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Ten Years Ago Today
From the tiles of fhe California Lumber Merchant, January 1 , 1927
White l3rothers, rvell known San Francisco hardwood dealers, are opening a nelv yard in Oakland, which will be ready for business on February 1.
The Central Lumber :". -r, Stockton has started the construction of its new yard which is located just across the street from the present location.
W. A. Waldren, Home Builders' Lumber Co., Gridley, rvas elected president of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club at its annual meeting held at Sacramento on December 18. E. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis, is the retiring president. * * *
The annual meeting of the Ceutral California l-urnbermen's Club rvas held at Stockton, Saturday, December 11. O. V. Wilson, Central Lumber Co., Stockton, was elected president, succeeding J. U. Gartin, Stanislaus Lumber Co. of Modesto. ***
The San Francisco Hardwood Club held its annual Christmas luncheon at the Commercial Club on Wednesdav. December 22.
Pat Sublett, Sun Fr"n.lr"J ,,rlrr.r-an, has returned to California after spending the past several months at his old home in Oklahoma. *{<t
The storage yard being built by the lTammond Lumber Company in Chicago is rapidly nearing completion. They rvill stock all rvestern woods in the new yard. ***
The Haywarcl Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, announces it will open a yard at Corona. rt**
Thc Christmas party and luncheon of the East Bay HooHoo Club rvas held at the Athens Club, Oakland, Decernber 17. The Rev. Edgar Allen Lorvther of Oakland gave an excellent adclress on the "Meaning of Christmas." Nels Qu;st and his sirlging lurnl>ermen troubadours from Hay- ward sang several original songs. Rod Hendrickson played the part of Santa Claus and distributed the prizes. tF ,1. ,f
E. L. Moore, California Tie and Timber Co., Palo Alto, has purchased 1800 acres of Redwood timber from the Campbell Redwood Co. The transaction involves about 4O million feet.
Four resolutions u'ere adopted by the San Diego City Council authorizing leases on municipal tidelands to the Western Lumber Company, Klicka L'umber Company, San Diego Planing Mill Company, and San Diego Lumber Company.
Sylvester Weaver, Los Angeles, has accepted an invitation to address the annual meeting of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association at Tacoma, Wash., in February. Mr. Weaver's subject rvillte 'Ideals of Western Business."
"The City of Nome," a Norwegian vessel, arrived in San Francisco bay with one million feet of hardwood logs from Brazil. This is the first shipment of logs from Brazil to arrive on the Pacific Coast and contains several species of Brazilian hardwoods.
Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas, will move their yarcl to a newly acquired site not far from its present location.
Four hundred orphan children were entertained at the Christmas party sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club on December 23. Following the luncheon there was an entertainment and each of the children was presented with a gift'
The San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club had as their guests the children from the McKinley Orphanage at their Christmas luncheon on December 23 at the Palace Hotel. During the luncheon music was furnished by the hotel orchestra. Each youngster received an appropriate Christmas present.