BUILDesign Magazine Issue 011

Page 1

Issue No. 006/2014 | Ksh. 300 | Tsh. 8,000 | Ush. 9,600


Building Review: Deloitte Place - Waiyaki Way

Profile: Arch. Jeremy Ndong

Anniversary: BORAQS@80

Feature: Fire Engineering in Buildings

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CONTENTS Buildesign Magazine Issue 002/2014












Transgenerational growth Arch. Jerry Ndong


Creating balance through architecture - Deloitte Place

Seismic journey - BORAQS@80



Finding long term solutions to the menace - Fire Safety

CIBEX 2015

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


Editorial Editor: Martin Tairo Editorial Wendy Kinya Assistant: Technical Brian Munene Assistant Marketing Felister Mugambi Executive: Sales Walter Meja Executive: Layout Lawrence Odawa Design:


his issue of BUILdesign magazine

On our regular features, we have had a

is special in many ways. It is our

candid chat with Architect Jerry Ndong,

last issue for 2014 and also comes

founder of Edon Consultants International,

at a time when one of our key partners,

who took us through his journey from

the Board of Registration for Architects

humble beginnings to becoming one of

and Quantity Surveyors (BORAQS) is

the most notable architects in Kenya.

celebrating its 80th anniversary since establishment in 1934. The BUILDesign






Magazine team would like to take this

Headquarters located along Waiyaki Way

opportunity to congratulate the board as

in Westlands and carried an extensive

it marks this great feat. 80 years is indeed

feature on fire safety in buildings with

a great achievement.

a bias on fire engineering where a fire engineering specialist has broken this

To mark the 80 years anniversary, we have

concept down and explained how it

run a supplement that will answer most,

can be incorporated in the design and

if not all your questions about BORAQS.

construction of buildings.

We have clearly detailed the role that the

Photography George Ogutu Contributors

George Mbuvi Wilson Goko Arch. Steve Gome Enock Sears


(+254) 722 387 110 (+254) 720 650 898 (+254) 725 075 993

Publisher: Architecture Kenya Media Ltd Suite 16, 5th floor, Vision Plaza P.O.Box. 60540-00200, Nairobi Copyright:

Architecture Kenya Media Ltd

board plays, what is it has achieved to

We have summed up this issue with a

date and the myriad of challenges it faces

host of opinions, reviews and features

as it fulfills its mandate.

that will make for what you would expect of an end of year ‘bumper’ issue. We do

The 80 years celebrations have however

hope that you enjoy reading and as usual

been slightly marred by the recent

we welcome your opinions, ideas and

collapse of buildings in Mombasa, Nyeri

comments through our email contacts,

and Ruaka, all these within a span of

DISCLAIMER No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or stored on a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. The publisher

three months. Questions arise as to what

cannot accept responsibility for any errors that

role the board and professionals under it

may appear or for any consequences of using

play in ensuring the safety of the public

the information contained herein.

at large. 4

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

Letters to the editor Dear Editor, You and your team are doing a

still is to many an “Engineer”.

environment we are operating in. I hope

magnificent job for the goodness of the

On fees, you have hit the nail on the

you always send them your innovative

Profession. Keep it up! I have been in

head. Let us stop hypocrisy and call a


the field for 31 years (20 years in public

spade a spade.

service and 11 years in private practice)

Lastly we are grateful for your unfailing

and your magazine is a must read for

We need proactive architects to revive

supply of the BUILDesign Magazine.

serious architects.

this dying profession in our country.

Keep the dying profession flourishing.

We thought we were “team leaders” in Your opinion article “In pursuit of the

the built environment. Technicians are

Yours Faithfully,

elusive 6% fee on projects” in Issue

now re-designating themselves “project

Architect Kaggai Thiongo (A634)

004/14 looks like you ‘stole’ the content

managers” and taking over our roles.

Principal Partner Spatial Modular Consultant Architects

from my head. Very learned people have been calling me and still call me You and other young architects should “Architecture”.

In public service and

now in private sector, I was always and

provoke BORAQS and AAK officials to respond appropriately to the very poor

From all of us at Buildesign Magazine

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


A landmark of architecture Deloitte Place 8

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


eloitte & TouchĂŠ building is a

headquarters of Deloitte in Kenya, the

shape depicts stability.

low-rise office block located

longest established professional firm of

The client, Livingstone Registrars Ltd

in Westlands, Nairobi at the

accountants in Kenya. The building is

needed development of an office premises

junction of Waiyaki Way and Musa

easily visible & accessible from the main

with enough work and parking space.

Gitau road. Comprising of four floors,

road. The main form assumes the pure

Construction began in September 2008

the triangular shaped building covers

form of a triangle, influenced by the shape

and was completed in the February 2010.

an area of 9,456 sqm and serves as the

of the plot. Structurally, the triangular Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |














Ground Floor Plan

Design Concept There are two wings joining at an angle hence the triangle, and a courtyard at the centre. At each of the three tips of the triangle, there is a staircase .Design of the three tips acts as an anchor to the building. Deloitte building is painted white,


again a move influenced by its form as a triangle is known as a symbol of purity hence the color white is the epitome purity. On the client’s corporate colours, the architect used dark blue glass on the windows. The busy Waiyaki high way, next to the building was a key parameter to address in the design. It was challenging how to determine an access to the building away from the highway. The architect had to create a main entry far away from the main road in order to be able to decelerate off the high speeding cars as well as avoid the bus stop closely by.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

Typical Floor Plan




Side Elevation


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



Challenges & Response of the architect to the site Noise and exhaust fumes from the cars on

parking. Using a ramp, the architect was

the highway was a major challenge as far

able to do another level of parking.

as functionality and use of the building

The courtyard is the main outdoor

was concerned. In response, the architect

feature within the building. It has a water

maintained thick bushes bordering the

fountain, pergolas, and planters offering a

site and the main road to control the

complete outdoor feel. The floor is made

pollution. The concrete walling and the

of earth tiles and fitted with evening

quality solar glass also helps to bar noise.

lighting for parties and cocktails. With the

To cut the sun heat into the rooms, the

introverted office design due to the site

architect has incorporated sun shading;

conditions, this courtyard serves as the

this is in regard to one of the main facades

relaxation area. Donned with excellence,

of the building that directly faces the sun.

the tastefully landscaped terrace attracts

The solar screening glass also ensures less

attention with scenic beauty purposely

absorption of heat into the building. The

done to create an outdoor experience

curtain walling shields the building from

within a busy corporate environment.

direct sunlight and traffic noise.

There is a staff restaurant in the building

Parking was another major challenge.

as well that overlooks the courtyard.

Because of the terrain, high from the road and low towards the building, the design is such that there are little human spaces at the natural ground level but the reception. The rest of the ground space is used for 12

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

MAIN FEATURE are built using aluminium frames and

Efficiency The building is environmentally friendly capitalizing on natural lighting. The three circulation cores on each corner of the triangular footprint anchor the building giving it a strong image in line with the Deloitte brand.

The building can thus

function without artificial lighting during the day. Its narrow shape also allows sunlight from both sides through into all parts of the rooms. The parking at the basement is partial hence it doesn’t require an elaborate ventilation system. The solar glass on the windows helps cut direct

solar quality glass. The economical low pitch slab roof is made of light weight iron sheets on steel trusses. Low pitch roofs have minimal vulnerability to leakage. On external finish, the architect chose an easy-to-maintain paint that can be redone (cleaned and painted over again). There is granite cladding on the lobbies known to

a conducive human scale environment without need for many artificial systems; for instance, one doesn’t need an elevator to get to the top floor, you can comfortably

Client: Living Stone Registrars Ltd Project Managers: Acorn Management Ltd Architect: Triad Architects

endure the traffic on lifts and still maintain its shiny look. Doors are made of timber and there are ceramic tiles on the toilets’ floors and walls. Office floor is fully carpeted as well as the common areas.

sun heat. The fact that Deloitte & Touché building is a low rise block also makes it

Project Team


Qs: Barker & Barton (Kenya) Structural Engineer: Gath Consulting Engineers Mech & Elec Engineers: Maiteri & Associates Main Contarctor: Wadia Construction Ltd

The five storey development consists of over 3,000 sqm office space on three levels and two car parking levels. A total

walk up.

of 121 car parking bays are available to



staff and a further 25 car parking bays for

For the shell, there is ordinary stonework, sand, cement and ballast. The windows

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |





Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

enya has experienced serious fire

protection and safety issues starts with

tragedies that have led to huge

understanding the sources of fire and

losses of lives and property. Some

analyzing the building components in

of these fires have occurred in buildings

order to come up with a complete and

which may have had little, if any,

effective fire safety system.

consideration for fire safety during design

This process requires more than minimum

and construction.


The Kenya Building Code (1997) has

the minimum legal responsibility for

dedicated a large section to detailing

protecting a building. This process will

minimum standards for fire safety that all

have to solve problems brought about by

developers must adhere to. These include

new projects with unique circumstances.

characteristics of walls, floors, ceilings,

It is therefore necessary to creatively and

roofs, doors, windows and other elements

efficiently integrate code requirements

that make up a building.

with other fire safety measures as well

There have been a lot of shifts in the

as other design strategies to achieve a

way construction business is carried out

balanced design that will provide the

in Kenya. There are new construction

desired levels of safety.















technological advances in security and

of personnel with the right skill and

safety of buildings and a change in the way

experience in the design team early

people live and work. Safety measures,

enough so that they take the team through

and specifically those that relate to fire,

planning up until occupancy. In large

have to be adjusted to fit in the changing

and complex projects, this maybe a fire


safety engineer. In smaller projects, a

New facilities, and even existing ones

mechanical & electrical engineer will

that may need to be remodeled, need

have the capabilities to advice.

to be designed to incorporate efficient,

The building code and other statutory

cost effective passive and automatic

requirements will have to be strictly

fire protection systems which would

adhered to as a minimum. But this is

effectively detect, contain and control

barely enough. There are other voluntary

or extinguish a fire in the very early

requirements which may be adhered to

stages before it spreads and becomes

based on the building owners preferences.


Other players, like insurance providers,

As a designer, consideration of fire

may also have their own conditions of

INDUSTRY what must be adhered to before they

reduce the risk of fire occurrence and

systems should have the capabilities to

accept to insure a building against fire. It

spread must be used. These would include

survive the fires themselves to prevent

will be a good idea to find out what these

construction materials types as detailed

failure of their function in case of a fire.

are as they are usually geared towards

in the building code; allowable heights,

Notifying building occupants and visitors

reduction of the risk of fire. All these

areas and volumes for spaces; building

both inside and outside facilities of

should be accommodated.

exposures and separation requirements;

hazardous events like a fire has become

The greatest partner in fire safety is the fire

fire ratings for building elements, materials

a critical aspect of personnel safety.

fighting department. They come in handy

and systems; occupancy types, interior

Everyone in the vicinity of a fire must

when a fire has occurred as they are the

finishing and exit stairway enclosure.

be warned so that they know whether to

last resort, to suppress and extinguish it.

Exit requirements in case of fires will

shelter in place or flee, including which

For them to work effectively and efficiently,

address matters like the location and

direction to go.

they have requirements for their access

remoteness of the exit stairway, exit

To successfully suppress a fire, there

and availability and location of facilities

discharge, areas of refuge, accessible

should be adequate water supply on site

that they can utilize to suppress a fire.

exits and security interface and locking

with fire horse reels located in strategic

Architects and designers are advised to

mechanisms of fire exit doors.

positions which are easily accessible. An

come up with simple layouts for spaces.

A balance needs to be struck between the

automatic extinguishing system should be

These layouts should not be complicated

security of a building and the safety of the

installed whenever possible, both water

so as to enable fire fighters to locate an

occupants should they need to quickly

and non water based.

area within a site easily. There should

exit. Some access control systems may

Finally, special systems can also be

be rapid access for fire engines, and

pose a challenge in cases of emergency

considered as a result of new technological

also of personnel to areas where they

and these should be properly programmed

innovations. These systems would be

can connect to fire horse reels and other

so that they can accommodate emergency

critical in addressing elements relating to

facilities required to fight a fire.

exit requirements.

engineered smoke control, fireproofing

At all times, recommended building and

Proper fire detection and notification

and fire stopping.

construction materials and standards that

systems will need to be in place. The

Jolemac Fire Protection Ltd is one of the fastest growing fire protection and safety solution providers in Kenya today. Its principal business is the provision of fire protection cover, staff training and safety solutions. Jolemac Fire Protection Ltd is able to provide dedicated quality services in the fire industry. We blend modern equipment and technology, coupled with specific design to suit individual customer’s needs.


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Mombasa Branch Off Mwembe Tayari Rd opp. Sapphire Hotel Tel: 041 2313508 Fax: 041 2313509 Mobile: 0774 778 593 / 0722 826 774 / 0706 372 518 Website: Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |




precautions designed into the building usually follow the guidance contained in prescriptive building regulations. Advanced is the level for which BS 9999 is provided with guidance provided giving a more transparent and flexible approach to fire safety design through use of a structured approach to risk-based design where designers can take account of varying physical and human factors. Much of the guidance in BS 9999 is based on fire safety engineering principles, although it is not intended as a guide to fire safety engineering. Fire safety engineering is the level for which BS 7974 is provided. This level provides an alternative approach to fire safety and can be the only practical way to achieve a satisfactory standard of fire safety


ire is a dynamic event which, if

and the protection of means of escape

unchecked can grow from very small

routes; the protection of the building and

incident into a life threatening highly

its contents and the control of a fire to

destructive, lethal conflagration. When

reduce its effects on the building structure.

a building is on fire there are limits of tolerability for the survival of people and

British Standard BS7974 – Code of practice

of the building structure exposed to the fire

for the application of fire safety engineering

expressed as life safety (the time available

principles to the design of buildings defines

for occupants to escape) and structural

fire safety engineering as “the application



of scientific and engineering principles to

collapse). The act of escaping from a fire

the protection of people, property and the

is also a dynamic event and this too can

environment from fire”.




be expressed in terms of time (the time required for escape).

The concept behind the development of

The aim of fire safety engineering is to

British Standard BS 9999 - Code of practice

ensure that people have sufficient time

for fire safety in the design, management

to escape, before the fire grows to life-

and use of buildings and BS 7974 is that

threatening proportions and before the

technical guidance on fire safety is provided

stability of the building is put at risk. The

at three different levels permittingbuilding

time available for escape must always be

designers to adopt a design approach

longer than the time required for escape.

that corresponds to the complexity of the

What is fire safety engineering?

building and to the degree of flexibility

The term “fire safety engineering” can

required. The three levels are General,

be applied to any fire safety concept that

Advanced and Fire Safety Engineering.

relies on active systems designed to meet

General level is applicable to a majority

calculated objectives including: Life safety

of building work undertaken where fire


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

in some large and complex buildings, and in buildings containing different uses. In practice fire safety engineering involves the use of science based or statistical calculations to demonstrate an adequate level of fire safety for a specific building, structure or installation. BS7974 provides a framework for an engineering approach to fire safety which may be applied to both the design of new buildings and the appraisal of existing buildings, and to show that building regulations can be or have been satisfied. BS7974 is also intended to provide a frame work for a flexible, but formalized approach to fire safety design that can also be readily assessed by relevant approvals bodies. Fire engineering, safety standards are calculated to take into account the building, management principles and the behavior of people using the building in a fire situation. The advantage of this approach is that the physical limitations on building design






large and complex buildings.

standards inherent in national building regulations can be largely overcome, giving greater scope for architects to design novel buildings which meet client needs. It allows designers to apply their creativity to the optimum and developers to explore their vision and expressing their design flair satisfactorily achieving comfortable, safe and functional buildings. As a discipline fire safety engineering has been around for the last 20 years and besides the West (Europe and America), fire engineering has also taken off in Middle East and parts of North and South Africa. Fire engineering can be classified as Fire Protection Engineering and Fire Safety Engineering. Fire




design and application of fire systems e.g.





detection systems among others. Protection engineering




ventilation, fire suppression, dynamics and management.

The process Fire engineering specialists receive building plans from a building designer, developer or in most cases an architect. They study the plans and write a fire safety strategy report

How Fire Engineering Works In life safety applications, fire safety engineering is used to maintain a life supporting environment on exit routes. This is designed to keep exit routes clear of fire, heat and smoke for sufficient time to allow persons to leave the building and, where appropriate, fire-fighting access. An example of a fire safety engineered solution to keep the means of escape free of smoke during a fire is the use of automated pressurization system which can be applied within a stair case. The system works by creating a pressure differential during a fire between the room (where the fire is) i.e. -ve (negative) pressure and the stair case +ve (positive) pressure so that smoke with its buoyancy cannot enter the staircase because the pressure there (+ve) is different to the pressure inherent in the smoke (–ve). This





This also allows for fire fighters to safely enter the building and fight the fire. It is important to appreciate this type of system as in most fires other than explosions people in buildings die, not because they were burnt but because they were overcome by smoke while trying to escape. Smoke produces toxic gases that render occupant’s unconscious leading to asphyxia and death.

invisible barrier that stops the smoke from


going into the stair case allowing occupants

Increased design flexibility - Fire safety

to safely evacuate the building. When the


smoke buoyancy rises and gets to the roof

increased design flexibility because whereas

automatic vents are activated by smoke the

one would easily use prescriptive building

smoke detectors enabling smoke extractors

codes in the design of a straightforward

fitted in the roof to exhaust the smoke out

and conventional building it may not be

of the building.

possible to do so for highly innovative or





which outlines the most effective way of identifying and setting out an effective fire safety design of the building. One significant influence on the design of a building is the way in which fire safety is incorporated into the structure and services of a building. The design concept of fire engineering holistically offers fire strategies that cover each aspect of the building including: Building materials and space; escape strategy; fire detection systems; behavior of people; occupancy types and capabilities; travel speeds and distances and capacities of escape routes. Taking into account the entire safety engineering




solutions are sometimes the only viable option to achieve adequate fire safety in Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


TECHNOLOGY complex designs. The prescriptive building

effect of combustion gases and blocks

Fire engineering is fairly new in Kenya. There

codes that apply in different countries vary

the transfer of radiant heat. In this way,

are a few architects some with international

in approach, extent and coverage therefore

Watermist combines the fire suppression

design exposure who are incorporating

the application of a fire safety engineering

properties of both conventional water-

elements of fire safety engineering in Kenya.

approach may be the only way forward.

based Deluge or sprinkler systems and

Architects who wish to explore their design

Reduction in construction and running

gaseous fire suppression systems.

flair and depart from traditional concepts of

costs - Fire engineering principles save



building design need to embrace modern

developers money. For instance, using a

the excess cost of providing large water

fire engineered solutions which make

water mist system instead of a traditional



buildings just as safe to those designed using

sprinkler system; Watermist systems are

considerably cutting related costs by more

prescriptive building coded if not safer.

versatile and highly efficient as a fire-

than half and enhancing the overall safety

Peculiarities of every single building design


Watermist for




of the building.

cannot be accounted within the building

watermist from traditional water based

Prompt response and damage control -

regulations. The more innovative the design,

systems is reduced droplet size. When

Unlike the West, where the maximum

the more difficult and complex it is to ensure

a droplet of water vaporises into a mist,

response in case of a fire emergency is

that the design meets the requirements of the

it expands 1,600 times. Because heat

between 6 and 10 minutes, in Kenya

prescriptive codes. It is in such a situation

absorption is a function of surface area

we have a severe handicap in fire

that the application of fire engineered

and not volume, smaller droplets mean

response times and therefore automated

solutions is necessary.

more surface area and therefore faster heat

systems would be a great alternative.

Trident Risk Management Consultants Ltd


We can therefore incorporate fire safety

aims to entrench the use of fire engineered

Watermist has the unique ability to deliver

engineering, which will save the building

solutions throughout the region to enhance

water as a fine atomised mist. This mist is

and lives. Fire engineering commands

design flair of modern buildings in line with

quickly converted to steam that smothers

structural integrity with automated safety

current international trends to build bigger,

the fire and prevents further oxygen

management from within.

better more stunning, safer functional




from reaching it. At the same time, the


evaporation creates a significant cooling


Risk Management

+254 (0)727 366 307 +254 (020) 2625209

Fire Engineering | Fire Safety Audit | Occupational Safety & Health Audit | Emergency Planning

Based in Nairobi, Kenya we aim to be your partner of choice for fire safety auditing, fire safety engineering, occupational safety and emergency planning consultancy services. Our business is built on developing and maintaining valued relationships with you, our clients. We do this based on the belief that we deliver the best solutions for your risk management needs. Our aim is to provide high quality bespoke risk management solutions based on excellence at every stage of your journey with us.

Trident Risk Management Consultants Ltd Suite No 36 | Duplex Building | Lower Hill Rd P.O. Box 45410-00100 | Nairobi, Kenya


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

Telephone: +254 (020) 2625209 Mobile: +254 0727 366 307 E-mail:




On their


BORAQS@80 supplement

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


says To the Board Of Registration of architects & Quantity Surveyors of Kenya The Board, Management and Staff of National Construction Authority Congratulates BORAQS Kenya as they Celebrates their 80th aniversary of commitment to providing timely and quality services to its customers, partners and other entities that bene�it from this services.



The National construction Authority, P. O. Box 21046-00100, Nairobi Kenya DL: 0700 021 222, Land Line: (020)2712096, (020)2712098,(020)2712099, Email:,

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

BORAQS@80 of those years. For the time I’ve been at

only architectural and Quantity Surveying

the helm, I have watched with great pride

oriented but also aligned in accordance

the changes the Board has effected within

with the new constitution.

this short time. I have a lot of confidence in committees of the Board who have

It is very gratifying to see engagement of

proved their capabilities by achieving

our members in the Board’s growth and

the expected results. I am proud of the

development process. Our wonderful and

accomplishments that we have achieved,

dedicated staff tirelessly works to provide

not only through my fellow Board and

the best support and opportunities for our

committee members, but also through our


stakeholders and sponsors. On behalf of the entire Board, I want Our strategy is working smart to deliver

to sincerely thank and welcome our

superior operational base for Architects

registered persons, partners and the

am very pleased to serve as Chairman of



general public for the positive engagement

the Board of Registration of Architects

regionally and internationally. We are

and full participation as we build and





and Quantity Surveyors of Kenya

also intending to come up with high level

strengthen the board for many more years

(BORAQS) during this time when we are

sensitization programs and eradication of

to come.

celebrating our 80th anniversary. We are

quacks in the two professions.

very grateful to our members and partners

Let’s all celebrate this feat of 80 years.

who have been steadfast in assisting us

During my term, I will build teams that

achieve our mandate as set by the law.

will provide platform for the growth and

Arch. Cosmas J. M. Maweu

The Board has today been in existence for

development of the industry. This will be


80 years and I have been the chair for two

done by developing policies that are not

INSTITUTE OF QUANTITY SURVEYORS OF KENYA Promoting the advancement of the quantity Surveying Profession in Kenya

We congratulate BORAQS as they mark their 80th anniversary Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya is Proud to Celebrate its 20th Anniversary Blue Violets Plaza, 1st Floor, Office No. 106 | Kindaruma Road off Ngong Rd ,Kamburu Drive Junction, Nairobi P.O. Box 13929 - 00800, Nairobi-Kenya | Tel: +254 20 2619337 | 0721 - 676823, 0786 - 676824 e-mail: | | | Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


BORAQS@80 Surveyor registered (Q001) Qs. Alfred

4. Arch. Dr. Susan Kibue - Member

Edward. Both were of English nationality.

5. Arch. Stephen Oundo - Member


6. Arch. Emma Miloyo - Member





was Arch. David Muoka Mutiso (A185),

7. Arch. Gathecha Waweru - Member

registered on 18th July 1967 while the first

8. Qs. Festus Litiku - Member

Kenyan Quantity Surveyor registered (Q072)

9. Qs. George C. Omondi - Registrar

Qs. Nathaniel Ngure Kihiu, registered on 21st August1973.


Over the years since 1934, the register has


grown to over 1,501 Architects and over

To execute its mandate more effectively, the

790 Quantity Surveyors who continue to

Board has various committees pursuant to

offer excellent services in Kenya and the

Section 5(c) of Cap 525, laws of Kenya.

entire region. It is indeed worth noting that

HISTORY OF BORAQS The Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors (Boraqs) Kenya is a statutory Board established under Section.4 of “the Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act” Cap 525 of the laws of Kenya. Boraqs was established in 1934 with the first Architect registered being (A001) Arch. Herbert Lambert and the first Quantity


our members have continued to build 80

The committees include;

years of excellence due to the professional

1. Board of Education Committee.

nature in which they offer their services.

2. Ethics and Practice Committee

As stipulated in the Act, the Board consists

3. Finance and Administration Committee

of eight members appointed and gazetted by the Minister in charge of Ministry of Land

In line with section 5 of CAP 525, the Board

Housing and Urban Development.

has legal responsibility and mandate to

The current Board comprises the following

make by-laws, subject to the confirmation


of the Minister in charge of Lands Housing

1. Arch. Cosmas J. Maweu - Chairman

and Urban Development for the following

2. Qs. Jedida Muchoki - Vice Chairman


3. Qs. Moses Nyakingora - Member

• To Register and regulate the practice of


Project Managers | Chartered Quantity Surveyors Construction Cost Consultants

Congratulating BORAQS as they celebrate their 80th Anniversary PO Box 41643, 00100 – Nairobi, Kenya | Triad House, 83 Muthaiga road, Muthaiga, Telephone: +254 (0)20 807 6217 | Email: |

Triad Architects congratulate BORAQS on their 80th anniversary

Triad House, 83 Muthaiga Road P.O. Box 30725-00100 Nairobi, Kenya T +254 (020) 4049651, 4049654 W +254 (020) 2320146/8091114/5 M +254 0722 708632/0733 220539 F +254 (0)20 4040721 Website:


BORAQS On their


Anniversary C3, Peponi Plaza, Peponi Road, Westlands P. O. Box 52768, City Square 00200, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 3740510, 3748716 Fax: 3750789 Dropping Zone No. 68 Email:


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



Since 1963

BORAQS@80 Board Members

Qs. Jedida Muchoki

Qs. Moses Nyakingora

Arch. Dr. Susan Kibue

Arch. Stephen Oundo

Arch. Emma Miloyo

Arch. Gathecha Waweru

Qs. Festus Litiku

Qs. George C. Omondi

Arch. Cosmas J. Maweu

Architects and Quantity Surveyors.

Market Protocol negotiated for a Mutual

tier system of education. The basic degree

• To conduct Professional Examinations

Recognition Agreement that allows cross

will comprise of a 4 years course leading

for registration of Architects and



to a Bachelor of Architectural Studies, while

Quantity Surveyors.

agreement was signed in Kampala between

the post-graduate degree will comprise

• Engagement of staff for the day to day

Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.

a 2 years course leading to a Masters in

Tanzania asked for some more time to think

Architecture. Under this arrangement, for

• Theappointment of committees,

about it. The Agreement allows reciprocal

registration to practice as an Architect, one

delegating duties and prescribing

registration of architects and free movement

will require at least 6 years training as an

the proceedings of those committees.

running of the Board.




within the member states without any

Architect. Graduates of Architectural Studies

• Preparation of Practice Notes to guide

restrictions or bottlenecks. The Board has

will be registered as Architectural Assistants

further extended its full support to the

while Graduates of Masters Programme

• Preparation of By-Laws for gazettement

the industry.

Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya,

will be registered as Architects. The Board

by the Minister which includes;

who are spearheading the negotiation for a

encourages the universities to adopt this

• Setting of the scale of fees to be

similar Mutual Recognition Agreement for

system as it feels it is in the best interest of

charged by Architects and Quantity

Quantity Surveyors.

the industry and in line with international

Surveyors for professional services.


• Setting of Registration and Annual

Two-tier System of Education

Overtime, Architecture course took 5 years



to complete and later changed to 6 years


• Conducting of Continuous

with the introduction of 8-4-4 system of

As part of our mandate under Cap 525, the

Professional Development (CPD)

education. Previously, Architects did 3 years

Board conducts professional examinations

programmes for members.

for basic degree and 2 years for Masters

for registration. Over time the examinations

• Receiving complains and disciplining

Degree which was the same duration taken

are done quietly and candidates who pass

by majority of other degree programmes.

are issued with a registration certificate. The

The current system does not offer room

Board feels that candidates who sit and pass

for specialization or early exit should

professional examinations should be issued

one desire to do so. It also disadvantages

with a Diploma of Professional Practice in

Architects because they take longer, 8 years,

Architecture synonymous with the Diploma

Subscription fees to be paid by

those found to be guilty of professional



in Architectural


to get a Masters degree compared to their

of Law.. The Board is working towards the

Mutual Recognition Agreement

counterparts who take only 6 years under

implementation these proposals, subject to

The Board has made strides of achievements

the current system of education in Kenya.

the approval by the Minister Land Housing

in various fronts. There is the Signing of

In order to address this anomaly, the Board

Urban Development and the Minister for

East African Market Protocol, the Task

is discussing with the three universities

Higher Education. Further, the first Boraqs

force, under the East African common

teaching Architecture to revert to the two-

formal graduation ceremony was conducted Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


BORAQS@80 on 15th May.

Further, there have also emerged new

County Governments a lot has changed

Membership to professional associations

professions that are closely related to

in terms of procurement methods such as





design build contracts; as a matter of fact







mandatory professional



such as Landscape Architects, Interior

regional sensitization is now a mandatory

examinations to belong to at least one



requirement to ensure adequate infiltration

Professional Association. This, the Board

and Construction Project Managers whose

of information to the public. This therefore

felt will help the candidates to stay abreast

practice need to be regulated through

extends to the need for Boraqs to expand

with emerging trends in the industry

appropriate legislation

to deal with mushrooming imposters within

through seminars and communiquĂŠs from

various Conditions of Engagement, Scales

the profession.

their parent associations. The Board has

of Fees, Professional Ethics and Training.

Market liberalization in the service industry

therefore published a practice note that all

The law, has itself become archaic and

is posing a major challenge to the Built

registered members must belong to at least

irrelevant to the industry considering

Industry; professionals are getting a raw

one Professional Association.

that the last revisions were done in 1974

deal from price under cutting which greatly


contributes to demoralization as scramble









cover their


include emergence of Information and changing

for projects manifests.


Communication Technologies which have

environment, the Board has over the time

greatly influenced delivery of services in all

QS. George C. Omondi

faced various challenges in executing its

sectors of the economy.

Registrar, BORAQS

mandate. For example, the Architects and

More so Regionalization/ Globalization of

Quantity Surveyors act, Cap 525, was

an expanded market have brought on board

formulated to regulate the registered persons

dynamic changes in the built industry that

instead of regulating the professions. As a

calls for increased consumer awareness and

result, quacks have invaded the industry

expectations from the professionals.

because the Board is only limited to the

With the implementation of the new

control of the professionals in its register.

constitution and Operationalization of the


Par tnership

Quantity Surveyors

Wishes to congratulate BORAQS as they celebrate their th


Lion Place, 4th Floor, Waiyaki Way-Karuna Close | P.O. Box 69641-00400, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (20)4445380/1,(20)3286200,0707963094 | email: |


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

BORAQS@80 all the types of physical infrastructure are well

tournament for our membership on 21st

developed and in perfect condition in addition

November 2014.

to other developments. The notable areas

Also in partnership with other professionals, the

associated with a better economy include but

Board is set for an Educational tour of Belgium

not limited to better roads, housing estates,

and Netherlands on the first and second week

modern rails, access to power and water among

of December 2014. This is a tour expected to

others. These are within the building and

create opportunities for the participants after

construction industry which is mainly driven

exchanging of ideas with their colleagues in

by professionals and therefore no economy

Europe. In December 2015 we intend to tour

can grow without requisite professionals in this

Australia for a similar mission.

industry. It is in our knowledge that the Building and Construction industry controls the biggest

BORAQS also plans to conduct a major projects

budget ever in the developing economies.

exhibition mid 2015 Nairobi to ensure that the consultants showcase their competence to the

BORAQS is at its celebrations for 80th “Architects and Quantity Surveyors make developers dreams come true and this is why we are determined to accelerate growth and development in the building industry. In our context today this should be geared to achieving the goals and the spirit of Vision 2030 which is Kenya’s blue print for development.” When somebody refers to a developed economy, people infer to an economy where


anniversary (1934-2014). This has been very long time with many achievements. The entire

The Board of registration of Architects and

of year 2014 has been full of celebrations

Quantity Surveyors has been very active in

activities and also the better part of the year

ensuring that the building industry grows by

2015 is scheduled for same.

ensuring that its professionals also grow both







sensitization programs in partnership with our

in experience and in maintaining a continuous temple in the development of their career.

practicing professionals and also with both the central and county Governments.

We as a Board are investing highly to ensure

The Board has organized a one day Golf

that our mandate is implemented. Amongst our



We are truly proud to be Associated with



5th Flr, KCB Enterprise Building | P. O. Box 74885 Enterprise Rd, Nbi Tel: + 254 (02) 0 555226 | Email:

congratulations on your anniversary


Congratulating BORAQS as they celebrate their 80th Anniversary Odyssey Plaza,Mukoma Rd, South B | PO Box 868, 00300 – Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: +254 732 678 177 , 0732 678 177 | Email:

P.C.E.A Jitegemea Flats, F1 | Jabavu Road, Kilimani, Nairobi P.O. Box 27644 - 00506 | Tel: +254 (20) 2719086/2711522 Email: | Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


BORAQS@80 responsibility is to ensure that the professional








in Mombasa, Nakuru, Kisumu and Meru. Many

offers the best of service and earns equal value

especially those states that wish to share the

more regional offices are expected soon. These

for it and in turn the public gets value for the

Kenyan market and opportunities within our

offices will help a lot in reaching every corner

investment. In view of the Emerging markets,

professional realm. As a Board we value and

of this Country hence eradicate quacks from

we are encouraging professionals to devolve

encourage the sharing of global expertise and

the industry.

their services to the county level in order to

skills among our professionals as a vehicle of

assist the county government in laying firm

building sustainable businesses.

foundations in the respective disciplines.

We are further working for an online payment system and online registration processes and

In practice, our professionals have continued

systems in order to increase our efficiency as

We need planned developments so as to

to successfully deliver a high rate of innovation

well as reduce on paper work.

avoid emergence of unplanned activities and

and exemplary creativity.

The Board is working with relevant Professional

settlements especially within the urban set up

Globally our professionals have proved that

Associations in ensuring the spirit of regional

of the counties.

they are true innovators by designing and

integration is realized in the near future and is

The Board has also been very vibrant in

executing project in Green Architecture,

proceeding according to plan.

facilitating the Professional Mutual Recognition

Intelligent Buildings, and Support Software

Agreements within the region in order to open

among others in both Architecture and

Since the signing of the Mutual Recognition

up the opportunities that exist in the region

Quantity Surveying

Agreement (MRA) with other EAC Regulatory

and beyond to our registered persons. Such

bodies, we have recorded a good number The Board has partnered with Kenya Building

of the professionals who are providing their

States by Architects since the year 2010.

Research Centre in setting up a Resource Centre

services across the region without too many

which is accessible by our professionals at NO

hurdles in regulatory processes. Similarly, we

Our strategy is to build upon this platform by

charge. In this regard the Board has projected

have since received many professionals who

extending such agreements throughout Africa

to have an operational Digital Resource Center

are serving in this country.

by the year 2030 as a way of anchoring our

by the Year 2017.

Whilst working towards the transformation of

activities and targets to the country’s blue print

BORAQS has also devolved services to

the Built Environment, we have not lost sight

of Vision 2030.

regional levels .We now have regional offices

of the importance of our social, ethical and

Happy Anniversary

agreement has been effected in the East African

We join the rest in congratulating BORAQS as they mark their 80th anniversay East African Breweries Limited Corporate Centre, Ruaraka P.O. Box 30161 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya



Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


BORAQS@80 environmental obligations. Our commitment

desire to courses allied to Bachelor’s Degrees

state- of- art BORAQS CENTRE which shall

to customers, general public, shareholders and

in Architecture and or Quantity Surveying

include modern Conference facilities, office

communities remains strong. The Board has

in Kenya in order to ensure the syllabi and

blocks, modern Recourse hub, executive

taken upon itself to be participatory especially

curricula meet the required standard.

accommodation and sporting facilities among

in advancing the sense of corporate social

other. All Architects and Quantity Surveyors

responsibility and has in the past participated in

We continue to build, deliver efficiency and

shall be invited to contribute in ideas because

tree planting and facilitation of blood donation

realize improvements in our growth graphs

this will be your property.

by members to National Blood Transfusion

as we register unprecedented geographic

Service who graciously partnered with us

expansion to the counties.

I would like to thank all our Architects, Quantity

towards this noble activity. In deed the Board





was and is very grateful to its members for their

I am pleased at the progress made particularly

Members, candidates, our stakeholders as well

willingness and participation in these events

in the increased number of graduates received

as members of the public for their continued

and we shall endeavor to be more vibrant in

every succeeding year in both professions, and


such events in future.

more so the increasing number of those who

Board. Together we are committed to a better

The Board has been working hand in hand

attend post graduate training especially among

sustainable Built environment.

with Universities and other learning institutions

our registered persons in practice.

in ensuring that quality training is not compromised.





God Bless you all. I am also excited about some of the great works by our own professionals in this country, .The

Mwongera Rukaria

The Board has also prepared both Architects

opportunities that are ahead of us are numerous

Executive Officer

and Quantity Surveyors Training Manuals for

and I am confident that we will continue to

post- graduate training. These manuals are very

deliver greater value for our beloved country

important to both trainers and trainees during

Kenya, EAC and the entire world.

post graduate Training.

As we turn 80 years am happy to inform our

The Board is also working with other tertiary

registered persons and all our stakeholders

learning institutions who have expressed the

that we intend to construct a ultra modern,

Our best wishes to




as theycelebrate their 80th Anniversary

Mruttu Salmann & Associates | Kindaruma Road off Ngong Road Century Gardens Apartments | Block B, 6th Floor, Apt. B604


Swift c ost Quantity Surveyors &


Construction Contracts Specialists

Congratulates BORAQS as they celebrate their 80th Anniversary Houses No. 6, Sukamba Court, Ngong Road | P.O. Box 570 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya | Tel: +254 020 357 9877 Cell: +254 721 498177 | Fax: + 254 020 357 9878 | Email:, | Website:

We congratulate BORAQS as they mark their 80th anniversary

#19,BeequeHouse, GolfCourse,MbarukRoad P.O. Box 3280 – 00200, Nairobi.

Tel:+254722667146 +254733734537

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


BORAQS@80 of BORAQS rhyme very well with

I was gratified to note that when the Royal

objectives of AAQS especially in training,

Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

professional integrity and research.

sought cooperation with the Institute

The prime objective of AAQS is “ to unite

of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya (IQSK),

national bodies of Quantity Surveyors

they were able to sign an MOU within

in Africa on a democratic basis and to

six months because their qualification

foster co-operation, intellectual, cultural,

processes were very compatible. I believe

educational and scientific ties among

it can even be faster within East Africa

such bodies “

with the assistance of the Board.

AAQS has seven other objectives dwelling

I would also like to highlight that AAQS

on professionalism, recognition, standard,

has opened up for firm memberships


and local Quantity Surveying firms are




profession in Africa, research/technical

encouraged to join.

advancement of the built environment

Best wishes to BORAQS as you enter

n behalf of AAQS, I take this

I will focus on one of the key objective



which is “to promote free movement of

celebrations. We look forward to greater

Quantity Surveyors amongst member

cooperation between the Board, Local and

years of service to the professions of


International Professional Associations.

Architects and Quantity Surveyors and


the construction industry as a whole.


We only celebrate success; I believe the

countries. This is one area BORAQS and

Vice President - Eastern Region

Board has taken stock of its achievements

AAQS can co-operate to ensure that this

Africa Association of Quantity Surveyors

in the eighty years of existence or part of

happens in the very near future starting

the period. Some of the key objectives

with East Africa.



to on

congratulate attaining








,members’ must the





be host

Qs David Gaitho

Muthithi Road No. 58, Westlands | TRV Plaza 7th Floor P.O. Box 22905-00400 | Nairobi, Kenya | Fixed Lines: +254 (020) 3743346 +254 (020)3744719 | 3749409 | Cell: +254 706 819287 | 721 671395 | 786 819287 | 786 671395 Fax Number: +254 20 3743344 | Email: |

The Practice

The practice was first registered in 1989. Over the years, it has evolved and currently operates as a Masterbill Integrated Projects (MIP) which has become one of the leading and most respected construction cost and quantity surveying consulting firms in Kenya. MIP has handled and is handling a diversity of projects ranging from commercial office blocks, mixed developments, hospitality facilities, institutional & religious buildings, industrial and engineering works

The Team

Our professional and support staff human resource is the key asset that drives the firm to the success it enjoys today and will be the asset that will steer our bright and successful future

Vision Statement

To be a leading construction cost and development consultancy in Eastern and Central Africa region by providing market and customer driven services with integrity and professionalism.

Mission Statement

To provide value for money to our clients through integrity, professionalism and constant improvement of our services

Services offered in the last 25 years

. Pro-active Quantity Surveying . Construction Cost and Development Consultancy . Construction Project Management . Arbitration and Dispute Management . Insurance Loss Consultancy and Valuations . Project Feasibility Studies

We congratulate BORAQS as they celebrate their 80th anniversary 28

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



s we celebrate 80 years, we

squarely on our laps.

need to re-evaluate ourselves

We urge all registered professionals, who

and ask whether the professions

are the gate-keepers to the professions

of Architecture and Quantity Surveying

of Architecture and Quantity Surveying,

have improved or deteriorated in quality

to provide the most critical link in

of service and level of satisfaction that we

this process by properly training and

give to our clients.

mentoring the young graduates to translate

Every profession is defined by the

their academic knowledge into practical


skills that give value for money to clients.




necessary to perform the requisite tasks. In addition, professionals owe a duty of

Please perform this noble task keeping

care to their clients and to the public in

in mind that you are shaping the future


of the profession and the construction industry. Together we can create the future

Consequently, different professions have

we desire just as earlier generation in the

over the years established measures


against which potential entrants must be


calibrated. This is to guarantee that they

QS.Isabella Njeri Wachira-Towey

have acquired the necessary knowledge,

Chief Examiner, BORAQS

skills, competencies, experience and attitudes required in the profession. The




examinations are one such measure and as the examiner, this is a task that falls

2nd floor new waumini house, westlands P.O. Box 13495-00800 nairobi Kenya Tel: 4444963 / 4441472 | fax: 4450904 Telkom wireless: 0202134918 e-mail:

Congratulating Board of Registration of Architects And Quantity Surveyors of Kenya On their 80th Anniversary Celebrations


Morningside Office Park | Ngong Road | 2nd Floor Wing B P.O Box 31728-00600 | Nairobi-Kenya | Tel: 0723770129 | Wireless: 020-2081239,2122053 Email: | Website:

‘Together We Cooperate, Together We Advance’

80 years

NDERITU CONSULTANTS “Professional Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers at all times”

Since 1934



1st Floor, Waumini House, | P.O Box 62405 - 00200, Nairobi, Kenya Telefax: +254 (20) 4450061 | Mobile: 0722-334175 E-mail: | website:

We join others in congratulating BORAQS as they celebrate their 80th anniversary

Emjay Consultants Ltd Quantity Surveyors & Building Economists Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |






rofessional Development Programs

the built environment and new trends

strengthen the individual practioner

in technology systems and processes.


These programmes also play part in




practicing culture and assist in spreading

opening new frontiers.



not only encourage all registered persons

Sharing knowledge learned from best

to continually engage and participate in

experience is a hallmark of professional

CPD programmes but also requires them


to accumulate CPD points for continuance








Development an

The Board does

as professional of good standing.


programme comprises topical issues that

ingredient of any professional’s life as

are fundamentally and normally aligned

through these exposure of the professional

to the technological, political, economical

to the dynamics and events in the profession

and socio-cultural developments in the

realm are realized.

built environment.

Cognizance of this

crucial element in the development of the

Segments of the CPD Programmes have in

Architect and Quantity Surveyor in practice

the past included exhibitions, visits to and

as well as those undergoing training cannot

presentations by manufacturers and service

be gainsaid. It is indeed one of the vehicles

delivery organizations. This has taken on

that are used to keep the professional

board other stakeholders in the buildings

informed and assists in keeping all of us


vibrant to a changing world.

these programmes our professionals are

Training under the CPD Programme is

essentially exposed to other players who

important as it gives the professionals an

contribute and actively participate in

opportunity to have an uptake and examine

shaping the built environment. We have

innovations amongst other elements of

therefore endeavored to cut across the built




CONSULTANTS We celebrate with you on your anniversary

BORAQS@ Congratulating Boraqs @ 80

P.O. Box 11966 - 00400 | Nairobi, Kenya | Telephone: +254 (0) 722 822 020 Email:



Quantity Surveyors, Arbitrators and Project Managers

We wish to congratulate BORAQS as they celebrate their

80th Anniversary P.O. Box 56078 - 00200 City Square, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 (020) 222 9294 / 2247576 Fax: +254 (020) 316177 Cell: +254 (0) 721208572 / (0) 701545494 Email:


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


Hughes Building mezzanine Floor Kenyatta Avenue/ Muindi Mbingu Street Junction, Banda street wing Above Giro Bank

AAKIConsultants,DaleHouse,RhaptaRoad,Westlands|PoBox66091-00800,Nairobi,Kenya Tel:+254(020)4443997,4448126,Cell:+254(0)715167090734-001211|

BORAQS@80 environment participants and practioners to

The Board has severally participated in

All the activities of the CPD are carried

ensure that all professionals are exposed to

Corporate Social Responsibility activities

out by the Board in accordance with the

the relevant development processes as we

which have been used as vehicles through

provisions of Cap 525 of the Laws of Kenya.

encourage interaction amongst themselves.

which the professional gives back to the


Interaction with other professionals within

society. Such activities increase awareness

responsibility of regulating, maintaining

the course of their practice has also taken

on the part of the public with respect to the

standards and ensuring positive growth. We

a wider regional approach by encouraging

mandate and the role of the professional

urge all professionals to be proactive and

those in the East African region to look

in the society as well as in the built

get actively involved in the diverse activities

out for opportunities with the region and

environment. The Board and other players

contained in the CPD programmes. Indeed

especially beyond home state boundaries.

in the construction industry roles are also

the Board has over time rolled out very

understood through such involvements.

specific training programmes that address

Every year the Board conducts registration






a wide range of issues pertinent to the built

examinations for persons who wish to

Indeed the Board has embarked on an


register with it in accordance with its

intensified global positioning of the Kenyan

to cater for all and made strides in this

mandate. To attain registration, candidates

organizing education and benchmarking

segment of its mandate.

must attend mandatory one-week training

activities across the continents.

and at least two (2) seminars organized by

approach will expose the professional to

As we continue celebrating 80 years of

the Board. Achievements in understanding

diverse trends in practice in the continents.

excellence, we welcome you all to be part

the industry have been regarded over the

While this is informed by the need to be part

of the CPD Programme in whichever way




The Board has closely engaged

of the “global village� it will continually

tertiary institutions that offer the specific

give opportunities to practioners to evaluate





It has indeed endeavored


ourselves and our general approach to

industry and this has set the foundation of

seeking solutions to the build environment

the profession at a firm base.


Karibu na karibuni ARCH. KUREBA .N.N, OGW Director Of CPD Programmes

60MuiriLane,Opposite, GalleriaMall,Karen P.O.Box52979-00200 Tel:0720696500I0786696501

Consulting Quantity Surveyors And Project Managers


We congratulate BORAQS as they mark their 80th anniversary

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


BORAQS@80 Mukiri Triumphs at the BORAQS@80 Golf Tournament

Karen’s George Rutto tees-off








celebrations, held




Tournament on 21st November 2014 at the Karen Country Club to bring together professionals





business to share and exchange ideas. This event brought together architects, engineers, contractors, suppliers and their clients. Mukiri triumphed over a large field of


Mukiri managed a total of 38 stable points

champion of the BORAQS@80l Golf

thus scooping the winner’s title.

Tournament held at the Karen Country Club

“I am privileged to scoop this prize through

over the weekend.

team work and determination I had to win.”

The event which attracted more than

Said Mukiri as he received his prize for the

120 golfers mainly drawn from the


construction industry was the 1st Annual

He was followed closely by George Rutto

Golf Tournament sponsored by the Board

playing off at handicap 25 emerging as the

of Registration of Architects & Quantity

second runner up.




seasoned golfers to be crowned this year’s

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

The aim of the event was to highlight the

On third position was Mike Agengo who

board’s 80th Anniversary Celebrations,

carded 37 points followed very closely by

to provide an informal occasion where

Mela Dhanjal in fourth position.

construction sector players can interact

The lady winner went to Jennifer Murigu

and form long – lasting professional

with 35 stable ford points with the most

contacts that will further enhance their

effort prize going to Mr. Kimaru at 9 points.

market presence. To position and publicize

Oscar Ogunde emerged the best architect

BORAQS in general, as an organization

firing 36 points with Milton Ndegwa

whose primary objective is to promote the

scooping the best Quantity Surveyor with

general advancement of the practice of

37 points. Qs. Louis Njoroge and Mukiri

Quantity Surveying and Architecture and

settling for the best 1st Nine and 2nd Best

its application in Kenya.

Second Nine respectively.

BORAQS@80 DRAFT 2015 Year Planner Date


9th January 2015

Invite exam applicants through local print daily

26th February 2015

Breakfast seminar.

9th March 2015

Closure of receiving examination applications

27th March 2015

Year 2015 Candidates 1st Site/industrial visit

1st-4thApril 2015

Architects and Quantity Surveyors Projects Exhibition (Open days)

14th May 2015

One day CPD seminar

26th -29rd May 2015

Year 2015 Candidates Training

June 2015

University visits

3rd July 2015

Networking Dinner for Construction Industry players

28th August 2015

Year 2015 Candidates 2nd Site/industrial visit

16th-17th September 2015

2 day CPD seminar

18th September 2015

Year Candidates revision and briefing

28th September 2015

Written exam Paper One

29th September 2015

Written exam Paper Two

30th Sept - 17th October 2015

Oral Examinations

13th -21st November 2015

Educational Tour of China

18th December 2015

Dispatch of year 2015 exams results

18th December 2015

Closure of office for Christmas holidays

Education Board meetings

Every 1st Tuesday of the Month

Ethics & Practice Committee

Every 1st Wednesday of the Month

BOARD Meetings

Every 2nd Thursday of the Month

Finance & Administration Committee Every Last Friday of the Month

Edon Consultants International Ltd Architects, Project Managers and Design Builders P.O. Box 19684 - 00202, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: + 254 (20) 3874901 | + 254 (20) 3878345 Fax: + 254 (20) 3861925

We congratulate BORAQS as they mark their 80th anniversary

Crown Paints congratulates BORAQS on their 80th anniversary Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

Top: Director of SULECO Company Ltd, Wituka Melanie ( 3rd right) receiving the award Bottom: Chief Guest, Mariam El Maawy, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development

Woman Contractor of the Year 2014

A W A R D S The Woman Contractor of the Year 2014

All construction firms registered with NCA

awards took place on Friday, November

with a shareholding of at least 51% owned

28, 2014 at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi.

by a woman or women directors were

The award ceremony, which was held

eligible for the award. All the awards were

to celebrate and recognize exceptional

presented to the construction firms not

women in the construction industry, had

individual contractors. Out of hundreds

been hosted by the National Construction

of entries, thirty construction firms were

Authority (NCA). Presiding guests included


the ARM Cement Managing Director,

letters, asking them to submit company

Pradeep Paunrana, NCA Board Chairman,

profiles with the applicable documents for

Steven Oundo, OGW, NCA Executive





Director, Daniel O. Manduku, Association of





Out of the thirty firms that received

(AKEWIC) Chair-lady, Tabby Rose Wanja

nomination letters, twenty two submitted

and Woman Contractor Award Chairlady,

the completed application documents.

Arch. Winnie Kalya. Other distinguished

Twelve of the twenty two firms were then

attendants were NCA Board members.

shortlisted for the technical evaluation,

Present also was the Narok County, Deputy

which included site visits to their ongoing

Governor, Hon. Evalyn Aruasa and Baringo

construction works. Out of the twelve, six

North Woman Rep, Grace Kiptui. The event

firms were shortlisted as the finalists for

was officiated by the Principal Secretary for

the Woman Contractor of the Year Awards.

the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban

They included Dry Rock Suppliers Ltd, Riza

Development, Arch. Mariam El Maawy.

Works, Eunitech Engineering Ltd, Mankone

Nomination & Evaluation

Construction Company Ltd, Namunyak

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


EVENT Contractors Ltd, Eminanjo Construction

based on three pillars of education, health

Currently, there are approximately one

Company Ltd and Zueda Zee Enterprises.

and the environment. Other sponsors


included Housing Finance, Sadolin Paints,

construction firms registered with the

Suleco Company Ltd emerged as the

Mabati Rolling Mills, Engineers Board of

Authority, a clear minority amongst the

winner of the Woman Contractor of the

Kenya (EBK), Advance Public Relations &

thirteen thousand (13,000) firms. AKEWIC’s

Year 2014, scooping Kshs. 1,000,000 worth

Marketing (APR&M)and BORAQS.

patron is Hon. Cecily Mbarire, Member of

of cement from Rhino C ARM Cement. The

The event that brought together key

Parliament for Runyenjes.

first runners up were Eunitech Engineering


Ltd, receiving Kshs. 500,000 worth of

banking, manufacturing, academic and

Consequently, the National Construction

roofing material from Mabati Rolling

financial industries was regulated by

Authority (NCA) initiated the Woman

Mills. Zueda Zee Enterprises were the 2nd

Caroline Mutoko as the Master of the

Contractor of the Year Awards (WCA),

Runners up who received Kshs. 250,000


an annual awards scheme that will be

worth of paint from Sadolin. Best Building


celebrating women contractors who are







Works contractor award went to Riza

excelling in the construction industry. A

works while Best Road Works contractor

The award ceremony stems from the

committee was formed, constituting of

went to Namunyak Ltd, both receiving

Women Contractors’ Dinner held last

representatives from NCA, ARM Cement

Kshs. 100,000 each. The Most Inspiring

year on August 15 which was a platform

Limited (formerly Athi River Mining Ltd),

Contractor went to Power Eagle Enterprises.

initiated as a brain child of Hon. Charity.


There was also a special recognition award

Ngilu, EGH, Cabinet Secretary for Land,

Board of Registered Architects and Quantity

for the Ministry of Devolution and Planning.

Housing and Urban Development. The

Surveyors (BORAQS), The Institution of

vision was to acknowledge and empower

Engineers of Kenya (IEK) and Advance

Speaking during the ceremony, Principal

women contractors, as well as give them

Public Relations and Marketing.

Secretary, Ministry of Lands, Housing and

a forum to interact with their peers. Over

Urban Development, Mariam El Maawy

three hundred (300) women contractors

NCA will continue to support women

stated that the Ministry wants to ensure that

were in attendance, and the event was

contractors by adhering to the government

women play their rightful role in developing

presided over by Hon. Ngilu. The guest

policy on gender mainstreaming. All

this great nation by empowering them to

of honor was Anne Waiguru, OGW and

construction works by NCA, worth fifty

thrive in the lucrative construction industry

Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and

million (Kshs.50m) and below are to be

and establish an active voice in the business

Planning. The dinner also celebrated the

awarded to the special category of Women,

community. This in turn will boost their

amendments to the Public Procurement Act

Youth and Persons Living with Disability.

careers, giving them power and control

(Preference and Reservation) Regulations

The Authority is striving to have this

over their lives. She also encouraged more

2013, which specified that a procuring

threshold raised to an even higher amount

women to register as contactors and pursue

entity shall allocate at least thirty percent

to ensure more women-owned construction

integrity in their work.

of its procurement expenditure for the

firms get a fair share of construction bids.

purposes of procuring goods, work and

The ongoing mandatory contractor training



services from micro and small enterprises

program has managed to reach over five

Pradeep Paunrana also emphasized on


of ARM

owned by youth, women and persons with

thousand women contractors, and more

the need to train more young people


women continue to express their need for

especially women to take up jobs in the

The dinner highlighted the need for women

support by the major stakeholders in the

manufacturing industry. He spoke of the

contractors to be facilitated in order for


need for the government and others in the

them to bid competitively in the market,

private sector to join in similar efforts by

as well as a need to liaise with each other

ensuring that quality constructors receive

for better communication, unification and

recognition and support in order to foster


competitiveness. ARM Cement, which was the key sponsor of the Woman Contractor

As a result, the women contractors resolved

of the Year 2014, is also involved in other

to form an association that would agitate for

various sponsorship programs that seek

their rights, and the Association of Kenyan

to have a positive and sustainable impact

Women in Construction (AKEWIC) was

on the social and economic well-being of

born. The Association currently boasts of

the communities in which they operate in,

approximately two hundred (200) members.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


Transformation of the urban public spaces in the last century By Arch Steve Gome


ublic spaces are generally located

human relations, the closed space … it is

power by building of towers) more than



evident that this balance [of the historic

the social well-being of the city dwellers.



the form of streets, squares, and

core, E.B.] has now been destroyed, the

Contemporary capitalistic ideology treats

recreation spaces. These spaces have

this charm has vanished” (Meyer-Heine

urban spaces as mere unfortunate left

greatly transformed in nearly all scales of

1956: 64).

overs of the grandiose high-rise towers.

urban set ups around the Globe.






The Industrial approach in the 20th

The adoption of the high-rise typology has

functions are long gone and overtaken by

century inspired the concept of the city as

also been a big factor in transformation of

“economic demands”. The few available

a machine. The machine metaphor both

the post war urban spaces. In Europe, high-

spaces have also suffered from the modern

explained the characteristic noise, smoke,

rise buildings remained a controversial

security situations like terrorism or mere

grease, and constant agitation of the city.

form of construction subject to planning

desire to cordon hitherto freely accessible

restrictions in the centers of cities like

spaces to restrictive and “defensible”

The old inherent functions of urban

Munich, Dresden, and Paris.


public spaces especially the squares and


piazzas has since been eroded partly by

regulations in Germany permitted a


rapidly growing traffic and environmental

maximum height of 25 meters to the roof

balance the contemporary factors with

pollution and secondly by residents

construction. Proponents of this building

the older concepts in urban planning

relocating from inner-city districts and

type regard the tower building as a symbol

even in the face of rapidly changing

new housing estates to the city outskirts.

for the organization of a metropolis.

human population, proliferated vehicular





Urban spaces today are viewed as a





traffic and the foregoing socio-politico

transit and acceleration space, reduced to

The traditional qualities in the public

a network of routes and distances. “what

urban space have largely been reduced by


makes the city is the public square, the

regard to economics (Greed for rentable

The author works with Whintto Architects

meeting place where the setting enhances

spaces) and political metaphors (Show of

(K) Ltd based in Mombasa Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


PASSION, ETHICS & RESILIENCE – Architect Jerry Ndong


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

PROFILE “People concentrate too much on the beauty and the form hence ends up creating buildings that do not function”


orn in 1950 in a small town west

the university, Jerry was introduced to

appointed to the Secretariat of Presidential

of Kenya called HomaBay in

this artistic course closely related with

Commission on Urban Land Use.

South Nyanza, Architect. Jeremiah

engineering. The discipline was rather

Eddy Obar Ndong is 64 years old. Often

appealing however, it would take him a

Private Practice

referred to as Jerry Ndong, the founder

long study period and as a married man,

In January 1989, Jerry left the Ministry

and senior director of Edon Consultants

that would be a challenge. He would

after nine years of civil service to officially

International, Arch. Ndong has been

later learn that both architecture and

establish his own firm, Edon Consultants

practicing for the last 32 years.

engineering courses took equal duration

International Ltd, which he had been

of study. Understanding that architecture

running in a briefcase for 7 years. He had


was more lucrative, Jerry settled for

registered Edon in 1982 but he operated

After primary school in his local village in

architecture instead of the engineering

from his house while still employed until

1965, Jerry was admitted to Mang’u high


1989. The big break for Edon International

school for his

‘O’ levels. He would

was design of Asili Co-operative House

then proceed for A levels at Homa Bay

Early career life

high school in 1970. Upon completing

After five years of study, Jerry graduated

a commercial block for a cooperative

his ‘A’ level studies, Jerry could not pursue

with a Bachelor of Science Degree in

society, which was located along Moi

further studies. With eleven children, his

Architecture in 1980. He came back to

Avenue next to the Graffins College. The

father who worked as a primary school

Kenya and joined the Ministry of Public

building currently hosts the Clarion hotel.

teacher could not support his family

Works as an assistant architect. Around

The 32 year old firm, Edon Consultants

efficiently and therefore Jerry had to start

the same time, he also became a part

International Ltd, is still in operation as

working and earn a living to help educate

time lecturer at the University of Nairobi,

a fully independent corporate institution

his siblings. He started working at the



offering architectural services, project

Kenya Commercial Bank (then known as

Development. In 1983, Jerry sat for his

management, interior design, landscaping

National & Grindlays Bank) as a clerk and

professional exams and was registered

and contractor services especially to

later as a section head. Immediately after,

as an architect. Nurtured to complete

clients living abroad. They have since

Jerry got married.

his work in a day at the bank, Jerry’s

opened offices in Namibia, South Sudan

At the bank, Jerry took a deep interest

performance at the Ministry was exquisite

and Uganda.

in computers and hence approached his

hence in the same year he was appointed

A few of the major projects for Edon

manager to transfer him to a computer

Head of Department in charge of Building

International over the years include 33

centre in order for him to learn computing.



Railway Stations for the Standard Gauge

He worked for four years in the bank

Agriculture and Livestock Development.

Railway, Kibish paramilitary station in

while training in computer operations and

After three years, Jerry was promoted to

Turkana; which has all the facilities for

programming. His interest in computer

the Provincial Works Officer and posted

police training hence can hosts all the

technology was fast increasing. On

to Nyeri in Central Province.

forces collectively. The project which is


that same year of establishment; it was






that fourth year, Jerry decided to quit

due completion is located at the border

the banking job and pursue computer

His work in the new position was

of Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan. Others

engineering since the bank would not

maintenance of government buildings.


allow him to become either a computer

After working in Nyeri for four years,

University, Our Lady Queen of Peace

Engineer or programmer at his level.

Jerry was transferred to Nairobi Province

Catholic Church, KU Uni-City and HCDA

In 1976, he got a scholarship to go study

in the same capacity for one year before

Cooling stations and Kenya National



being posted to the head office in Nairobi.

Highways Headquarters among many



He worked there for one year then was










Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



“Always let function guide the design; what is it meant to do?”

Achievements & Recognition

architecture. In his words,” Architects

Architect Jerry is the lead consultant and

concentrate too much on the beauty and

founding director of Edon Consultants

the form hence end up creating buildings

International Ltd since its establishment

that do not function. Always let function

in 1982 to date. He is a member of the

to guide the design; what is it meant to do?

Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK)

Function should be the first thing for an

and the Board of Registration of Architects

architect to put maximum emphasis on.

and Quantity Surveyors (BORAQS). Jerry

There are three components of a design;

was appointed as the Secretary General,

function, cost and then aesthetics.”

African Union of Architects in 1995

On the semi baked graduates joining

where he served until 1998. He was

the practice today, Arch. Jerry feels that

also the chairman of AAK since 1996 to

absentee lecturers are to blame. Contrary

1998. He hence chaired the AAK Board of

to their time back in the 60’s, today, most

Trustees from 1998 to 2003. Jerry was also

of the tutors in the institutions also own

appointed Vice President of the African

private firms and thus there is divided

Union of Architects for East African region

attention between the student and the

from 1998 to 2001 and subsequently,

business. The sharp young brains need

the Vice Chairman, Public Procurement,

more attention and committed training to

Complaints, Review and Appeals Board

produce quality at the market place. Jerry

until 2004. He has remained the Senior

also calls on the professional bodies to

Trustee of African Union of Architects

involve scholars more by offering career

since 2003 to date. Jerry is also a Director

talks to help them understand the real

of Lake Victoria South Water Services


Board, Kenya until next year 2015; a position he has served since the year

Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, South B


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



Design Advice

with its own share of huddles. Economic

As it would be expected, success comes

Jerry’s best design advice would sound

fluctuation has been one of the major

like a reminder to designers that “Form

challenges for Jerry; when the economy

follows Function”, a principle that will

goes down, of the three basic needs to

never change and the foundation of

humanity, shelter is least prioritized.

PROFILE People will first consider food then

Kenya. He notes that overtime, the field

clothing and shelter comes last. In turn, it

has evolved for the better, especially for

is the architect who suffers in such a case

the last 10 years. He terms 1992 to 2002 as

as there is no work for him/her.

the darkest years of his business but since

The other default challenge of nearly all

the new government took up from 2002,

professionals is Corruption. One cannot

there has been a lot of improvement.

just quantify how much this vice has

Looking into the post colonial period,

derailed professionalism.

Jerry remembers how the industry was

Professional fees poses as the other

white dominated with only a few African

challenge for architects, Jerry included.

architects in practice. Of course, Architect

While the 6% may sound like a lot of

David Mutiso formerly of MMI, the late

money, mostly, by the time a project

Arch. Daniel Mutiso of Triad, Waweru

is complete, the money paid in small

Senior of Waweru & Associates and the

instalments is already consumed in the

late Arch. Ngotho of Studio House. At

errands of the project and the pending

the time and unlike today, architects

balance may take forever to be cleared.

would get commissioning letters from the

Competition between the big firms and

government in the post office having been

the small firms is also graduating to a real

given a job without having to pursue it.

challenge since small firms with fewer

A major revolution in the industry is

overhead costs charge way cheaper for a

the computer technology. Jerry defines

similar project that established old firms

computing as one of the best things that

will require to charge huge money. This

ever happened to the design world. He

acts as a disadvantage to the old firms,

totally appreciates the speed and efficiency

like Edon, only salvaged often by capacity

offered by computers remembering how

and experience as they can handle more

time consuming manual designs used to

work at a go.


Industrial Revolution

Mentors/Inspiration The first person who mentored and

Jerry has been practicing for the last 32

inspired Jerry locally was Kenneth Matiba.

years. Certainly, he has seen the best and

He was the Minister of Public Works

the worst of the architecture industry in

when Jerry used to work as a Public Works

Asili co-operative House, Nairobi Kenya

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

6.1 Commercial Buildings


PROFILE Officer; he terms Kenneth’s work ethics

It is interesting to learn that Architect Jerry

Mombasa to Nairobi. Jerry notes that

as strong and exemplary. He remembers

is also a hotelier. With his two sons in the

this is their ultimate growth but he is also

that Kenneth would be in the office by

hotel industry, he is also moving into the

keen to get the commission extended

6.30am, latest 7am every morning and

hospitality business in partnership with

to Malaba, Uganda and Rwanda. The

still he would be the last to leave! Jerry has

the sons. They have a hotel in Karen and a

other current project is Bara Bara Plaza;

maintained punctuality since then and

currently ongoing project in HomaBay for

KeNHA & Ministry of Transport is building

until today; he is in the office everyday at

a hotel business.

its headquarters in Embakasi for all the

7.30am unless otherwise. He testifies that punctuality produces very good results. For his architectural work, he draws a lot of inspiration from nature.

Family & Personal Life

Present/ Future Plans

road related projects. It is a World Bank project.

Jerry and Edon are intertwined, hence it

Jerry’s plan was to retire at the age of 65,

is obvious that you cannot mention one

of which would have been next year; but

without the other. The main and current

with the Standard Gauge Railway project,

project for his company, which is also

he might have to review the plan, and

Architect Jerry Ndong is married to one

Edon’s biggest project ever, is the Standard

hopefully retire at 70.

wife with whom they co-direct Edon

Gauge Railway construction estimated to

The succession plan for Edon Consultants

Consultants International. They have been

cost Kshs. 327 billion. The project team

International Ltd is well set in place with

married for the last 40 years and together

includes Apex Engineers, TSI Contractors

new directors who are ready to take

they have three children; two boys and

from China and Edon International as the


one girl. All their children are grown ups

architects. Edon has been commissioned

living abroad.

to build 33 gauge railway stations from

KenGen RBS Gardens

Stima Sacco, Ngara, Nairobi


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |


GROHE GROHE NOMINATED FOR 2014 GERMAN SUSTAINABILITY AWARD Leading sanitary manufacturer acknowledged for its commitment to resource efficiency




energy saving during their long service

high expectations associated with such an

means exercising responsibility for the

lives. Highlights in its range include the

accolade also in the future.”

environment and for humanity. This is why

GROHE EcoJoy® product lines, whichare

the company’s guidelines for sustainable

designed for up to 50% lower water

More than 800 entries were received for

action are deeply embedded in its structures

consumption. Another reason for the

this year’s German Sustainability Award.

and processes. From water and energy

nomination cited by the expert judges is

Headed by Prof.Dr.Günther Bachmann,

saving products to sustainable production

the GROHE Blue® water system, which

general secretary of the German Council





supplies three varieties of chilled and

for Sustainable Development, the judges

GROHE takes its role as a market leader


filtered table water straight from the tap -

selected this year’s nominees based on

seriously and acts as a role model for the

with a carbon footprint significantly below

their sustainability profiles and their

entire industry. The company’s unerring

that of bottled mineral water. This way

sustainability performance along their

focus on sustainability is very much

GROHE empowers consumers to mitigate

value chains. This selection resulted in

consistent with the goals of the German

their impact on the environment and on

the nomination of 14 companies and

Sustainability Award and its mission to

natural resources in a sustainable manner.

nine communities for their outstanding

promote sustainable excellence. Now a

achievements in tackling the ecological

jury of experts has nominated GROHE for

“Our company is committed to promoting

the “Resource Efficiency” 2014 special

pure water enjoyment,” says Michael

award, putting the company on the top 3

Rauterkus, Chief Sales Officer at Grohe


shortlist for this category.

AG. “For us this also means that we









and social challenges of the future. German is





unique natural resource. When taking


facing humanity, GROHE pursues a

decisions, we are very much aware of

government, the umbrella organisations

variety of activities derived from its

the sustainability implications and this


early recognition of the importance of

awareness of sustainability is shared by

confederations of business and industry,

resource efficiency. Apart from having a

all our employees. Being nominated for

civil society organisations and research

professional resource management system

the “Resource Efficiency” special award is

institutions. The seventh annual awards

at all production sites, the company

an invaluable confirmation of our efforts

will be presented in Düsseldorf on

has spent the past decades developing

and our products. At the same time, this

November 28.

products which are particularly water and

nomination will inspire us to live up to the





To help resolve the ecological challenges






Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



Crown Paints Group enters Tanzania The Group, which was established in 1958, intends to invest USD$3.6million in the next 18months to build a market leading Paint Company that will transform the lives of Tanzanians




Tanzanian citizens. We have an ambitious

These export markets included Southern

2014…. East Africa leading paint


vision for this business. We want to make

Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania.



it the leading paint company in Tanzania.

With a robust marketing and distribution

Group has today announced its entry into


And we will be making Dar, the hub for

in place, this year, we hope to maintain

the Tanzanian paint industry.

our Tanzania operations, providing a strong

growth in these countries,” he said.

base for our expansion into other provinces

At the same time, Mr Rao disclosed that

The Group, which was established in 1958,

in the country.”

Crown Paints Tanzania, will be part of

intends to invest USD$3.6million in the

The Tanzanian construction sector is also

Crown Paints Group CSR programme,

next 18months to build a market leading

among the very important sectors that

which will be enabling local employees to

Paint Company that will transform the

contribute hugely to the Gross Domestic

support and volunteer for good causes. The

lives of Tanzanians. Crown Paints has also

Product (GDP). Last year, it accounted for

company has invested in education, health

opened Tanzania’s first ultra-modern paint

11.9% of all the wealth that was generated

and environment.

showroom located in Dar Es Salaam.

in the country. The sector also employs

Mr Rao added CSR has assumed a new

about 9 % of the workforce in Tanzania.

meaning in today’s world.

Crown Paints, which has major operations

“In recent

years, CSR has become an increasingly

in the Nairobi, Kigali, Kampala, Arusha,

The construction sector is expected to

important activity to businesses nationally

Mwanza and Juba also announced that Dar-

continue its strong growth path in the

and internationally.”

Es-Salaam will become the headquarters

near future. This is backed by continued

Through Crown Paints CSR Program, he

of Crown Paints Tanzania, enabling the

investments in the recently discovered

said we are supporting government directly

company to expand into other provinces in

natural gas reserves in Tanzania and the

and indirectly to better the society. In the

the country.

expansion in public investments (including

last six months, Crown Paints has been

Listed in EA largest securities exchange,

the ongoing construction of USD 1.2 billion

proactive in sponsorship for destitute and



gas pipeline from Mtwara to Dar es Salaam),

underprivileged children through feeding

decorative paints, protective, automotive,


as well as the related investments aimed at

programmes, talent development, school






stabilizing power generation in the country.

fees support and transformation of learning

Amourcoat, Acryline, Flowcrete amongst



Crown Paints has grown to become a



company with an annual turnover of USD

Rakesh Rao, CEO of Crown Paints Group,

61.2million and is now producing 2.3

Dr. Abdallah O Kigoda, Minister for

said: “This is our second step into the

Million Liters of paint per month.

Industry & Trade said, “We are excited to

Tanzanian paint industry, since we have

welcome Crown Paints Tanzania. Crown

already established a mini plant in Arusha

Speaking at the launch, Crown Paints

Paints Group is a highly rated company

and distribution depots in Arusha and

Group Vice Chairman, Hussein Ramji

in EA. And the announcement made here

Mwanza. We want to build a strong long-

revealed that the firm is set to expand into

today, will create job opportunity for our

term partnership with the people and

other markets. Mr Ramji explained that

youthful population and offer training for

government of the Republic of Tanzania.

export market was a key contributor to the

painters across the country.”

We also want to help build a thriving

group sales volume. “Our export markets

paint industry that will transform lives of

sales volume increased by 50pc in 2013.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

VISIT A CROWN SHOWROOM TODAY AND SEE THE EFFECTS OF ARMOURCOAT FOR YOURSELF. Give your walls a distinctive and luxurious look with the Armourcoat range of surface finishes from Crown. Choose from a variety of textures and hundreds of colour combinations at a Crown Showroom today.

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

Crown Paints Head Office, Likoni Road Muthithi Place, Muthithi Road, Westlands Lavington Curve, James Gichuru Road Nyali Centre, Links Road, Nyali Westside Mall, Kenyatta Avenue, Nakuru Eagle Hardware Building, Sosiani Street, Eldoret







on the same network infrastructure. To

provides performance that can be assured

internet in the work place



support this convergence the correct

and ease of manageability once installed.

being a thing of the past, new

network infrastructure must be installed


trends are emerging that demand better

using defined standards.

installation or upgrading an existing

quality networks. These trends include

The passive components of the network;

network it is important to consider the

‘big data’ which refers to the exponential

cables and their connecting hardware are

following factors to determine the class or

growth and availability of data which can

installed using defined standards to have

category of cable to be used. The factors

be processed for information. Telephony

what is called structured cabling. This is

assume that issue indoor and outdoor

has moved from the traditional separate

a starting point before active components

requirements have been addressed:

telephone network to the computer

of the network (switches, routers et al) are

The applications to be used on

network in a set up known as IP telephony.

installed. This is to support a networking

the network

Audio and video conferencing are now

standard known as Ethernet (IEEE802.3).

Duration of usage of a facility of

frequently used as tools for getting work

This standard defines technologies for


done. Smart buildings systems such as

Local and Wide Area Networks (LANs and

Lifecycle of the network

video surveillance, access control, fire

WANs) and was introduced in February

Cost relative to performance

alarms and energy management also rely

1980 hence the 802.


on the same infrastructure. This new trend is what is being described as convergence.










It is important to have structured cabling

cabling systems should have a lifecycle

done using standards as this ensures

of more than 10 years most reputable

Convergence on the Network is the

compatibility and interoperability with

manufacturers will typically give 15 to 25

transmission of data voice and video

other elements of the network. It also

year warranty on their cabling products.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

TECHNOLOGY With this background it is only prudent

fact that most of our networks run at only

investments in structured cabling systems

1% of that performance using 100BASE-T

are made with the future in mind similar


to other investments in technology. Ideally

adopters having settled on 1000BASE-T

the passive network infrastructure should

(Gigabit Ethernet).





support at least two generations of the active network equipment – the switches

When designing and installing structured

and routers. Being the most disruptive

cabling systems, chose the strongest

element of the network to upgrade

foundation to support your present and

because it is labor intensive a long term

future network applications needs. This

view will be important to capture the

will ensure support new technologies.

total cost of ownership when selecting the standard to use.

George is a director at Synthesys and can be reached

The latest standard 10GBASE-T which transmits data at a staggering speed of 10 Gigabits per second is expected to be used in the lifecycle of current structured cabling deployments. This is despite the

Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



FROM WASTE TO PLACE: Flood protection creates public space


s we endure the November rains

benefits, the resulting space is transformed

in Nairobi, most citizens view

to provide water and sanitation facilities,

the rains as a hazard that ruins

opportunities for business, and safe spaces

weekends and worsens the traffic problems

for social gathering and playing.

throughout the city. Within the informal settlements such as Kibera however, the

One such project is Kibera Public Space

resulting floods not only exacerbate a

Project 04, commonly known as “Site



04”. The nearly completed public facility,

also present clear and present dangers to



which was proposed by local leadership

surrounding structures and residents. The

and the surrounding residents, emerged

numerous tributaries that pass through

from the intersection of two water ways

Kibera enjoy wide shoulders for most of

between Lindi, Laini Saba and Mashimoni

the year and are typically used for the

villages. KDI engaged three community

dumping of solid waste or as play areas

based organizations from the area, Slum

for children. As the rains begin however,

Care, Ndovu Society, and Usalama Youth

these generous spaces are consumed by

Reform. These three groups came together

rushing waters that carry everything from

to both advise and guide the KDI design

raw sewage to car tires. This uncontrolled,

team towards a unified, public solution.

viscous mixture has been known to claim both homes and lives of Kibera residents. Kounkuey Design Initiative, commonly

Construction of Flood Protection

known as KDI, has been working in Kibera


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

since 2007 to help mitigate the threats

The development of the flood protection

of such flooding through the renewal of

components began in earnest in mid 2012.

unused dumping areas into what they have

Using publicly available rainfall data,

coined as “Productive Public Spaces”.

local consultation and discussions with

Each of KDIs projects, which now amount

government offices such as Nairobi City

to six such examples throughout Kibera,

Council, Department of the Environment,

define lengths of these waterways with the

the KDI team estimated flow rates and

installation of flood protections that serve

flood levels for the existing channels and

as a buffer that protects the surrounding

sized the waterway accordingly.


quickly translated to construction which

In addition to these physical



resulted in the installation of two levels of

people’s vision for the future of the site in

stone filled gabions founded on bedrock.

order to prioritize potential programmatic

The team then chose to accent the façade


of the river wall with layered masera stone

analysis where the community identified

as an aesthetic touch that also increased

physical and social qualities of the site,

the impermeability of the wall to better

including the location of surrounding

withstand the effects of the flood waters.

businesses, schools and public facilities.

This began with a site

This resulted in a rough list of programs As the construction of the waterway was

for the project. Usalama Youth Reform

underway, KDI and their community

chose to focus on the development of a


space that would serve as a cyber cafĂŠ for




watershed education workshops which

the surrounding youth.


identified a lack of child care facilities




the development of the project.

Ndovu Society


in the area, and indicated their desire to

immediately became apparent that the

create a space for children to learn and

community members were well aware of

grow in their earliest years. Slum Care

both the threats posed by flooding and the

chose to focus their efforts towards the

dumping of sewage and solid waste into

design and development of a sanitation

the waterways. It was further apparent


though that there were limited real

common interests such as a playspace for

alternatives to such practices. As a result,

children, seating areas for socializing and

KDI and the community embarked upon

public business kiosks, rounded out the

an empowerment campaign that put the

list of programs for development.

These programs, paired with

community members in touch with other organizations working in the area such

The following workshops sought to

as The Clean Kenya Campaign, which

begin to both locate the programs on

translated into direct support from City

the site as well as to develop plans

Council to support solid waste removal.

towards sustainable business plans for the programs. These steps opened the

The Design Process The first design workshop aimed to capture the challenges of the existing space and

door towards design development in subsequent meetings, which reviewed specific





material choices. Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



The Public Space The resulting structure creates space for these programs using machine cut stone and slender engineering bricks, finished with a colorful rough cast that brings the structure to the forefront of its dense, monotone surroundings. A clerestory wraps the perimeter of the structure providing both natural ventilation and needed security both from the outside and between the spaces. The windows, also kept small for security reasons, consist of numerous independently operated apertures that reflect the diversity of the surrounding community working together towards a common project of public interest. The interior of the spaces are kept well lit during the day with skylights, and provide clean spaces for washing, learning and commerce. Outside of the structure, some of the public spaces are yet to be


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

realized though will host a public water

the early planning stages. Together, these

point and areas for socializing youth a

projects constitute a growing network of

play space for children.

public space projects along the informal settlements’ main tributaries; each of

In designing a public space that protects

which protect the project’s neighboring

against flooding for the surrounding

structures and create opportunity for the


surrounding communities.






incorporated environmental, social and economic benefits for Kibera residents

In addition to these individual projects,

through the design of the programs

KDI is doing further research surrounding


the flooding and flood control within

This, in conjunction with

the consultative design workshop process

Kibera as a whole.

that puts the community members at the

collaborations with Nairobi City Water

This has led to

forefront of the decision making process

and Sewerage Company, Nairobi City

will ensure that the project continues to

County, the Nairobi River Basin Program,

provide a refuge for area residents from

and others.

the density of the Kibera urban fabric long

of the behavior of the watershed within

into the future.

Kibera and a growing portfolio of projects

This broad understanding

will ultimately contribute to many of the Kibera Public Space Project 04 is one of

larger initiatives surrounding Nairobi’s

six Public Space Projects that KDI has

largest informal settlement.

realized in Kibera over the past eight

definitely a design firm to watch.

years. Their seventh project is already under construction, with the eighth in

KDI is

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Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |




Dear Architect, Your Website Sucks By Enock Sears


ear architect, would you like

win commissions and design buildings.

more of the ‘right’ kind of

We are rightfully proud of our work and

clients? Well, if you are hoping

want to display it to the world, especially

the web will help you with this goal, let

to our prospective clients. We think our

me give you a tip: your website sucks. I

work is what differentiates us from other

know, it isn’t a very polite thing to say. But

architects. We think that if our prospects

I’m helping architects here, not trying to

like the buildings we have designed,

be liked by anyone.

they will take an interest in our work

The Mistake 0n 99% of Architect’s

and hopefully choose us for their next


commission. Mistakenly we assume that

Many architects affirm that websites do

the best use of our website is to focus on

not produce leads. And the leads that

our work.

do come through don’t turn into paying

For our purposes, sites that follow this

clients. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be

format are called brochure websites.


Brochure websites, as the term suggests, don’t offer more than what a prospect can

By nature architects are visually inclined; we like images. We assume our prospects are similar and that our best chance to

get from a physical brochure.

Ok, so what’s the problem?

catch their interest is with eye-popping pictures. This is where architects go wrong

Nothing really if your goal is to showcase

with web design.

your projects. If however, your goal is to

Architect’s websites have a predicable

generate viable leads; your website needs

format: a prominent portfolio page, a

a redesign.

services page, and an ‘About Us’ page.

The problem is that 99% of architect’s

As architects we have worked hard to

websites are not designed to capture new


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

Brochure websites, as the term suggests, don’t offer more than what a prospect can get from a physical brochure.

OPINION clients. They are designed to showcase


the architects’ work. Architect’s websites

website focused on fulfilling the needs of

Step two: Add content to your If the designer is clueless about the

look like they were designed for other

your prospects. This is done through blog

answers to the above questions; move on.


posts, articles, white-papers and webinars

Remember, prospects want information

that are hosted on your website. For

first, design second.

In other words, the problem is that your

example, write a blog post about “local

website is all about you. It is about your

building costs” or “how to select the

work. It is has your bio. It even has your

right contractor”. Your portfolio section

The author is a licensed California

name on it! Let’s be realistic here – unless

remains. However, focus is shifted to


you happen to be Zaha Hadid or Norman

client-centric content.

and sharing about running a great

Foster, the prospect doesn’t care about


architecture business.

you and much less your work. They don’t

action that gets your prospect to interact

care about your firm, where you went to

with you and your website. Provide an

school, your cat, your current work or

email newsletter sign-up form, a blog

all of the past projects that you’ve done-

comments section, or a link to your social

although I’m sure they are great.

media profiles. This is the critical step of

Potential clients care about themselves,


their needs, and their wants. In their


search for an architect, what the prospect

filter through this process, they will be

cares about is simple: finding an architect

pre-screened. The prospects who make

they like and trust who can meet the goals

it through are the prospects who have

of their project.

chosen you to be their trusted adviser.

How to use the Web to Become the Prospect’s Architect So how does one become the architect the

Step three: Provide a call to




Conclusion: As the prospects

While this format works best for architects courting residential and small commercial work, it also has applications for capturing institutional clients.

Here’s the Take-Away

prospect likes and trusts? Aside from faceto-face networking, your website is the

Get past a pretty portfolio brochure

best tool to make this happen. And here is

website and turn your site into a lead

the secret sauce: become an educator. I’m


not talking about a know-it-all, in-your-

Make one change today on your website

face; I am the expert type of demeanor.

meant to engage with prospects. This may

I refer to a more subtle, cooperative kind

be something as simple as a link to a

of sharing. The goal is to shove so much

social media profile.




value towards your prospects that they have no choice but to choose you as their

Finally, if you are thinking of getting


a website redesign, ask a prospective designer these questions:

When a new visitor lands on your website, they should be engaged with


How will a social media strategy

useful, educational content.

be included in the website? This is the key

Here is a simplified outline of how to take

to bringing fresh prospects to your site.

your website from sulky to killer:


What is the lead generation

strategy? This how prospects are converted 1.

Step one: Bring visitors to your

from browsers into buyers.

website. Use social media outreach,


Lastly, what metrics will be used

search engine optimization (SEO), and

to measure the lead generation strategy?

advertising. Keep up your local person-to-

If it isn’t measurable, how can it be

person networking.


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |



CIBEX 2015


he first international trade fair




In three days, 1.235 professionals mainly

Building and Energy in East Africa


from Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia,

took place from 11th to 13th February

South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya attended

2014 in Nairobi, Kenya.

CIBEX East Africa to meet new suppliers,

60 companies from Belgium, Egypt,

to establish new business relations and to



gather information about new products

Kenya, Poland, Tanzania, Uganda, United

and projects in the East African region. In

Arab Emirates and Zambia participated at

total traders from 16 countries visited the

CIBEX East Africa 2014 and were satisfied


with the professional visitor profile and

Alongside the exhibition visitors had the

the high quality 3 days B2B-event. A

opportunity to take part at a well attended

highlight in the exhibitor list was the

three days conference that covered

German participation with 15 companies


from one of Europe’s leading economies.

country projects of Tanzania, Ethiopia,

It was the first time ever that an official

Uganda and Zambia and projects of the

German pavilion was organized at a trade

Kenyan Federation of Masterbuilders.

fair in East Africa. Patron was the German

Besides the high potential conference

Ministry of Economics and Energy using

program visitors could establish new

the support of world’s biggest Engineering

contacts with participating companies

Association VDMA.










organized by Trade & Fairs East Africa and The show was regionally supported

the Kenya Chamber of Commerce.

by the East African Community (EAC), the government of Kenya, the National

After the promising start organizers




and partners are looking forward to an



ongoing growth of CIBEX East Africa in

and the German Chamber of Commerce

the next years. The upcoming edition will


be held from 26th to 28th February 2015.

Federation Kenya.

Authority, of




the Federations of Masterbuilders or Contractors from Uganda, Tanzania and


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

Leading internationaL trade Fair For ConstruCtion, inFrastruCture, BuiLding and energy

Building East Africa’s Future 26 – 28 February 2015 Nairobi, Kenya

Join CiBEX and mEEt intErnational PartnErs from around thE World

Kenyatta International Convention Centre Our Partners:


Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 | REPUBLIC OF KENYA MINISTRY OF TRADE



Buildesign Magazine | Issue 006/2014 |

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