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ru rcl lff n G

lmported Tile Gutters

Hardware on the Slide

New sliding door hardware from L.E. Johnson is easy to install with a Phillips screwdriver, hammer and, occasionally, a drill.

Series 2200 includes a heavy extruded aluminum track, zinc-plated hangers of heavy-gauge steel, molded nylon wheels, and brass-plated pulls. A one-piece metal guide assembly adjusts laterally for a quick plumb.


(800) 837-5664

Corona Tools distributes Bellota manual tile cutters to the North American market.

Bellota Pro is designed for professional installers and big tile jobs. Bellota Pop can be used to cut common ceramic and porcelain tiles, as well as mosaic glass.

Both product lines include two solid steel, chromeplated guides to ensure maximum wear resistance, noticeably smoother gliding, and exceptional scoring straightness.


(800) 847-7863

NORTH AMERICAN Wholesale Lumber Association held its annual leadership Summit March 30-April 1 at the Lodge & Spa at Callaway parQery, Pine Moutain, Ga. [1] Jody & Todd Liidsey. [21 vicft a Cait larb tq] Joshua Tyler, Harris Gant. [4]Wanen Reeve-s, iobh Goodman, Kyle Little. [5] Steve Carasso, Brandon Arling. [6] Ken Trainor, Kimmo larvinel, Clark Spitzer. [7] Mark Saracco, lan -lVcl6an. [8] Robert Hanis, David Brown, Richie Ford, Paul McRae. [9] Bob Beil, Phitip Out<e. 1tO1

Mark Mclean, Robyn Louderback. [11] John Stockhausen, Lawrence Newton. Jeff Mclendon. [12] Frank Johnston, Donna Whitaker, Joe frgwn t!l.lLarry& Kathy Boyts. [14LJim & Cindy McGinnis. [15]Dusty & Penny_Hammack- _[]_61 KathV Price, Terry Miiler. il ZI Rob Hrriby, GraOir l^qyng, rru Rice. [18] Bill & Cindy Ander'son. [19i Jdtie & Mark'Kaspei. [20] {gd Schneider, Karin Bates, [21] Mary Ahn-Stockhausen, Russ & Linda Hobbs. (Moie photos on nexttwo pages)

NAWLA LEADERS (continued from previous page) in Pine Mountain' Ga. t1l Pat Managan, Thom Black, Shelly & Scott Elston. [2] Elizabeth Rustila, Alan Oakea. t3lCraig Sichling, Ben Skoog, Dowe McNeil. [4] Curt & Juiie Stevens. [5] Adrian Blocker, Scott Vande Linde, Chris Mclver. [6] Todd Hixson. t7[ Doug O'Rourke, Clarence Young. [8]Anthonyltluck, John Cooper.-[E] Mik-e Phillips, Kip Fotheringham. [10] John Quast' Heath Hutbhiso-n.-tlll Andy Toombs. [12] Ricardo Roman, J.R. Virnich.

[20] Bob rlr

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