3 minute read
Treated lumber material
TJ1HANKS to progress in wood I preservation technology. new "earth-friendly" formulations are now available for pressure treatment of southern pine, addressing green building concerns.
Some 857o of all pressure treated wood produced in the U.S. is southern pine. Treated southern pine is popular for outdoor living applications like decks and gazebos, plus marine applications such as fishing piers, bridges and walkways. And, of course, it's perfect for framing homes and other structures in areas where decay and tcrnr ites creatc prolrlen'ts.
PRESSURE TREATED southern oine lramino offers value-added protection frorh decav and termites to the entire home.
Fivc ncrv code-approvccl prescn lttives inclucle u rrcu' fixatcd boratc firrnrulation. a ncw "carbott-based" t.tottcoppcl' prcservativc firr above-grouttd use outcloors. ancl thrcc nticronizccl (or di spcrscd) copper firnnulations. u'l-tich recluce irnpact on acluatic or terrestrial enr ilonrnettts ancl ittc lcss ctturrstve ttl f'astencrs.
To h.'lp dcalcrs scll rtrore trcated sonthcrn pine. SPC ofl'crs a trunrbcl of technical !ruicles about choosing ancl nsing this rersatilc oLttdoor bLrilcling nraterial. ,\r iriluble as l 1'rec PDF tlclrvn loatl at \\ \\ \\ .southcrnpine .cttt'tt. these helpful hooklcts includc rccentll relcased upclatcd vcrsions ol' SPC's sl.rccit'ication guidc-"Pressurc
Treatcd Southeru Pinc"ancl "Aquatic and Wetlancl Structures."
Thc spccil'ication -guidc fcatures a complchensivc tablc with the cornnrercial tradc narnc unclcr u'hich cach prcscr\ltive is rtiarkctecl and lt corresponding procluct u'cbsitc lot' tl'tose rr lrtl rilrrtI lrrltlitionrrl ittlottttlrliott.
Follou in-t an explanation ol' itvltilable southern pinc glades and sizcs. the uquatic guide providcs clctailcd spccif ications lur tre atecl lr-rnrbcr uscd in salt and ll'csh taler. Dcckin-r.r. sltecification s. l'astcncr reconrtlenclltti tttt s. lrntl rlree ill Ltlttle r I'ot ntltritt.' \ct \ ir'r arc also incluclccl.
In a green world. wood wins. Many alternative products make a claim to be the "greenest," but wood still stands on t0p.

America has some of the best-managed public and privately owned forests rn the world. Trees are renewable, and studies have shown that wood outperforms other materials when compared over a complete life cycle. Wood is reusable, recyclable and biodegradable. Inorganic materials not orry reouire excesstve energy to produce. but also to recycle or dispose of when their service life has been exhausted. And. of course, the proper use o{ wood bL,ilding nrodrrctq nart.nilrarlv n"eSS-re t'eated southern pine when warranted. helps ensure that structures built with wood enJoy an exlremely long service l'{e, reducing demands on our valuable forest resources.
According to McGraw-Hill Construction's "Green Outlook 2009," the value nf nropn-hrrildi^n nnnstrUCtiOn StartS rose from $10 billion in 2005 to $36-$a9 billion in 2008 and could reach 596$140 billion by 2013.
Let the wood grain show!
AS NEW home construction continues to languish, -fl,remodeling projects are becoming popular options for many homeowners. Interior applications for southern pine patterns offer several options for dramatic improvements: flooring, paneling and ceilings.
Dealers can grow sales of southern pine flooring with instore displays showing the various grades and finishes available. The southern pine grade of C&Btr. includes mostly clear material suited for formal living and dining areas. The grade of No. 2 is becoming a favorite item for a more rustic appearance-the knotty pine look ideal for vacation homes. Add a clear polyurethane finish and watch the distinctive southern pine grain show through. Selection between flat and vertical grain material, available in several widths and lengths, offers even more appearance options.
Complete information on product selection, installation and maintenance is available in SPC's "Guide to Southem Pine Flooring," available as a free PDF download at www.southernpine.com. Dealers can order a free single copy to keep at their counter as a ready reference.

Walls and ceilings are easily enhanced using an array of patterns. Double-beaded ceiling material installed as wainscoting dresses up bedrooms, kitchens and baths. It also adds warmth as the ceiling of a porch or patio area. Paneling on an accent wall of any room can be installed vertically, horizontally, even diagonally to create dramatic interior spaces. Design options are virtually unlimited.
As with southern pine flooring, dealers can promote sales of stains and other finishes with pattern orders.
SPC's pictorial "Guide to Southern Pine Patterns" is offered as a free PDF download at www.southernpine.com. A copy at the counter includes many photos to share with customers to demonstrate the possibilities.
Aesthetic Timber Barrier Systems

TimBarrier'' Aesthetic Timber Barrier is a sysfem of three barriers designed to fulfill the needs of architects and deuelopers who require a safe, economical, and most imp ortantlg, ae sthetic g uar drail.
StreetGuard'" - Intended for use along low speed roadways in parks, private developments and subdivisions.
LotGuard'^' - For lighter duty applications, intended for use along driveways and parking lots.
CartGuard'" - Designed to meet the needs of the golf and recreation industry.
Pre-fabricated. and readg for installation.
System arriues complete uith hardurare and.fasteners. #I S4S preseruatiue treated. southern pine for use in highwag construction.
Corten "useathering steel" is used for its exceptional strength and. desirable rustic aPPearance.
Quick, easg, and economical installation.
Located between Atlanta, GA and Chattanooga, TN, S.I. Storeg Lumber Compang, Inc., founded in 1920, is a third generation familg ou.ned business. A subscriber to Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) since 1943 and an Osmose' Iicensee since 1955, we produce a wide range of solid sawn southern pine lumber, timbers, and highway guardrail components, auailable untreated, pressure treated, or kiln dried after treatment. We welcome Aour inquiries.