3 minute read
Listings are often submitted months tn advance, Alwavs verifv dates and locations with sponsor before naking plans to attend.
Do it Best - May 17-19, spring market, Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, ln.; (260) 748-5300, www.doitbestcorp.com.
Composite Panel Assn. - May 18-20, spring meeting, puerto Vallarta, Mexico; (30'1) 670-0604; www.compositepanelcom.
Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Assn. - May 19-21, annual convention, Waldorf Astoria, Naples, Fl ; (703) 435-2900; www.hpva.org.
Western Hardwood Association - May 19-22, international conventron & expo, Airport Holiday lnn, Portland, Or.; (360) 8351 600; www.westernhardwood com.
Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Associationlilay 22-23, annual meeting St Regis Monarch Beach, Dana Point, Ca,: (602) 272-1213, www pcwhda com.
North American Rail Shippers Association - May 28-30, annual meeting, Parc 55 Wyndham Hotel, San Francisco, Ca., (972\ 690-4740: www. railshippers.com
American Architectural Manufacturers Association - June 1-4, national summer conference, Hyatt Regency, Indranapolis. In.; (847) 303-566a, www.aamanet org.
Tacoma-Olympia Hoo-Hoo Club - June 3, meeting & elect ons, La Quinta Inn, Tacoma, Wa.; (253) 531-1834.
West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association - June 5, associates/dealers golf tournament, Rancho Solano Golf Club. Fairfield, Ca ; (800) 266-4344, www.lumberassociation.org.
Willamette Valley Hoo.Hoo Club - June 6, golf tournament, Shadow Hills Country Club, Junction City, Or; (541)485-5979
Western States Roofing Contractors Association - June 8-'11, convefiion & expo, Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 725-0333; www.wsrca.com.
National Lawn & Garden Show - June 10-12, Crowne Plaza Denver International Airport, Denver, Co ; (888) 316-0226., www.ntgsn0w.c0m.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn.June 12, mechanic's lien law class, Renaissance Hotel, Denver, Co ; (303) 793-0859; www.mslbmda org.
Window & Door Manufacturers Assn. - June 17-19. technical conference, Pittsburgh, Pa ; (800) 223-2301,www.wdma com.
Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club - June 18, meeting, El Prado Golf Course, Chino, Ca , (323) 559-1 958; www hoohool 1 7 org.
Western Wood Preservers Institute - June 22-24, summer meeting, Meritage Resort & Spa, Napa, Ca; (360) 693-9958; www.wwpinstitute.org.
PCBC - June 25-27, Moscone Center, San Franscisco, Ca; (800) 956-7469; www, pcbc.com.
Door & Hardware Institute - June 26-27, annual convention, Hilton Anatole. Dallas. Tx. ; (7 03\ 222-201 0; www.dhi.org.
Roof Coatings Manufacturers - July 14-17, International Roof Coatings Conference, Royal Sonesta Harbor Court, Balimore, Md : (202) 591-2452, www.roofcoatings.org.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assn.July 15 Colorado WOOD Council golf tournament, Ranch Golf & Country Club, Westminster, Co ; (303) 793-0859; mslbmda org
West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association - July 1718, 2nd Growth summer conference, Omni Las Palmas Res'ort & Spa, Rancho Mirage, Ca; (800) 266-a3aa; lumberassociation.org.
Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club - July 18, clay shoot & BBQ, Black Point Sports Club, Sonoma, Ca.; (707) 5BB-7613; www.btackbarthoohool 81.org.
Southern Oregon Lumbermans Assn. - July 24-2i, aolf lourna1en!$ BBa Rogue Valley Country Ctub,-Medford. Or ; (800) 633-5554
Bathroom Contest ls a Winner
A 94-year-old dealer in Marcus, Ia., discovered a sure-fire way to increase traffic in its kitchen and bath showroom: an Ugly Bathroom Contest.
The fun event was the first ever for Marcus Lumber, which encouraged shoppers to bring in photos of their ugly bathroom. Each and every picture-of pink sinks, purple vanities, and horrendous wallpaper-was displayed in the showroom. Entrants were encouraged to ask their friends and family to come into the store and vote for the ugliest.
After one month, one of the entrants-with metallic silver wallpaper and green sink-was declared the winner. The reward was a new vanity cabinet and top, a Delta faucet, and two gallons of paint.
"We had a lot of fun with this contest, and so did our customers," says Jim Leavitt, a bathroom designer at Marcus. "We're excited to do what we do best: turn the bathroom from ugly to outstandine."
Boise Gascade [www.bcewp.com]....,................'.......'.....'.........'.'..4
BW Creative Wood [www.bwcreativewood.com] .'."...'...'."'.'....17
California Gascade Industries [www.californiacascade,com]'..,28
California Redwood Co., The [californiaredwoodco.com]'.........29
Capital [www.capital-1umber.com].............'.......'......."........'......'.38
C.T. Darnell Construction [www.ct-darnell.com]...'.'......'..'.."""'41
DeckWise [www.deckwise.com] ....,.,.,...... ..'..'.."55
Distribution Management Systems Inc, [www.dmsi'com]'.'.."".45
Eco Chemical [www.ecochemical,com] .......'.'.'.26
Fasco America [www.fascoamerica.com]'........'.'..'.....'..'............49
Fiberon [www.fiberondecking.com] ....'.'.......'......3

Fontana Wholesale Lumber [fontanawholesalelumber'com]."'.57
GRK Fasteners [www.grkfasteners,com]......,....,........'...'.".'.30, 52
Huff Lumber Co .""""."".'.'..""".47
Humboldt Redwood [www.getredwood.com]'...'.'.............Cover lll
Inteplast Group [www.tufboards.com] .'...........'.20
Jaaco Gorp. [wwwjaaco.com]................'....'...'.............'......'........28
J.M. Thomas Forest Products [www.thomasforest.com] "'."'..'.39
Jones Wholesale Lumber [wwwjoneswholesale.com] .'.........'.'1 I
Keller Lumber ........,
Mendocino Forest Products [www.mfp.com] ..'.....'.'.....'...Cover lll
MoistureShield [www.moistureshield.com]'.'....'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.....'..'...5
Norman Distribution Inc. [www.normandist.com]...,".'.""........"39
North American Wholesale Lumber Assn. [www.nawla'org] '...'33
NyfoBoard [www.nyloboard.com].......,.,.,. '..'."."'24
PrimeSource Building Products [www.primesourcebp'com] .'.'62
Railing Dynamics Inc. [www.rdirail.com] ...........59
Redwood Empire [www.redwoodemp.com] .'.'.'..'.....'."".'Cover lV
Regal ldeas [www.regalideas.com],.,..,.........,.,.,..,.......'..'..."........15
Roseburg Forest Products [www.roseburg.com] .....'..'.""".......11
Screw Products [www.screw.products.com] .....'..'.......'.'......'....61
Simpson Strong-Tie [www.strongtie.coml.'..,',.,.".... ""."21' 23, 25
Siskiyou Forest Products [www.siskiyouforestproducts'com] .31
Sure Drive USA [www,suredrive.com]....... .'.'..".50
Tnu5t Not Rust
PrimeGuard MAX@ 1000/o stainless steel fasteners are backed bY a lifetime gualantee against rust. They're a must for all outdoor applications.
To learn more or to become a stocking dealer, call 800-676-7777 or visit grip-rite.com.
Swanson Group Sales Go. [www.swansongroupinc.com]'.'.."..22
Thermory USA [www.thermoryusa.com] ."....'...48
TigerDeck [www.tigerdeck.com] ........,...... .."".'.'32
TruWood-Collins [www,truwoodsiding.com]'.......'.'....'.'.....'8A'8B
Universal Forest Products [www.ufpedge.com] .....'..,.,'.,'.Cover ll
Vaagen Bros. Lumber Inc. [www.vaagenbros'com]'......."".".'...44
Viance [www.treatedwood.coml ......,................,.......'.'.....,...Cover I
Westbury Railing [www.westburyrailing.com]'.'.'....'.'...... ".'."'.'42
Western Forest Products [www,westernforest.com] ......".".'.....35
Weyerhaeuser [www.weyerhaeuser.com].......'.'.."'."'......'..'.'.""37
Woodway Products [www.woodwayproducts.com]'............'.'...50
Yakama Forest Products [www.yakama.forest.com]'.""',".....'.'46 pfrSptE ARE tsUILD|NG AGAIN and that means increased demand for timbers. That's good news for yards like yours; especially if you're carrying Humboldt Redwood Con Heart, Douglas fir and Pressure Treated Timbers. Premium quality Humboldt Redwood, Douglas fir and Pressure Treated Timbers give your customers everything they need - unmatched strength, durability, beauty, and eco-friendly FSC@ Certification. Our Redwood, Douglas fir and Pressure Treated Timbers are