2 minute read
Our New Book Always in For Dealers HnPPv TO ALL New YeAR I Stock
A ,""rr, .ttractive leather-bound desk book, created for us especially for our lumber dealer customers, showing our commodities and price lists, and furnished the dealer with the understanding that he will keep it up-todate with correction sheets we mail out regularly from our offices.
- C. U. Martin, of San Francisco, Agent for Madrigal & Company, has just returned from a business trip to the Philippines. One of the interests of this concern which Mr. Martin represents is the Port Lamon Lumber Co., manufacturers of Philippine Mahogany.
On Trip To Mexico
H. J. Dike, president, International Hardwood Produ,cts Corporation, Los Angeles, is on a business trip to Mexico. He will be back at his office about the middle of Tanuary.
Carl Hornibrook On Eastern Trip
Carl Hornibrook, sales manag'er of the Ewauna Box Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., left December 26 on a business trip and will call on their accounts in the Mississippi Valley territory, Chicago, Detroit, New York, Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto, and other eastern lumber consuming centers. On his return trip, he will stop at Los Angeles.
Visits Bay City
L. G. Burns, of the Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Company, recently made a business trip to San Fran,cisco.
*AdvertiremenB appear in alternate isrue.
Booketaver-Burns Lumber Co. , -------------- - ----- 23
Broolanire, fnc.
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. ---.-- ----- ----------------- 13
Buclley Lumber Dealerr' Supply Co.-------------.23
Cadwalla&r-Gibron C,o., Inc. ------- ---- -----,-.- 15
California Builderc Supply Co. - - - -----------.23
Califotnia Panel & Veneer Qo. -------------------.23
California Redwood Association -------:------------*
C,cloter Company, The ---------------------------------1I
Chamberlin & Co., W. R.,---------------------------27
Croosett Vestern Company
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. --------------------2t
Elliott Bay Saleg Co.
Ewauna Box Co. -----------------------19
Findlay Millar Timber Co. --------,-- -,--- -,------- 9
Fonyth ffardwood Co. ------------------------------ 23
Gorman, George W. ---------------- --------- --------2,
Ffa[, James L. ------------------,:--------------------- -------.21
YGrr Singlc Copicr, 25 ccntr och. LOS ANGELES, CAL., JANUARY I, 1936 Advcrtiring
Business Outlook For 1936
F. DEAN PRESCOTT, General Manager, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno
I hardly dare venture a prediction for anything as things are so uncertain these davs. The attitude of the Administration at Washington ii so unfavorable to business and industry that I feel it would take seemingly very little to cause the people everywhere to become very conservative on account of the campaign year in 1936, and the very great opposition which exists in finance, business, and industrial circles against the administration.
If conditions continue as they are it is reasonable to expect considerable building in our vicinity, but I do not look for a "boom." There is at the present time quite a little speculative house building, but most of the residence construction at the present time in this vicinity consists of dwellings being built under contract with the owner for a home. My information is that a large percentage of the homes being built here in the valley are being financed by private corporations and individuals. Much of this is being done on the cost basis, about the same as the F.H.A. program. Very little is being built under Title 2. The latter plan is too slorv, has too much red tape, and must be changed if it is ever going to become popular with builders and home owners.
The last half of 1935 has shown a decided increase over the volume of business for the same period in 1934. The work going on in this vicinity now is largely the result of government grants to p,ublic buildings, and this program will not likely continue for more than six months in 1936, according to predictions of the best informed individuals.