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Enhancements to OSB products improve residential, light commerical construction
ll finNv BUTLDERS cHoosE oriented IYlstrand board over plywood for its lower price. When it comes to selling OSB, though, it's equally important to emphasize performance. As dealers know. competing on price alone can be a race to the bottom. Keeping and growing a customer base usually depends on showing value, not just the lowest price
Within the OSB market is a wide range of products-from commodity sheathing to specialty floor and roof panels. To provide builders with valued solutions for their panel needs, three attributes of high-performance products for the sales staff to keep in mind are: water protection and warranties. fastener templates, and
. simplified construction features.
Water protection, warranties
OSB manufacturers have focused on product formulations and features to better enable their panels to withstand moisture during and after construction. This is particularly true with OSB floor panels, for which edge sealants help protect against water intrusion to prevent edge swell. Such treatments help ensure that panels install flat and remain flat and smooth during and after construction. Manufacturers typically market such panels to stand apart from commodity OSB, such as a tint on the edges of panels to show they offer enhanced defense against moisture.
Because preventing edge swell is vital for quality finished floors, manufacturers also are pioneering other ways to prevent water damage. For example, drainage grooves added to floor panels eliminate standing water they believe the joist is and walk across the floor using a nail gun to rapidly attach the panel. It's easy to veer off and end up with "shiners." Snapping chalk lines is a good solution, but takes time. To make panel installation faster and easier, some OSB manufacturers include pre-printed templates that enable crews to follow a straight line and improve accuracy of fastener placement.
Simplied construction
On many OSB floor panels, manufacturers now provide tongues and grooves. Panels with these profiles help speed construction and improve quality by creating a self-gapping fit. Crews don't need to measure for a gap; instead, they slide the tongue and groove together. Ensuring an appropriate gap is necessary to prevent panels from buckling if they expand or contract from moisture.
Another ease-of-use is how manufacturers load panels at the mill. Those that arrive at the jobsite bundled working side up make it simpler for crews to unload and install them, without the strain of flipping panels over. This can help speed construction and lessen fatigue, especially in cases where crews have to handle numerous panels.
OSB panels can also provide builders a simple way to build greener. Manufacturers are able to produce OSB from quickly regenerating trees and with methods that use almost the entire log. Plus, for builders who want confirmation that the wood comes from sustainably managed forests, some OSB products carry third-party certifications, such as that of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative.

- Chris Degnan is OSB strategic marketing manager for Weyerhaeuser, Federal Way, Wa. For more information, c heck www.woodbywy.com.
Radiant Barrier Sheathing Enhances Energy Efficiency
during rain storms, which saves builders the problems and costs of sweeping standing water off the floor or drilling drainage holes to let it through.
A clear indicator of the improved performance of OSB panels is the enhanced warranties now available. Some manufacturers offer "no sand" guarantees for up to 200 days, which indicate their specialty panels can resist edge swell for more than half a year of exposure during construction. Additionally, panels also are available with 5O-year limited warranties against delamination, providing the builder and homeowner the assurance of long-term performance.
Fastener templates
Builders know that reducing the risk of floor squeaks requires that nails or screws driven through floor panels attach securely to the underlying joists. Many eyeball a line where
While manufacturers have often focused on floor panels as a key category for specialized OSB products, some are also offering enhanced roof panels-especially radiant barrier sheathing (RBS).
RBS offers the same types of benefits as standard OSB roof sheathing, including being engineered to remain flat and resist buckling, cupping, warping and sagging. It installs the same as other roof panels, yet helps lower home energy use.
These panels are foil laminated OSB roof sheathing that reflects 97Vo of the sun's radiant energy. By blocking solar energy, RBS helps reduce heat build-up in attics so the home stays cooler. As a result, less energy is needed for air conditioning, which in turn can control costs for homeowners year after year.