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Doweled Lodgepolepine posts and rails.
1 1l2" to 12" Diameter in Stock. Large diameters & long lengths.
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It's not unusual for hardware stores ro offer unique items and services tailored to the local community. But a Florida dealer takes it further, by acting as the ticket office of the town's small theater.
"We've attended performances for at least l0 years or so," says Lany Tonjes, owner of Cliff's True Value Hardware, Lake Wales, Fl. "About five years ago, we started acting as the weekday box office of the Lake Wales Little Theater."
The theater presents a full season: three adult plays, two for kids, and one for teens, with evening performances on Friday and Saturday, and a matinee on Sunday.
However, the theater has no budget for a website and is only open on weekends right before performances. Also, everyone connected with the theater is a volunteer-including the actors*so finding someone to operate a ticket booth at the theater, or in town, was a hit or miss affair.
"Before, people had to call the theater and someone had to call them back," recounts Ray Bower, who volunteers as the theater's treasurer and groundskeeper. "With Cliff's, someone is there tq answer the phone, six davs a week."
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Playgoers can also stroll into the hardware store, study the seating chart, and pay (cash only) for reserved seats or season passes. Customers who wander into the store looking for something else notice the theater posters in the store's windows and ask questions. If not, staff members bring up the subject.
"We get a lot of 'snowbirds' in the winter," says Larry, "so we mention the theater to see if they're interested."
Several years ago, since the first performances typically have the least attendance-as everyone waits for word-of-mouth-reviews-Larry and his family encouraged the local senior facility to attend then, and the tradition has continued.
"It fills up the seats and gets things going," he says. "Most important, it's a fun event for the seniors and keeps them part of the community."
Not surprisingly, performing such a valuable community service does have real benefits. "Most people buy something when they're in the store to reserve or pick up theater tickets," comments Larry. "The relationship brings in customers who've never been in the store before. so it does increase business."
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Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance [plmins.com].....33
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