3 minute read
advertIsers Index
Cover I, 47
33 Allweather Wood Treaters www.allweatherwood.com
APA – The Engineered Wood Association www.apawood.org
Cover II Arxada www.wolmanizedwood.com
Cover III
47 Atlantic Forest Products www.atlanticforest.com
California Cascade Industries www.californiacascade.com
Chemco, Inc. www.chemco.org
Exterior Wood www.exteriorwood.com
526 Events www.526.events
Freres Engineered Wood www.frereswood.com
Gemini Forest Products www.geminiforest.com
Hoover Treated Wood Products www.frtw.com
Huff Lumber www.hufflumber.ne
Humboldt Sawmill www.mendoco.com
Jones Wholesale Lumber
At Royal Paci c you’ll pay no more, but get extra. www.joneswholesale.comWe guarantee it.
41 North American Wholesale Lumber Assn. www.nawla.org
Parr Lumber Co. www.parrlumberchino.com
53 Pelican Bay Forest Products www.pelicanbayfp.com
23, Cover IV
FirePro® Fire Retardant Treated Wood
Redwood Empire www.buyredwood.com
Advance Guard® Borate Pressure Treated Wood
44 Providing Customer Satisfaction in All We Do.
P.O. Box 75 • McMinnville, OR 97128 • 503-434-5450 • FAX: 888-TSO-WOOD (888-876-9663) 28770 Dike Road • Rainier OR 97048 • 503-556-1297 • Fax: 503-556-1709
Royal Pacific Industries
* See product warranty for details. Hi-bor, FirePro and Advance Guard treated wood products are produced by independently owned and operated wood treating facilities. Hi-bor®, FirePro® and Advance Guard® are registered trademarks of Koppers Performance Chemicals Inc. ©1/2019
9 Sakrete
www.sakrete.com 1/21/19 5:53 PM
26 Simpson Strong-Tie www.strongtie.com 41
13 Siskiyou Forest Products www.siskiyouforestproducts.com
Superior Wood Treating www.superiorwoodtreating.com
Swanson Group Sales Co. www.swansongroup.biz
Thunderbolt Wood Treating www.thunderboltwoodtreating.com
31 Timber Products Co. www.timberproducts.com
11 TIVA Building Products www.tivabp.com
Trex www.trex.com
UFP Industries www.ufpedge.com
24 Utah Lumber www.utahlumber.com
Borates CA-C
Above + Ground Contact
Utah Wood Preserving Rough TiMbeRs www.utahtreatedwood.com uTiliTy Poles PRessuRe TReaTed luMbeR FiRe ReTaRdanT West Fraser TReaTed luMbeR and PlyWood www.westfraser.com/osbCall the experts: • Robert Moore • Jim Winward
Utah Wood Preserving Co.
1959 soUth 1100 West Woods Cross, Utah Western Forest ProductsPhone - Woods Cross: (801) 295-9449 FaX (801) 295-9440 Phone - salt lake (801) 262-6428 FaX (801) 748-0037 www.westernforest.com
17 Western Wood Preserving Co. www.westernwoodpreserving.com
Western Woods Inc. www.westernwoodsinc.com
53 Weyerhaeuser Distribution www.weyerhaeuser.com/distribution
Yakama Forest Products www.yakamaforestproducts.com
Welcome Aboard!
The Merchant Magazine is excited to introduce to our readers a new first-time advertiser Freres Engineered Wood, manufacturer of LVL and a unique mass timber product, Mass Ply Panels (MPP). This year, like The Merchant Magazine, parent Freres Lumber Co. is celebrating its 100th anniversary. When you’re in need of high quality engineered products, please give them a look.
California Cascade Building Materials

Established in 1974, California Cascade has grown to become one of the largest and most trusted distributors in the building industry. We offer a huge inventory of materials available at substantially competitive prices along with a team of experienced experts, ready to get you what you need.
We have treating facilities in Junction City, OR, Woodland, CA and two in Fontana, CA along with our distribution and manufacturing facility in Sacramento, CA. With more than 20 trucks in our fleet, California Cascade delivers value to your business with prompt, economical and timely delivery. Rail spurs are available at all locations to minimize shipping costs for large projects, will call pickup is available at all locations. Our reputation has been built upon the success of our customers and we look forward to sharing our years of experience with you.
800-339-6480 • californiacascade.com