cheaper

conventional materials.


to maintain.

You would therefore find stone coated

facades, patio covers and even bus stops

The clay roofing tile was for a while a

roofs which exactly resemble clay or

and kiosks.

very popular roofing material, mainly due

concrete tiles, timber slates and rubber

It is therefore safe to say that steel coated

to the concern for fire and its aesthetic


roofing sheets are yet to see better days

appeal. Its downside had been its cost,

Durability and light weight are the two

in Kenya.

due to its production process and its

main benefits of stone coated roofing









Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014


Stone Chip Coated Steel Roof Tiles

PEKAR ROOFING COMPANY LTD Tel:020 8098433, 0722591916, 0786212198 Shirika Housing Co-opretive House Kipande / Ngara Road |


Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

Light weight stone-coated tiles



Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

By Gideon Ngumbau


ecent trends in Nairobi’s urban

city’s efficient mobility.

suburban development lacking a well


developed public transport infrastructure.


Nairobi, like many other cities in the

may be gradually headed for a




developing world, has in the recent past

grinding halt unless drastic measures are

experienced rapid urban explosion driven


undertaken to reclaim public transport.

largely by rural urban migration, the

developments and the emergence of

Regrettably many approaches to this

search for new economic opportunities,

peripheral dormitory towns such as Athi

urban mobility challenge have largely

escalating rural poverty and ecological


focused on traffic flow management with



and Kitengela amongst others have

the role and competence of the traffic

change and environmental destruction

also left in their wake the systematic

police department coming under severe

that have reduced rural agricultural

loss of productive agricultural land and

criticism. Indeed while it is true that

productivity. This unprecedented urban

threatened the continued existence of

Police management of traffic has many

explosion has unfortunately found the city

fragile ecological infrastructure such as

times fallen short, this analysis fails to

without an integrated spatial framework

the Nairobi National Park , the Ngong

appreciate the complexity of the transport

to guide sound urban growth meaning

Forest Ecosystem amongst others.

problem in Nairobi.








Given that these suburban developments are mostly inhabited by the city’s middle


The outpacing of Nairobi’s Masterplan

class, their continued emergence has

of 1973 in the year 2000 exposed the

been accompanied by an equivalent

approaches to urban development, the

city to ad hoc urban expansion policies

rise in private car usage that has further

collapse of public transport coupled with



worsened the urban transport challenge.

an unprecedented increase in private

development within an ever expanding

To be sure, the preference for the private

car ownership have presented a lethal

urban periphery. The result has been an

car is both rational and understandable.

cocktail that continues to lay waste on the

undifferentiated tapestry of low density

The tragic decline of organized public



Kiambu, Thika,Ngong,

urban sprawl, absent planning, sectoral





A deeper investigation of the problem will





Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 transport that started in the 1980’s

transit as opposed to encouraging private

offers vital lessons and insights into the

following the systematic retrenchment

car mobility.

transformative nature of strategic urban

of the state from key sectors of public

projects. The park and ride system that

welfare has left this crucial sector to the



essentially allows a combination of

menace of excessive private profiteering.

be seen as strategic urban projects that

private and public transport has helped

address and benefit the issues of the

reduce inflow of personal cars into the

For instance, the largely rudderless Matatu

majority other than the minority. They

city while significantly cutting down

industry in its rush for profit has often



on travel time and resource wastage

undermined the norms of civility and in

aspirations and visions in co-producing

on traffic snarl ups. Going forward,

effect made itself an unattractive mobility


intermodal access systems such as these

option especially to the ever expanding



will become ever more inevitable as new

car owning public. Public transport has

requires real public participation in

urban mobility strategies. Overall, the

thus become the choice for those that



project is a mix of noble intentions and

cannot avoid it.

implementation of these projects and the

missed opportunities. On the downside,















active participation of the whole milieu of

the interpretation of the park and ride

Government policies have on the other

design professionals. Only then can these

system has been quite literal and has

hand enabled a significant rise in car

projects truly transform the urban reality

involved simply locating the stations


and reclaim new civilities.

close to major highways. This has meant





low access prices and infrastructure

that in many instances the stations have

investment that serves to stimulate and



been left hanging as isolated interventions

encourage a car culture as opposed to

approaches to urban issues not only

removed from their immediate urban

public mass transport systems. However


as is evident in Nairobi today, private car


usage cannot be a viable and sustainable

emergence of holistic urban alliances that

option in a rapidly urbanizing metropolis

can effectively solve contemporary urban

Similarly, the overt strategy of targeting

as Nairobi.

challenges and stimulate a vibrant urban

personal car users at the expense of other


non motorized users within these contexts







collaboration but




context devoid of integrated public



transport access systems.


has denied the train system the significant

infrastructure expansion that furthers a

However, not all is gloom. Recent

passenger traffic numbers required for the

culture of private car usage at the expense

Governmental initiatives to revamp mass

overall sustainability of a commuter rail

of mass transit systems is imprudent and

transit offer significant hope for Nairobi’s

system. Given that the large percentage

most importantly diverts scarce resources

future mobility. The Nairobi Commuter

of urban dwellers do not own cars, it is

and attention from other pressing urban

Railway project which seeks to establish

impossible for a commuter train system

issues such as housing and other urban

twenty six commuter stations in different

to sustainably rely on traffic generated


parts of the city is one such project. With

from personal car users. It thus comes as

an onerous task of re-appropriating a

no surprise that the project continues to

The recently completed Thika Super

railway infrastructure originally tailored

require heavy Governmental subsidies.

Highway, though a remarkable investment,

to the interests of colonial enterprise to a

only serves to further this private car

new role of public transport for the city,

A deliberate effort must be made to locate

phenomenon. It would have been more

the project is a noble and remarkable step

these stations within high catchment areas

prudent if dedicated bus transit lanes were

in the wake of decades long tragic decline

and integrate them with other modes of

included as part of this large infrastructure

of the Railway sector. Already, the initial

public transport to ensure access by a

investment. Globally, no country has

phase of the project- the Syokimau Line

larger population segment. It can also be

solved the traffic congestion problem by

has noticeably enhanced commuter train

hoped that the commuter rail project will

ever building bigger road edifices. It is a

usage amongst the middle class segment.

stimulate new high density mixed urban

proven futile exercise. Thus Government

The subsequent opening of the Imara

development along its corridor and thus

transport and infrastructure investment

Daima and Makadara Stations along

help arrest scatter development while

policies must purchase an understanding

this line has further broadened the target

providing sufficient numbers to sustain an

of contextual realities and adopt lessons

population for the commuter train system.

efficient commuter rail system.

from successful cities such as Bogota and Curitiba that have privileged public mass

Still in its nascent stage, the project

Gideon Ngumbau teaches at the School of Architecture at the Technical University of Kenya |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

KOUNKEY DESIGN INITIATIVE From Waste to Space The Creation of Kibera Park

A complete sanitation block at the Kibera park


ibera has grown to exemplify the

from this congestion in the form of public

broad range of challenges facing

park space is a rarity. The existing public

hundreds of thousands of Nairobi

spaces in Kibera, which are mostly bare,

residents. These hardships extend beyond

open football pitches, are few in number.

the basic needs of economic insecurity,

Furthermore, the ambiguities surrounding

inadequate housing, or limited access to

land ownership and the limited space

quality water and sanitation facilities. These

availability, means that creating new public

challenges also include minimal access

spaces with amenities that serve Kibera

to open, green public spaces that allow

residents continues to be a contentious

residents to enjoy recreational space which


is a vital part of everyday urban life. One organization working to develop public Like so many other informal settlements,

space in partnership with the residents of



Kibera is Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI).

concentration of people and housing. Relief

Featured in our previous issue, KDI is an







Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 organization of urban planners, architects

area’s residents began by contributed their

gatherings. This flexibility has allowed the

and engineers that has partnered with six

efforts to sorting out and cleaning up the

community group to reinvent the space(s) to



rubbish that clogged the river tributaries

accommodate multiple programs. Adjacent

settlement to reclaim and transform waste

that delta into the Nairobi Dam. Together

to the structure, KDI and the community

areas into Productive Public Spaces (PPS).

with KDI, the residents excavated and

members developed the land into a farm for



defined the river waterway to guard the site

growing vegetables and an improved water

KDI’s first PPS began in 2006 and remains

against future flooding. This process led to

vending station for the community group to

its largest project to date. The one-acre

the complete reclamation of the dumping

sell quality water to local residents.

public park, Kibera Park, is situated in

grounds into buildable land. A few years after this first phase of the

Silanga Village, bordering Soweto East and sitting at the edge of the Nairobi

With the land secured, KDI engaged

project was completed in 2010, NNDC

Dam Basin. Born from what was once a

NNDC in initial design workshops.


worked with the Ministry of Agriculture

dumping site and a hideout for thieves,

these meetings, visioning activities were

to further improve the yields of their

Kibera Park now stands alone as one of

conducted using various mediums of

farming project. This led to the installation

the only public green spaces within the


of a polytunnel greenhouse with a drip

informal settlement.


KDI’s community





irrigation system.

These improvements

partner, the New Nairobi Dam Community

residents a new lens for interpreting their

have increased the quality of the produce

(NNDC) group, operates multiple programs

own landscape. Together, the community

cultivated by the community group.

within the park including a multi-purpose


structure that hosts primary school classes,

prioritized physical and programmatic

KDI returned to the site in 2013 to kickstart

religious services and public gatherings on

solutions through a democratic, iterative

a bamboo planting initiative, construct a

the weekend, two showers, three compost

process. Constraints of space and budget

much needed foot bridge and to design

toilets, a compost processing facility, an

were then incorporated into the decision-

and support NNDC in building a much

urban farming initiative, and an artistic co-

making process via a series of applied

needed sanitation facility. This particular

op that creates designer baskets for sale.

exercises: surveying, footprinting, costing,

area of Kibera presented two unique

The community group is also looking to

and business planning which led to the

challenges; the reclaimed land is too low

expand the project to include a polytechnic

final design resolution.

to connect to the elevated sewer line and





build a modern toilet, and the subterranean

school, a recycling centre and a community café.

The completed project boasts five 8x8m

water level is too high to build a traditional

spaces. Each of these spaces are defined

septic system. These design constraints led

After numerous meetings with area leaders

by folding walls that can be opened to

KDI and NNDC to investigate a number of

and surrounding residents, construction of

transform the modular structure into a

decentralised sanitation systems like urine

the project began in earnest in 2007. The

unified performance space for public

filtering wetlands and dry toilets.

Kibera Park Section |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

Master Plan

After a number of field trips and design



includes expansion of current agricultural

workshops, the community decided to

throughout the building adds a distinct

facilities to include a fish pond and

develop a compost toilet system.

accent among sanitation facilities within

elevated grow beds. This improvement of


the farming methods on the site will ensure


decision then informed the design of an




that all agricultural activities produce

elevated toilet structure with compost Inside each

The completed sanitation block now boasts

organic quality produce.

chamber is a compost receptacle that

three compost toilets, one urinal, and two

the multi-purpose hall will provide more

collects human waste and dry materials.

showers for the use of surrounding residents.

classroom space for the existing school’s

This receptacle is then moved to compost

While the non-flushing, compost toilet has

children, the design will expand the

bins to mature into usable humanure which

generated curiosity among the surrounding

projects ability to be used in a variety of

NNDC intends to sell to horticulturalists

residents, it has also piqued the curiosity of

ways, allowing the school to turn into an

and planting initiatives around the site.

the Ministries of Environment and Health

open air market during weekends.

chambers located below it.

Additions to

as potential solutions to the complex water The detailed design of the structure,

and sanitation challenges facing this area

Kibera Park demonstrates how a public park,

completed by KDI with technical support

of Kibera. Since the opening of the project,

its programs, and its community members

from Buro Happold (an engineering firm),

KDI has been working together with the

can be unique catalysts for the wider

boasts wide, steel reinforced concrete



community and for economic spin-offs.

footings to ensure a strong and sustainable

and operational procedures that ensure a

The project has provided environmental,

placement within unstable soils. The

quality compost product is produced and

social and economic benefits for Kibera

supersurface structure was erected with

that the facility remains clean and safe for

residents; as a place that allows residents to

Interlocking Stabilized Soil Bricks (ISSBs),

area residents.

reconnect with nature and escape the stress



of city life. This has had a positive impact

which not only cut down the construction building

The NNDC Group has spearheaded each

on visitors’ mental health whilst providing

process, the fabrication of these bricks

incremental development within the site.

essential water and sanitation facilities.

on-site also kept the financial investment

Having prepared a complete master plan

within the community. The finishing of

of the site in partnership with KDI, the

Kibera Park is one of five Public Space

the structure was completed using local

community’s vision for the next decade

Projects that KDI has realized in Kibera







Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

Kibera Park Site Plan

over the past eight years.

Toilet construction

While each

project presents unique challenges, all of the projects are geared towards creating environmental,




impacts that ensure they are owned, operated, and sustained by the residents of Kibera long into the future.


with the support of technical experts, the Kibera Public Space Project is raising the standards of design and construction within the informal settlement. KDI’s approach to creating public space through a nonintrusive, community driven design method stands as an example of contextual slum upgrading that produces quality design and


sustainable programs.

After |


Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014

Branches: Skymall 4th Parklands Avenue |Along Mombasa road Nairobi.

GRC DIVISION Benefits of GRC Weather and fire resistance, Economical, Highly durable and safe, Requires low maintenance Installation is quick and cost effective, Design freedom since, GRC is able to be molded in to almost any shape and color.

NATURAL STONE DIVISION STONE ARTS is proud to have been providing the finest selection of natural stones traced to Athens in Greece, India and Ancient civilization of Rome at affordable cost. We specialize in natural stones and GRC. We also carry out variety of Fountains, Garden Ornaments, Fire places, Pool’s and much more. We provide timeless stone decors to increase the value of interior and exterior of your houses or properties.


Tel: 0786575069 Email: / Web:


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

GROHE Wins 5th “Red Dot: Best of the Best” Award


Coveted Design Award Goes to Innovative Kitchen Faucet Minta Touch

he 2014 edition of the “red dot

and now incorporating the innovative

set out to create GROHE Minta Touch,



EasyTouch technology, GROHE Minta

we started by exploring the boundaries

once again saw GROHE prove



Touch is not only an eye-catcher but also

of modern technology in cooperation

its prowess as a leading manufacturer

scores big points in terms of engineering.

with our colleagues in R&D. This is why

of design faucets and water fittings.

Specifically, Minta Touch is a hybrid

we take pride not only in the faucet’s

Apart from picking up awards for its

faucet offering two modes of operation. In

technical and visual features but also

Thermostat Grohtherm 2000, its GROHE

addition to conventional lever operation,

in the cooperative spirit, which made it

Rainshower® Flower Collection and its

the flow of water can be triggered by skin

possible in the first place. Winning the

Eurodisc Joystick line of faucets, GROHE

contact with any part of the spout. This

“red dot: Best of the Best” is clearly the

also won the “red dot: Best of the Best”

means whenever the fingers are dirty from

result of a team effort and we appreciate

award for its Minta Touch kitchen faucet.

preparing food, a simply touch with the

this award as a very special accolade. “

This marked the fifth time in seven years

back of the hand or the lower arm will

that GROHE was able to secure what is

start the flow of cool and cleansing water.


arguably the design community’s most

By developing this unique touch sensor

competition in this year’s “red dot award:

coveted accolade.

technology, GROHE has reinvented the

product design”. A panel of 40 judges





kitchen faucet and repositioned it as a

scrutinised and tested a total of 4,815

Its elegant silhouette has already made

modern product that is fit for the 21st

entries submitted by 1,816 manufacturers,

this kitchen faucet a design classic,



which continues to win favour among discerning






countries. The awards were presented at


Paul Flowers, Senior Vice President of

the red dot gala event held in the Aalto

Created in the GROHE Design Studio

Design at Grohe AG, said: “When we

Theater in Essen, Germany, on July 7. |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014

In pursuit of the elusive 6% fee on projects Architect Martin Tairo


lawyer friend has a notice at his

next client calls, I will still drop everything

planning permissions. 79% didn’t know

office reception, ‘A Consultation

that I am doing, drive across town, spend

that architects ensure that buildings comply

Fee of Kshs 3,000 must be paid

long hours in traffic and use my fuel to

with health and safety regulations. 86%

before seeing an Advocate’. I asked him

go see a site and offer free advice – read

had no idea that architects should lead the

whether this works and he noted that he

consultation - in the hope that this would

selection of the contractor and supervise

does not strictly implement it, however, it

possibly materialize into a real project.

their works. 15% of the respondents didn’t

stops many people from seeing him just to

On most occasions it doesn’t, and I only

even know that architects actually design

get an opinion and disappear.

realize I was cheated when I in fact find out


This made me wonder exactly where and

that the project somehow proceeded on

The case should be the same in Kenya, if

when our work begins. Is it when you get

without me.

not worse. On many occasions, I have had

the first call to go and see a site or when

After six years of study, two years of

to correct people who call me ‘Architecture’

you actually sit down to churn out the first

professional training and going through

instead of architect. And those are the ones

sketch for discussion with the client? Or is

a professional examination for licensing,

who have an idea of what I do since most

it when the construction works commence?

architects are possibly the best trained

would call me an ‘engineer’.

Or maybe when the building has been

professionals we have around. Why then,

The shocking statistics that about 60% of

handed over to the owner?

are we not respected like we ought to be?

construction works in Nairobi and 80%

There is no single project I have handled

Why are we not treated and paid like we

countrywide is not supervised by qualified

where a client has paid for my time to see

deserve? Why do we have to struggle so

and registered architects is in small part

the site and give the initial bits of advice

much to justify our fees?

due to the unwillingness of people to

on what can be done. In many others, they

Richard Petrie, an advocate who works for

spend money on such a service but largely

insist on seeing your sketches just to be sure

architects in the US notes that ignorance

possibly due to ignorance.

that you are ‘up to the task’. Others do not

is the main reason. He quotes the results

Architects are also not good marketers,

feel that you have done anything until the

of a survey on more than 2,000 adults by

despite being very good communicators.

construction works actually commence. which found out

We are also not good entrepreneurs and

These are instances where contractors get

that people don’t know what architects do.

business people. For many, the urge to

paid even before the architect does.

In the survey, 72% of the respondents

‘build a profile’ and have your building

The most interesting bit is that when the

were not aware that architects apply for

standing out there is stronger than the



Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 business sense of it all. Most of us feel

need to stand up for what we are worth.

The county government of Nairobi did well

like our clients are doing us a favour by

By this, I mean having the ability to reject

by providing an E - application platform for

consulting us to do their works. We are

a commission if you feel you are getting

approvals, where architects register and get

therefore more willing to take fee cuts and

lowly paid.

an account through which they can submit

the delays in payments for fees, just to do

The Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act

drawings. This system should be linked

the work. I know of many architects who,

CAP 525 has pegged the consultancy fees

up with BORAQS database to ensure that

many years after the projects they were

for architects at 6% of the project cost. This

anyone who is not in the BORAQS list

working on were completed and occupied,

is however just on paper since in reality, it

of registered professionals does not get

are yet to be fully paid the already low fees

never happens. Noting that charging fees at

an account. This system should then be

they had agreed on for the project.

a lower scale is contravening the Act, if all

launched in all other counties.

If basic courses in business, entrepreneurship

architects are required to open their books

Lastly, through BORAQS and AAK, we

and marketing are incorporated in school

for auditing, specifically on the fees they

should lobby to constitute plurality if

curriculum, professional training and CPD

charge, we will all be deregistered.

not majority of zoning boards, planning

seminars, it would be a good starting point

But this fee should be enforced. BORAQS

committees, design review boards and

in building up a crop of professionals who

and AAK should take this up as a major

planning enforcement agencies in all

also understand the business side of the

campaign to ensure that this part of the law

government levels, from national to the


is also being followed. Undercutting should


This would go a long way in giving

be made very expensive and unattractive.

We owe it to ourselves to create a career

architects the skills to first educate their

Enforcement of the fee should be coupled

that is fun and profitable. We owe it to

clients on exactly what their work entails

by closure of loopholes in our structures

our clients to give them great designs

and make them understand the value of the

that allow quacks to operate freely. As

and we owe it to our children and future

architects input in a project.

architects, we MUST stop selling our stamps

generations to live to our full potential.

Then as architects, we need to believe

and signatures to quacks who go ahead and

in the value we bring to our clients. We

use them to apply for construction permits.

The author is a practicing architect.

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Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014




n competitive environments, accurate

key role in two of the biggest benefits to

computing power available; designers are

designs are key to achieving business

owners—fewer clashes during construction

now harnessing this power for such heavy

objectives. Autodesk Building Information


tasks as energy analysis, air and fluid flow,





Modeling (BIM) for Building Design and

architecture and engineering firms have


Engineering helps reduce the risk of errors

understood these benefits for some time and

rendering. The cloud also provides key

through integrated design, engineering, and

use their BIM experience to differentiate

financial benefits related to information

fabrication workflows.

themselves in an increasingly competitive

technology infrastructure and cost savings.

How engineers can differentiate today and adapt to tomorrow’s higher expectations

marketplace. In






American architecture, engineering, and construction firms (for example) has risen dramatically, climbing from 17 percent in




Big data The evolution of digital infrastructure enables and strengthens another change affecting the industry. “The Internet of Things” is a phrase


2007 to 71 percent in 2012. Where BIM

considerably over the last two decades.

goes from here will be determined by

Take the fax machine for example: It

evolving building owner requirements and

once had a very important place in every

how quickly building project stakeholders

business; today, it rarely is seen. Digital

can adapt to higher expectations.

infrastructure has evolved to newer methods




information and data contained in 3D

social mechanisms are quicker and more

models to perform increasingly complex

efficient, allow greater productivity and

tasks, including energy performance and

reduced overhead costs.

structural analysis, airflow simulations, and

In just the last 10 years, the architecture,

near-realistic visualizations. As the design

engineering, and construction industries

progresses, more and more data is added to

have rapidly adopted Building Information

the model.

Modeling (BIM)—an intelligent model-based

Technology advances and trends lead to the

to include intelligent buildings smoothly

process for informing and communicating

booming of Cloud computation. BIM, with

integrated with building information models,

project information in order to make better

its naturally collaborative nature, is a process

architecture, engineering, and construction

design decisions. Owners are now reaping

that greatly benefits from the advances in

professionals will need to revisit how their

the benefits of faster project delivery, higher-

cloud technology, especially when it comes

processes work and what they are inevitably

quality outcomes, and more efficient and

to the “anywhere / anytime” project access.

responsible for delivering.

economical operations over the lifecycle of

With the advent of cloud computing, the

buildings and infrastructure.

technology landscape is set to change yet

















again. The cloud makes virtually unlimited

used to describe the changing pathways of information—sensors and actuators linked to physical objects, connected through wired and wireless networks, churning out huge volumes of data that flow to computers for analysis. The laws of economics tell us demand must be met by supply. The demand for increasing amounts of data by building owners is going to change the responsibilities of architects, designers,




professionals in the long run. As building owners’ expectations broaden

Buildesign Magazine

Issue 004/2014 |


Buildesign Magazine


Issue 004/2014




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