4 minute read
from BPD Sept. 2021
Building Material Suppliers Asso-
ciation is hosting regional roundtables Oct. 3-5 in Blowing Rock, N.C.; Oct. 13-15 in Lexington, N.C.; and Oct. 2729 in Charleston, S.C.
Additional roundtables will be held specifi cally for CFOs Oct. 13-15 in Athens, Ga.; for sales managers Oct. 20-22 in Asheville, N.C.; and for purchasing managers Nov. 7-9 in Savannah, Ga.
Kentucky Building Materials As-
sociation is planning its annual convention, product expo and Education Foundation Jack Congleton Golf Event for Sept. 30-Oct. 1 at Caesars Southern Indiana, Elizabeth, In.
FLORIDA Building Material Alliance will honor Tibbetts Lumber’s Arlen Tillis with its Hall of Fame Recognition Award during its upcoming show in Orlando.
Florida Building Material Alli-
ance will present its 2021 Hall of Fame Recognition Award to Arlen Tillis, senior VP of Tibbetts Lumber Co., during its annual convention and tradeshow.
The event will be held Sept. 8-10 at at Rosen Shingle Creek Resort & Convention Center, Orlando.
Mid-America Lumbermens As-
sociation gets back into the swing of things Sept. 22 with its Kansas Sunfl ower Shootout golf tournament at Firekeeper Golf Club, Mayetta, Ks.
Next month, MLA will sponsor an LBM Financials seminar, “Improving Your Profi ts,” Oct. 26 at Forest Products, Kansas City, Ks.
Lumbermen’s Association of Tex-
as will introduce its new slate of directors during its 135th annual convention & expo Sept. 13-15 in Frisco, Tx.
During its recent summer meeting, LAT elected Harley “Bubba” Finnell, Oldham Lumber Co., Dallas, Tx., as president of the LAT board of directors. Kate Woodson Borroni, Woodson Lumber Co., joined LAT’s executive com-
NOW HELPING to lead LAT are (left) new president Harley “Bubba” Finnell, co-owner/president of Oldham Lumber, and new 2nd VP Kate Woodson Borroni, director of HR, operations at Woodson Lumber Co.
mittee as second vice president.
“We are fortunate to have Bubba and Kate’s passion for independent dealers at such a consequential time for our industry,” said Mireya Zapata, executive VP at LAT. “Bubba’s steady leadership and business insight have been of great value to LAT in positioning the association as a recognized voice for the Texas construction industry at the Texas Legislature. As a director, Kate has pushed LAT to be a more inclusive organization and responsive to the needs of its membership. LAT has an aggressive agenda, and these leaders will help us make great progress over the coming year.”
The board also approved four new directors: Corby Biddle, Higginbotham Bros.; Jammy Pate, Pate’s Hardware; John Sewall, The Detering Co.; and Isaac Smith, Matt’s Building Materials.
Construction Suppliers Assn. will gather for a dealer roundtable Oct. 1719 at Short & Paulk Supply, Tifton, Ga. Its annual conference—planned for Sept. 27-Oct 3 in Gulf Shores, Al.— was canceled due to COVID.
Northwestern Lumber Assoica-
tion presents Estimating 1-2-3 Sept. 21-23 at Simpson Strong-Tie, Inver Grove Heights, Mn.
Northeastern Retail Lumber As-
sociation affi liates will return to in-person annual meetings in the fall. New Hampshire Retail Lumber Association and Retail Lumber Dealers Association of Maine will hold a joint annual meeting Sept. 10-12 at Sheraton Harborside Hotel, Portsmouth, N.H.
Long Island Lumber Association’s annual meeting is set for Oct. 7 at Milleridge Cottage, Jericho, N.Y. Massachusetts Dealers’ event is Oct. 29-30 at Hotel 1620, Plymouth, Ma.
Eastern New York Dealers will hold a combo annual meeting/tradeshow Nov. 9 at Holiday Inn, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. And, Western New York Dealers will stage their annual meeting Nov. 12 in Rochester, N.Y.
Northeastern Lumber Manufac-
turers Association is preparing for Lumbah’ Paloozah—its 88th annual meeting Sept. 15-17 at the scenic Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, N.H.
The line-up includes the annual NELMA Golf Scramble, exhibits, association updates, consumer research results, the 2022 Lumber & Economic Forecast, and two extra-special events: a conversation with TV personalities the Maine Cabin Masters and the NAWLA Northeast region meeting’s Speed Dating event that will bring together lumber mills with lumber buyers in a very unique way.
National Hardwood Lumber
Association has booked Chick-fi l-A chief marketing offi cer Steve Robinson and Euler Hermes chief economist Dan North to keynote its annual convention Sept. 22-24 in West Palm Beach, Fl.
Themed “Turning the Tide with Innovation,” the event will also off er presentations on new markets for hardwood by Virginia Tech’s Dr. Henry Quesada, NHLA rules changes by chief inspector Dana Spessert, exports by AHEC executive director Mike Snow, and avoiding becoming a cybersecurity victim by MindSprout’s Scott Raba.
North American Wholesale Lum-
ber Association is moving forward with its regional meetings planned for Sept. 16 in Bretton Woods, N.H., and Oct. 4 in Fort Worth, Tx.
Motivational speaker extraordinaire Mark Scharenbroich will keynote the NAWLA Traders Market Nov. 10-12 at the Kentucky International Convention Center, Louisville, Ky. Other speakers include Ryder Systems’ Kevin Askew, Doss Logistics’ Sheldon Doss, Timber Products’ Tom Gennarellie, J.B. Hunt Transport’s Steve Guthrie, Manufacturers Reserve Supply’s Tina Breen, Patrick Lumber Co.’s Chelsea Brown, and Capital Lumber’s Bethany Doss.
BC Wood will hold a pair of online Global Buyers Missions—Sept. 29-30 for North and Latin America market buyers and Sept. 14-15 for Asian market buyers.
Hoo-Hoo International has canceled its annual convention planned for September due to COVID.