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tTt*o sELLERS str side bY side.
I One seller makes 100 calls and sells two orders. This seller is in the 987o rejection business. The second seller makes 100 calls and sells eight orders. This seller is in the 92Vo rejection business. Still a lot of rejection, yes, but the second seller is making four times as much money * as the first! (Think $200K a year vs. \ $50K a year!)
Both of these sellers are working hard, but working hard at what? They are both generating a lot of calls, but what kind of calls? TheY are both calling a lot of customers, but what kind of customers? TheY are both speaking to people all day long, but how ate they speaking to them?
The Popeye Syndrome
Popeye says, "I y'am what I y'am and that's all that I y'am." We are not cartoons. We are not a finished product. We are a work in progress, and we can get better.
"salespeople are born, not made" is a myth perpetrated by sales managers who don't want to train new salespeople and by salespeople looking for an excuse not to get better.
The good seller with this attitude doesn't get any better because she is already "made," no improvements necessary or possible. The struggling seller lets himself off the hook with this myth. Both of these sellers are plateaued-just at different levels.
It's Magic!
Some sellers do seem to sell in magical ways. They make it look easy. But making it look easy and it actually being easy are two different things.
The professional comedian, athlete and magician make what they do look easy because their skills are at a professional, money-producing level. Lots of people can tell a joke, sing or play sports, but only those who perform at a professional level get paid to do so.
Master sellers do the basics better and more often. If we do these things, we will sell more, guaranteed.
More calls - Inside sales. The master inside seller makes an outbound phone call every five minutes for a total of 96 outbound phone calls in an eight-hour day (60 minutes + 5 = 12,x 8 hours = 96). Often more. Call at this rate and your sales will increase, guaranteed.
More calls - Outside sales. The master distribution ll seller spends twice as much time in the field as the distribution seller who struggles. (When theY are inside, example #1 above is their output level.) Eight to 10 outside sales calls per day for an outside salesperson is doable, but rare. If you are in distribution sales, gener^ ate this kind of activity, every day, and your sales will increase, guaranteed.
Ask for the order more often. Most sellers don't ask. The majority ask only once, master sellers ask five times per closing situation, or more, and make it seem natural. The master seller makes asking for the busi- ness part of the relationship. If we ask for the order five times in closing situations, we will sell more, guaranteed. Be at our most charming best. Master sellers are always positive and charming with their clients. Master sellers ask interested and interesting questions and are great listeners. They smile and laugh more with their clients. They treat their customers like their brother, uncle, aunt, grandfather, mom, dad or trusted high school teacher. They are professional, but warm/human with their customers. They are genuine.
They are not there only for the deal (even though they expect to get the business-more on this) and the customer feels it. It makes all the difference. If we can be charming and really care about the people we are doing business with, in a genuine way, we will sell more, guaranteed. Assumptive selling. Master sellers expect to get the business and project that confidence in everything they say and do. Tone of voice is always positive. Things are "great," "busy," "happening," "on fire," not "okay," "fine," "fair-ta-middlin'," "strugglin' away." Struggling sellers say similar things all the way through the selling ', process, without even knowing it. They are subconsciously aPologizing and making themselves second-class citizens.
There are few guarantees in life, but the above will helP us sell more, guaranteed.
James Olsen Reality Sales Training
Capital Expands Denver, SLC
Capital. Phoenix. Az.. has expancled its Denver, Co.. and Salt Lake Citv. Ut.. distrihutitrrr centels [(] i.tccomnl'date product line extensrons.
In Denvcr, the company is adding a cantilever rack-supportcd shed to provide an additional 3.000 sq. ft. of covered stora-ee. ln Salt Lake, Capital is converting its warehouse to narrowaislc racking, which will provide an increasc of 720 pallct positions and 12.120 lineal ft. of cantilever racking.
Founded in l9'1tt. Capital opcrates eight rcgional distribution facilities in the West. offerin-e sales. market development. lnventory management, and distribution serviccs to the building materials industry.
Green Creek Shuts Down
Green Creek Wood Products LLC is closing, startin-e with its large-loc sawmill in Port Angelcs. Wa.
The mill shut down Nor,. l. orinraril1 due to lirr'k ol suppll lr uas prrr.chased out of bankruptcy in 2003 by Green Crow Corp. and Creeksidc Trading Corp.. who thcn poured an est irlated S5 nr illion into up-trardes. including a new debarker and headrig that doubled capacity.
Green Creek also operatecl a l0kiln dryint facility' in Spanawav. Wa., and a lumber sales office in Bellingharn, Wa.
Family Sells Oregon Yard ldaho Stud Mill Up & Running
Bob Weatherly .lr. has retired ancl sold the farnily busincss. Economv Supply, Lcbanon, Or.. to a teartr of crnployees. lccl b1' ntaltirser Richarcl Micklewright.
Weatherly's parents founded thc company in 1961. He started in 19j9.
.joining his brother. Gary. who retircd in 200-5.
Micklcwright. wlro came on board lll yeiirs ago. will be assisted b1'his s()n. N rlhrrrr Mie klcn lighr. Dirr itl Stubbleficlcl. and lsaac I_1,1111.
Gcrn Forest Products has restartecl thc firrnter Enterald Forcst Products stLrcl mill in Enrnte'tt.ld.
()u'ncd by Cilccntuels E,ncr-gy LLC. Biln'ringham, Al.. Ccm has an annual capacity of 100 nrillion bcl ft. o1' Douglas fir ancl white tlr #2 stucls. Cat Duemler is handling salcs.
Morenci Hardware & Sup. ply, Morenci, Az., was opened t',tov. iO QV _!!e Owens family, owners of Safford Building & Ace Hardware. safford. Az.
Michael Brown manaqes the new 1 1,900-sq. ft. location.
Foxworth Galbraith Lumber agreed to sell 7 .2 acres near its Woodland Park Co., lumberyard to a developer who plans to build a 22,000sq. ft. Tractor Supply.
Also in town, W<iodland Hardware & Rental is buildinq a 26.000sq. ft. replacement store.
Sustainable Northwest Wood, Portland, Or., received a Forest Stewardship Council Leadership Award for leadership in building materials supply in the West.
Truckee-Tahoe Lumber Co., Truckee, Ca., was honored as Larqe Business of the Year bv the locll Chamber of Commerce.
Habitat for Humanitv opened its third Los Angeles area ReStore discount LBM outlet in Bellflower, Ca., and its second Boise, ld., location.
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