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Raised wood floors open the door to lumber sales
the base flood elevations of many areas, SPC's efforts are convincing builders and homeowners alike that a raised floor home is the best option over a mound of expensive fill for meeting stricter federal and municipal guidelines. The homeowner realizes lower flood insurance rates. The builder can market a home with added curb appeal, front and rear porches and decks, plus many other features. The lumber dealer is successful. too. moving more lumber to make it all happen.
fN COASTAL and flood-prone Iareas, a raised floor home makes sense. Sites that experience soil subsidence, even simple room additions and remodeling projects are other examples where a raised floor system can offer long-term benefits. When the job calls for a raised wood floor, lumber dealers can add up to a third more lumber to the typical framing package order.
Southern Pine Council has devoted vast resources toward educating building professionals and consumers about the advantages of incorporating a raised wood floor system in a new home rather than a concrete slab. Alliances have been established with APA, universities and other industry organizations. Since its launch in 2000, the campaign has grown to include demonstration homes, seminars and research.
On a regular basis, SPC teams up with industry allies. delivering presentations to groups of homebuilders, floodplain managers, and code officials. Ongoing research is addressing common questions and concerns, including cost comparisons with slab construction, moisture control, and foundation design options.
Consumers are getting the raised floor message, too. For the fourth consecutive year, SPC is undertaking tv advertising in key markets stretching from Houston to the Florida panhandle, encouraging homeowners to demand raised floor construction, using locally sourced, renewable southern pine materials. Later this summer, the 2009 campaign will be launched, hopefully coinciding with some recovery in home construction activity. Audience surveys have documented proven effectiveness in delivering messages to help turn the tide toward raised wood floor systems. The tv campaign is supplemented with online advertising, too, triggered by popular search engines.
As FEMA and local agencies raise
SPC and APA publish a free monthly newsletter recapping the campaign's progress and listing information about demonstration homes, plus research and training opportunities for dealers and building professionals. Lumber dealers can subscribe by sending their name and email address to mail@sfpa.org. Complete information about raised floors and the television ads can also be found at www.raisedfl oorliving.com.