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Treated Wood APP Gets Makeover

Guided by comments and inPut from users over the Past Year, the treated wood industry's exclusive smartphone app has undergone a complete makeover.

Version 2.0 of the Treated Wood Guide app, developed bY Western Wood Preservers Institute, is available for free download for APPIe iOS' Google Android and Windows smartphones and tablets.

The app is designed to Put sPecific information on preservative-treated wood at the fingertips of designers, specifiers, contractors and homeown- ers so they can select the proper products for their projects.

One new feature is a redesigned section on national AWPA standards for treating. Users can get details on the AWPA Use Category sYstem, with an overview of use categories that guide the amount of preservative used in the products to meet performance specifications.

The Building Construction and Commercial/Industrial utilities let users select specific wood products and use conditions and see required retentions and sample end tags for the common preservatives available today. A new Find by Exposure utility lets users select the use conditions and product application to find the required preservative retentions.

Other sections provide information on preservatives available in the market today, tips for working with preserved wood, environmental comparisons to alternative materials and a Frequently Asked Questions section providing answers to common questions about treated wood products and their use.

For those who want to see how wood is preserved, there's a threeminute video that shows all the steps of the treating process.

A new Treated Lumberyards Nearby utility allows users to find nearby treated wood suppliers who stock the products theY need. Users can find nearby lumberyards bY using a maP or by selecting from 12 different treated wood product tyPes, from decking to round posts and fire retardant lumber.

Each listing includes the address, phone number, and website address for the lumberyard and the Product types they sell. Users can quickly get driving directions from their current location to the lumberyard.

The Treated Wood Guide is the only app available that delivers critical use information on all AWPAapproved preservatives and products available in the market today. Links to download the aPP can be found at www.wwpi.info/treatedaPP.

Ganahl's newest facility in Pasadena, California, had to deliver the same customer experience as their larger facilities - in 1/5th the space' Our comprehensive solution made every inch of the repurposed site more efficient. We designed and furnished a variety of high-capacity storage systems, including Sunbelt Rack Power Bins, T-sheds' and push back racks'

For the rest of the story go " ffi

Gemini Forest Products, tos Alamitos, Ca., has added a San Francisco, Ca., sales office (Clint Krueger, regional sales mgr.).

Action Wood Products, Turner, Or., has been acquired bY Turner Lumber, Turner.

Reclaimed Lumber Pro' ducts, Nampa, ld., this winter is adding a second production facility-a 7,500-sq. ft. wood processing plant in Emmett, ld. Another shoP and ware' houses may be added later.

Eco Chemical, Seattle, wa., was honored as a Safer ChemistrY Champion by the Washington Department of Ecology for its leadership in reducing the use of toxic chemicals and finding safer alternatives.

West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association installed Sean Fogarty, Osborne Lumber, Newark, Ca., as president during its recent annual convention in Indian Wells, Ca., replacing Mark Ganahl, Ganahl Lumber, Anaheim, Ca. (see photos, pages 14-15).

New lst v.p. is Victor Fresca, ProBuild/Dixieline, San Diego, Ca.; 2nd v.p. Mark Boone, Champion Lumber, Riverside, Ca.; treasurer Bobby Senften, Friedman's Home Improvement, Santa Rosa, Ca.; associate director Tom Von Moos. Western Woods, Chico, Ca.; and dealer director Barrett Burt, Ganahl Lumber, Anaheim.

Continuing as directors are Rick Deen, Nichols Lumber & Hardware, Baldwin Park, Ca.; Tom Knippen, Diablo Timber Co., American Canyon, Ca.; Dale Verseput, Select Equipment Sales, Buena Park, Ca.; Chris Swanson, Swanson Group Sales, Glendale, Or.; and Augie Yenezia, Fairfax Lumber & Hardware, Fairfax, Ca., as government affairs chair.

Honored were Seamus O'Reillv. LP Building Products, Fairfield, Ca., as Associate of the Year; Matt Petersen, Mead Clark Lumber, Santa Rosa, Ca., President's Award; and Peter Ganahl, Ganahl Lumber, Anaheim, Lifetime Achievement Award.

Western Wood Preservers Institute elected a new 2015 slate of officers at last month's annual meeting in Waikoloa, Hi.

John Davis, McFarland Cascade, Chandler, Az., is now president, succeeding Dwayne Carter, Brooks Manufacturing, Bellingham, Wa.

Pat Tymkiw, Bell Lumber & Pole, New Brighton, Mn., is now v.p.; Jerry Farley, J.H. Baxter, Eugene, Or., secretary; and Elaina Jackson, West Coast Wood Preserving, Bakersfield, Ca., treasurer. Dallin Brooks was confirmed as WWPI executive director.

Western Building Material Association elected Steve Kerr, Kerr Ace Hardware, Brookings, Or., as president during its I l2th annual convention and showcase Nov. 5-7 in Portland, Or.

Charley Miller, Miller Lumber Co., Bend, Or., and Kimberly Akre.


Pacific Building Center, Blaine, Wa., are now v.p.s.; David Stordahl, Triple S Building Center, Butte, Mt., is new to the executive committee; and Jason Crist, Spenard Builders Supply, Palmer, Ak., and Kelly Fox, Lumber Traders, Port Angeles, Wa., are new directors.

Tom Sliter, Sliters Lumber & Building Supply, Somers, Mt., received the Distinguished Dealer

Award, and International Wood Products, Tumwater, Wa., won the Supplier of the Year Award.

Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club is getting ready for its annual holiday party Dec. 13 at the Five Crowns, Corona del Mar, Ca.

Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club's holiday meeting is Dec. 17 at San Dimas Golf Course. San Dimas. Ca.

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Mark Ganahl has been Promoted to president of Ganahl Lumber, Anaheim, Ca., succeeding his father, Peter Ganahl, who remains c.e.o. Brad Satterfield rePlaces Mark as general mgr. in Anaheim. Other newly named general mgrs': Pete Ganahl, Buena Park, Ca'; Luis Rojas, Corona, Ca.; Mike Shumaker, Costa Mesa, Ca.; Alex Uniack, Laguna Beach, Ca.; Chad Kidder, Los Alamitos, Ca.; and Tom Barclay, Torrance, Ca.

Scott Lewis is the new President of Claymark USA Inc., Boise, Id. Bryar McKlveen is now general mgr.

Jack Alley, ex-OrePac, is a new trader at Patrick Lumber Co., Portland, Or., handling high-grade western red cedar.

Steve Snyder, ex-Action Wood Products, is new to sales at Elk Creek Forest Products, McMinnville, Or.

Bryan Beck was Promoted to President of The Beck GrouP, Portland, Or., succededing his father, Tom Beck, who remains chairman' RoY Anderson is now senior consultant.

Tom Corrick has been Promoted to chief operating officer at Boise Cascade Co., Boise, Id. Dan Hutchinson succeeds him as executive v.p.-wood Products. WaYne Rancourt is now executive v.P', chief financial officer, and treasurer. David Hannah, c.e.o., Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co', was elected to the Boise Cascade board of directors.

Adrian Blocker was appointed senior v.p.-wood products for WeYerhaeuser Co., Federal WaY, Wa., effective Jan. 1. Cathy Slater will become senior v.p.-cellulose fibers. Scott Lewis is the new President of Claymark USA Inc., Boise, Id. Bryar McKlveen is now general mgr.

Samuel Jauchius, ex-Foxworth Galbraith Lumber, is new to Pro sales at Lowe's, Salem, Or.

Steven Erickson is a new domestic hardwood lumber trader at Bridgewell Resources, Tigard' Or. Chuck Dotson is new to sales at Thompson River Lumber, Thompson Falls, Mt.

Gene Secco has been Promoted to mgr of Parr Lumber Co., Forest Grove, Or.

John Bottini, ex-HPM Building Products, has joined International Wood Products' SPecialtY Wood Products Division, Clackamas, Or., as territorY mgr.

David Ledward, ex-National Wood Products, has joined the sales team at Sunwood, Salt Lake CitY, Ut.

Stacy Willard has been aPPointed chief operations officer at Smith & Fong Co., San Francisco, Ca.

John Avila is now in commercial inside sales at American Building Supply, Rialto, Ca.

Ron Pedzinski has joined MAX USA' Mineola, N.Y., as western regional sales mgr.

Cathy Debes, ex-Atrium Windows & Doors, is a new Temecula, Ca.based strategic account mgr. for Cascade Windows, SPokane Valley, Wa.

Tim Stottlemyre, ex-Pacific Coast Building Products, has joined ABC Supply, as district sales mgr. for Sacramento, Ca.

Steve Locanto is now corporate controller for Ace Hardware CorP.' Oak Brook,Il.

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