1 minute read
America Buildslamenca turnsto CELoTEX !
America is building! The interest in better housing sweeping the country is an impressiue indication of the euer present strtirlt of America centefing in the home.
It b significant to obserue in this better housing rnouernmt a gtowing public consciousness of the importance ol ptoper insulation als a meons of more comJoftable and. more eanomical lirting.
All indications pint to a Juture ol seruice Jor Celotex eren mote flotextorthy than the record of the first decade and a halt just closing.
B, G. DAHLBERG ifif'#i."t"" coRPoRArroN
In the building of new or the modernizing of existing houses, there are many needs that Celotex alone will competently fill.
The serv.ce Celotex renders ranges all the way from decorative walls and ceilings to the highly important function of efficient insulation-from interior finish that creates rooms of charm and modern beauty, to applications as sheathing board and plaster base. Its usefulness literally includes every type of building -homes, stores, offices, amusement places, schools, churches, manufacturing plants. It is naturally easy to appreciate why America turns to Celotex.
We invite you to talk to your Celotex representative. He has the facts and figures on the Celotex sales promotion and advertising program for 1936..
IMPORTANT-/II Celotex Cane Fibre Produets are Dr1 Rot and Tcrmite ProoJed by the exelusiue Ferox Process (petcnted).