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Gypress summoned for Frank Lloyd Wright home
hssrcNe,o ev Frank Lloyd Wright
Llin 1939, the newly constructed Usonian House at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fl., highlights the famed architect's affinity for cypresswhich was one of his favorite building materials.
The 1,700-sq. ft. residence was part of a 20-building master plan that Wright developed for the college.
Originally designed as a modest faculty residence, the new center showcases displays related to his relationship with the college. It also acts as a home for visiting exhibits on loan from other Wright sites.
Architect M. Jeffrey Baker of Mesick, Cohen, Wilson, Baker
Architects in Albany, N.Y., who oversaw construction, said Wright's 75year-old blueprints did not directly specify building materials, but he believes cypress was the only logical wood choice for the project.
"The only finished wood Wright used on the FSC campus was cypress," Baker said. "He specified the material in many projects throughout his lifetime. and it was a signature trademark of his Usonian homes throughout the country. We simply followed the materials and details he used in the other homes and across the FSC campus, and applied them to this project. Without question, cypress was the historically accurate material to use."
After working with the cypress, Baker and his team grew to understand Wright's enthusiasm for how the wood looks and performs. "Cypress is readily available in various sizes and lengths, it mills easily, and accepts a variety of finishes," he explained. "It also is resistant to insect infestation, which, of course, is very important in Florida."
Tom Sharrett, a woodworker at Demoss Cabinetry, Lakeland, Fl ., whose shop custom-milled 10900 bd. ft. of cypress for the project, is an advocate as well. "Cypress is an easy wood to shape and sand," he said. "We used it anywhere a finished
\\'o(xl I)roduct was rcrlrrircd. inclurlinc all ol'the intcrior ccilings. plunk rvalls. built-in cabincts. tablcs. benchcs. trinr. ancl cvcn lig.ht firtul'cs. Tlrc c\terror leaturcs cvl)rcss sollit and lliscia. t indor,r und cloor frarncs. pcr golls. ancl cloor-s."
\Vright cnvisionctl the Lisonian st\ le at the hcight o1' thc (ireat I)t'Pfessi0tt ir\ it \\il-\ l{) !()n\ll'ULl \il|plc. affordablc hortrcs lirr Allclican l'anrilies. by enrphasizins thc usc o1 Ioclllv sourcecl uoocl. lrrick. and other rlrtural rrlrteriuls. r\lthor-reh 60 Wrirht-dcsigned []sonian hontcs can hc lirLrr.rd ucnrss thc L:.S.. thc nc\\' one at [:SC is thc l-irst cxamplc ol'this purticulal honrc plan to be built.
"When \\c conslntctecl tltc Usonilrrr Housc. \\'c c\peclcd it to bc rentcntbcrcrl for the crtl uisitc Lrsc ol Wriglrt's \iltnrrturc'tcrtilc' blocks. *hich ure indcccl rcrllrkablc." Bakcr. saicl. "but \\,c \\ crc unprcplircrl for thc \\'ailnt11 thc cr Press arldcd t() tltc f'cclnig ol lhc sl)irccs. Wc havc noticctl that u'hcn pcople conlncnt on thc bcuLrtr ol'thc house. thcv ncvcr l'ail to nrcntion the cvltlcss."
Thc IrSC carltl)us llrs thc llLrgcst concentfirtion ol Wright-clcsigncd bLrilclings in thc',r.'orlrl. rncludirrs thc ncrr L-lsorrilrn Housc ancl I I othcl projccts thal wcrc conrpletctl cluring his I i lcti rrre.
CYPRESS is heav ly featured in the interiors, used anywhere a flnished wood product was required ncluding all interior ceilings, plank walls, built-in cabinets, I ght fixtures, and furniture.
Iror nrorc inlirr-rllrtion on cvltrcss.