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from BPD Sept. 2021


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Listings are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with sponsor before making plans to attend. Florida Building Material Alliance – Sept. 8-10, convention & trade show, Rosen Shingle Creek Resort & Convention Center, Orlando,
Fl.; www.fbma.org.
New Hampshire Retail Lumber Assn./Retail Lumber Dealers Assn.
of Maine — Sept. 10-12, joint annual meeting, Sheraton Harborside
Hotel, Portsmouth, N.H.; www.nrla.org. Lumbermen’s Association of Texas – Sept. 13-15, convention, expo & golf tournament, Omni Frisco at the Star, Frisco, Tx.; www.lat.org. North American Wholesale Lumber Assn. – Sept. 13-16, Fall Wood
Basics course, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Or.; nawla.org. Wallace Hardware – Sept. 13-Oct. 11, online dealer market; www. wallacehardware.com. National Wooden Pallet & Container Assn. – Sept. 15-17, annual leadership conference & expo, Orlando, Fl.; palletcentral.com. Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association – Sept. 15-17, 88th annual meeting, Omni Mount Washington Resort, Bretton
Woods, N.H.; www.nelma.org.
North American Wholesale Lumber Association – Sept. 16,
Northeast regional meeting, Bretton Woods, N.H.; www.nawla.org. Mid-South Forestry Equipment Show – Sept. 17-19, Starkville, Ms.; www.midsouthforestry.org. Northwestern Lumber Association – Sept. 21-23, Estimating 1-2-3,
Simpson Strong-Tie, Inver Grove Heights, Mn.; www.nlassn.org. Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association – Sept. 21-23,
D.C. Summit, Washington, D.C.; www.slma.org. Mid-America Lumbermens Association – Sept. 22, Sunfl ower
Shootout golf tournament, Mayetta, Ks.; www.themla.com. National Hardwood Lumber Association – Sept. 22-24, annual convention & show, West Palm Beach, Fl.; www.buildexpousa.com.
Northeastern Forest Products Equipment Expo – Sept. 24-
25, Loggers Expo, Cross Insurance Center, Bangor, Me.; www. northernlogger.com. International Wood Products Assn. – Sept. 27-29, fall World of
Wood/Washington Fly-In, Washington, D.C.; www.iwpawood.org. American Wood Protection Association – Sept. 27-30, fall technical committee meetings, Santa Fe, N.M.; www.awpa.com. Do it Best – Sept. 27-30, fall market, Indiana Convention Center,
Indianapolis, In.; www.doitbest.com. BC Wood – Sept. 29-30, online Global Buyers Mission; www. globalbuyersmission.com. Kentucky Building Materials Association – Sept. 30-Oct. 1, annual convention, product expo, & Congleton Cup golf event, Caesars
Southern Indiana, Elizabeth, In.; www.kbma.net. Building Material Suppliers Association — Oct. 3-5, dealer roundtable, Blowing Rock, N.C.; www.mybmsa.org. North American Wholesale Lumber Association – Oct. 4, regional meeting, HopFusion Ale Works, Fort Worth, Tx.; www.nawla.org. World Millwork Alliance – Oct. 4-7, 56th annual convention & tradeshow, Mobile, Al.; www.worldmillworkalliance.com. Window & Door Manufacturers Assn. – Oct. 6-7, executive management conference, Marriott, Cambridge, Ma.; www.wdma.com. NY Long Island Lumber Association – Oct. 7, annual meeting,
Milleridge Cottage, Jericho, N.Y.; www.nrla.nlassn.org. Northwestern Lumber Association – Oct. 16, Iowa Booze Cruise,
The Rewind, West Des Moines, Ia.; Oct. 20, Nebraska clay shoot,
Grand Island, Ne.; www.nlassn.org. National Hardware Show – Oct. 21-23, Las Vegas Convention
Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; www.nationalhardwareshow.com.