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Listings are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with sponsor before making plans to attend.
West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association – July 21-
22, 2nd Growth annual summer conference, Omni Rancho Las
Palmas, Palm Springs, Ca.; www.lumberassociation.org.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association
– July 27, golf tournament, Fossil Trace Golf Club, Golden, Co.; www.mslbmda.org. Riverside Home & Backyard Show – July 28-29, Riverside Convention Center, Riverside, Ca.; www.homeshowconsultants.com. Umpqua Valley Lumber Association – Aug. 2-5, customer appreciation event, banquet & golf tournament, Roseburg, Or.; leslies@cdlumber.com; www.uvla.net. Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club – Aug. 5-6, couples weekend,
Hilton Palm Springs, Palm Springs, Ca.; www.hoohoo117.org. Ace Hardware – Aug. 15-17, fall convention, McCormick Place,
Chicago, Il.; www.acehardware.com. Western Building Material Association – Aug. 19, mid-year board meetings, Cheney Stadium, Tacoma, Wa.; www.wbma.org. Western Hardwood Association – Aug. 17-19, annual convention,
Chinook Winds Casino Resort, Lincoln City, Or.; www. westernhardwood.com. West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association – Aug. 18,
Southern California golf tournament, Black Gold Golf Club, Yorba
Linda, Ca.; www.lumberassociation.org. The Hardware Conference – Aug. 19-21, JW Marriott Marco Island
Beach Resort, Marco Island, Fl.; thehardwareconference.com.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association
– Aug. 26, clay shoot, Brighton, Co.; www.mslbmda.org. BC Wood – Sept. 8-10, Global Buyers Mission, Whistler, B.C.; www. bcwood.com.
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Horizon Distribution – Sept. 9-11, expo, Yakima Convention Center & Sundome, Yakima, Wa.; www.hdishow.com. Do it Best – Sept. 9-12, fall market, Indiana Convention Center,
Indianapolis, In.; www.doitbestcorp.com. Hoo-Hoo International – Sept. 10-13, 130th annual convention,
Sacramento, Ca.; www.hoohoo.org. Composite Panel Association – Sept. 11-13, fall meeting, Fairmont
Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, Quebec; www.compositepanel.org. True Value Co. – Sept. 15-18, Fall Reunion show, Denver, Co.; www. truevaluecompany.com. International Conference on Timber Engineering – Sept. 16-17,
Zurich, Switzerland; www.waset.org. Pacific Northwest Association of Rail Shippers – Sept. 20-21, fall conference, Seattle Marriott Waterfront, Seattle, Wa.; www. pnrailshippers.com. LMC – Sept. 20-23, Leadership Summit, Sheraton Downtown Phoenix, Phoenix, Az.; www.lmc.net. 888-807-2580 Bend, OR National Hardwood Lumber Association – Sept. 21-23, annual www.pelicanbayfp.com convention & exhibit showcase, Huntington Convention Center,
Cleveland, Oh.; www.nhla.com. DISTRIBUTION LOCATIONS
Colton / Fontana / Modesto / Salinas / Stockton, CA
Western Roofing Expo – Sept. 24-26, Paris Hotel, Las Vegas, Nv.; www.westernroofingexpo.com. PRODUCTS & SERVICES American Wood Protection Association – Sept. 25-29, technical committee meetings, Omni Hotel, Providence, R.I.; awpa.com. Framing Lumber / Pallet Stock / Industrial Lumber / Softwoods Hardwoods / Cedar / Fencing / Decking / Redwood Custom Cut Stock / Treated Lumber / Tile Battens Fastmarkets – Sept. 27-29, North American forest products 3-Hole & Slotted Vents / Custom Cutting / Remanufacturingconference, Marriott Coronado Island, San Diego, Ca.; www. fastmarkets.com. Heat Treating / Fire & CCA Treating

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