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Online Retailer Specializes in Fasteners
Online retailer Clickstop, Urbana, Ia.. has launched a new website offering thousands of fastener products at bulk prices.
FastenersPlus.com was developed to target contractors. business owners. and consumers planning do-it-yourself and home repair projects, and also offers customers flat-rate shipping every day.
Nikki Dudley, Clickstop's v.p.operations, said the development of the brand has been in the planning stage for several months, with much of that time devoted to product research to ensure the merchandise mix satisfies the brand's wide-ranging target market.
The website is organized by general categories such as anchors, bolts, nuts, etc., with subcategories within each group to make product selection easy. Category pages also include content with helpful product information to educate customers who might not know the differences between similar merchandise.
"With over 20,000 products, we want to make sure we're offerine the
Nominees Sought for Next Softwood Lumber Board
March 14 is the deadline for submitting nominations to the Softwood Lumber Board, which will hold elections to fill seven seats for members whose terms expire on Dec. 3l ,2014.
The l9-member board began in 20 I I and is overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Composed of l9 members who serve three-year terms, the group meets periodically to review marketing and research activities that encourage market growth and benefit the industry.
Domestic manufacturers will fill four seats representing large companies: two in the West and two in the South region. Softwood lumber importers will fill three seats: two representing the Canada West region (one large and one small company) and one small company representing the Canada East region.
Eligible nominees must manufacture and ship within the U.S., or import, at least 15 million bd. ft. of softwood lumber annually. The Secretary of Agriculture will appoint new members from the pool of candidates receiving the most votes.
right products, and that they are organized into an easy-to-find, logical format," said Dudley. "We're now looking ahead to broadening our selection even further, and adding other items such as hand tools and accessories, as well as more industrial and specialtv fasteners."