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Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany
Majority of Trailers are of \(/ood Construction
According to the Information Service Department of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, the toughest kind of woods should be used for trailer construction, taking lnto consideration three main features-strength, resilience and decay resistance.
In a survey now underway, results to date indicate that the majority of trailers are of wood construction, and by far the greatest number of all-wood and composite-constructed factory-made trailers are fine pieces of engineering and a credit to the industry.
There are three types of trailer chassis in use today-the all-wood, partial wood, and metal construction with wood inserts. Of these three, the partial wood is the most satisfactory as well as the most economical. Equipment necessary for wood usage in trailers is relatively inexpensive and can be obtained by small firms. Any metal used in this type of trailer is generally for reinforcement purposes and hitch attachments.
Moisture content in wood for trailer use should never be over 15 per cent or under 12 per cent for exterior exposed boards. The actual operation of conducting mo:sture content tests is simple; and if proper moisture content is specified and obtained, any loose structure and "working" in joints can be eliminated.
An item of major importance in trailer chassis construction is the treatment of wood members with preservatives. In instances where only the surface of the wood is treated and for any reason that surface is removed, the exposed portion must be retreated to be safe from moisture and decay. Bolt and joint holes are points which, if neglected in thls respect, become weak and invite decay.
The exterior covering of the trailer should be of the strongest material and plywood is said to be the strongest construction material known. Weight for weight it is stronger than steel. When properly constructed, plywood is very difficult to spl:t. It is easily worked, bends readily, and makes a perfect wall covering. Information on plywood will be furnished by the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Tacoma, Washington. A plywood constructed with waterproof glue should always be chosen for use in trailers.
Progressive manufacturers are usrng timber connectors in trailer making. These connectors are metal devices used to supplement bolts for timber joints and to distribute load over a wide area rather than having it centered on the small area near the bolt hole. Timber connectors have been in the process of development for many years. Their use has been thoroughly tested by manufacturers of large timber structures and are now coming to be used generally by industries working with small timbers. The Forest Products Laboratory has made an exhaustive study of timber connectors and has data concerning the various kinds available. The Timber Engineering Company, 1337 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C. also furnishes this information.
Wholeraleg ot
Main Office: ll0MarketSt. San FranciscoJsoAmerican Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon
Weyerha eyser Plans Mobile Sales Convention
A sales convention that will travel 6,000 mrles by special train and take up the better part of a month's time is being planned by the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, merchandising unit for the Weyerhaeuser lumber interests, whose headquarters are at St. Paul.
If not the first of its kind, the tour will at least establish a new record for mileage and time.
The company's salesmen from all sections of the country 'r,vill assemble in St. Paul on January 4 and board the.Weyerhaeuser 4 Square Special which will be their home for three weeks.
They will visit the virgin forests from which come the lumber products they sell, witness logging operations in the Pacific Northwest, and see every step in the manufacturing of the company's products in its mills in northern Minnesota, Idaho, Washington and Oregon
R. M. Weyerhaeuser, F. E. Weyerhaeuser, and F. K. Weyerhaeuser, president of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, will accompany the party of about 150 salesmen.
The special train, chartered from the Great Northern rarlway, will consist of twelve cars, including six Pullmans, two dining cars, observation and office cars, and a coach in which sales meetings will be held.
The itinerary calls for visits at mills owned by the Weyerhaeuser interests at Cloquet, Minn; Coeur d'Alene, Potlatch, Lewiston, Boise and Emmett, Idaho; Everett, Snoqualmie Falls and Longview, Wash.; and Klamath Falls, Ore.
Caldor Party
Instead of holding their annual Christmas party at their office as heretofore, Th'e California'Door Company held a dinner party at the Casa de Rosas Inn on Tuesday evening, December 22, for all employees and their wives.
A very beautiful Christmas tree was loaded with gifts in the form of jokes which caused much laughter, so a great deal of fun was had by all present. The party was voted a huge success.
At the close of the evening, G. O. Fogleman, manag'er of the Los Angeles Branch, handed to each of the employees a check representing a share in the profits of 1936.
Narrow Escape
Gordon D. Pierce, Boorman Lumber Company, Oakland, with his wife and two children, had a close call recently when his automobile skidded on a frost covered bridge at Crow's Landing and crashed through the guard ra;I, landing on its nose 16 feet below.
All of the party escaped with cuts and bruises. Thd car was badly smashed.
California Conservation \(/eek
California Conservation Week will be celebrated March 7, Luther Burbank's birthday, to 14 for the years 1937, \938 and 1939 according to plans perfected by the Conservation Week Committee meetrng recently held in the office of the U. S. Forest Service, San Francisco. Nine State and Federal bureaus and departments and eight statewide conservation organizations were urged by the chairman, Miss Pearl Chase of Santa Barbara to increase effort to preserve the geat natural resources of California and to broaden and improve all their educational activities.
The subjects for the eight days on Conservation Week will be:
March T,"California Conservation Bird and Arbor D^y," Luther Burbank's Birthday. (Sermons, lectures in museums, etc., field trips)
March 8, "Forestry" School and Organization observance of Arbor Day. (Tree Planting)
March 9, "Conservation of Wild Life." Birds, Fish, Game and Shore Life.
March 10, "Preservation of Native Plants." Trees, Shrubs and Wild Flowers. "Outdoor good Manners."
March 11, "Water and Soil Conservation." Fire Prevention.
March 12, Conservation in Parks and Recreation Areas and Improvement of Roadsides.
March 13, Conservation Activities of Federal, State and County Agencies, Demonstrations and Field Trips to nearby areas.
March 14, The fmportance of Conservation to our Community.
Trailers Exhibited At Auto Shows
Advance in design, construction and equipment for 1937 trailers has been quite remarkable. The number of makes of trailers on exh:bition at the 1936 New York Automobile Show-24-actually exceeded the number of makes of American motor cars shown. The total number of trailers shown at the New York and Chicago shows was 36, of which 13 were on display at both shows. This year, {or the first time, trailers had a part in the annual Automobile Show and the trailer exhibits entirely monopolized the attention of the crowd
Appointed Sales Manager
W-lliam J. Tway has been appointed sales manager of the Santa Ana Lumber Co., Santa Ana, succeeding Stanley Clem who recently resigned to go in the lumber business in Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. Tway had been with the Santa Ana Lumber Co. for many years up until a few years ago, and now returns to handle their sales. R. A. Emison is manager of the company.
California Style Furniture in Demand
' A wood products industry rvhich has exceeded all expectations in the past ten years and will touch $32,00O,00O in 1937, it prognostication of business men is correct, is the making of California style furniture. Originating as quick knock-together furniture for movie sets at Hollywood, massive chairs, tables and beds, made of heavy planks burned and held together with wrought iron straps, are now in demand in the East as well as the South and West.
The 1935 Census of Manufacture showed Los Angeles ahead of Grand Rapids in furniture manufacture, and exceeded in volume only by New York and Chicago. Upwards of 160 factories are engaged in proclucing this nerv style furniture.
Home Building Boom Predicted
Washington, Dec. 26,-Looking ahead to 1937, Stervart McDonald, the housing administrator, foresarv today a possibility that 450,000 homes rvill be built in that year.
"On the basis of all inforrnation at our comlnancl," he said, "there rvil be an in'crease of approximately 50 per cent over the number built this year. Tentatively. rve believe that between 400,000 and 450,000 non-farm du'elling units rvill be constructed during the calendar year 1937."
Purchases Retail Yard
Ralph Fell has purchased the Midway Lumber Co., u'hich is located on the main highway between Beaumont and Banning, from E,. B. Cook, the former owner. Prior to this, Mr. Fell managed yards for the Hayn'ard Lurnber & Investment Co. at Bannrng and Santa Ana.
New Motion Picture Film Has Safety Features
A safety motion picture film, rvhich l-ras a base of cellulose acetate, has trvo uses. First it is ctesignecl for use rvhere the ordinary theatre type film presents too great a hazard from fire and explosion; and second, where it is desired to presbrve records of permanent value. For in addition to its safety features the new lihn appears to have excellent keeping qualities. In recent tests the cellulose acetate film rvithstood oven-aging f.or l2O days without serious change u'hile the nitrate film deteriorated beyoncl usefulness after ten davs under the same conditions.
Ralph Duncan Visits Northwest
Ralph P. Duncan, Mercecl, representative in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys for Dant & Russell, Inc., was a recent Northrvest visitor. He visitecl the mills enroute, and rvas also a caller at the comparrt"s Portland ofrfice.
To Settle In California
lJluce Dower, of the well-knor,vn retail lumber firm of John Dower Lumber Company, Tacoma, Wash., recently spent a week in the San Francisco Bay clistrict and is norv in Los Angeles. He intends to settle in California.