3 minute read
Jacl< Dionne
not guaranteed---Some I have told
for 20 years---Some less
Quick Thinkins
The teacher had forbidden her class to chew gum or candy during class hours. She had proven most severe in her efforts to enforce that order, and there was not a youngster in the class who dared suffer her displeasure.
One day she saw little Jimmy apparently trying to hide behind one of his text books, and she thought she noticed a suspicious looking lump in Jimmy's cheek.
"Jimmy!" she cried accusingly, "isn't that chewing gum in your mouth?"
"No, ma'am," said Jimmy, looking as if he were caught sheep stealing.
"Then what is it?" she demanded to know.
"Teacher," said Jimmy, confidentially, "I'm just soakin' a prune to eat at recess."
Offers Course on FHA Insured Mortgages Fir Plywood Production Shows Steady Gain
A new and comprehensive course of study of the Federal Housing Administration insured mortgage lending system will be included in the winter quarter curriculum of University College, downtown evening division of the University of Southern California.
Based on text material of the American Institute of Banking, the course will cover legal aspects of mortgage and deed of trust in California foreclosures, liability of buyer of mortgage properties, mortgage investment standards for banks and other financial institutions, mortgage selection and risk and otheri phases of the field, according to Dean Ernest W. Tiegs, head of the school.
George A. Schneider, real estate broker, author of California Real Estate Principles and Practices, and lecturer at U.S.C. for the past twelve years, will conduct the course on Mondays at 7 p.m. He also will offer two other courses, "Real Estate Finance" and "Real Estate Principles and Practices."
John B. Kennedy will present a course on "Advanced Real Estate Appraisals," dealing with property valuation, rvith the emphasis on residential and other major types of construction.
The growing realization of Douglas fir Plywood's usefulness is well illustrated by the stater.nent of unit production issued by the Douglas Fir Plywood Association. In this statement it is shown that production of plywood in 1925 was 153,262,6O8 square feet, but has been increasing steadily until i,n 1936 production showed the record figure of 700,000,000 square feet. The industry directly employs 5,000 people in its own mills, with another 1,000 intimately associated with the production of materials used in plywood manufacture. In round figures, $25,000,000 represents the industry's investment, with an annual pay roll of $7,500,000. Raw material and supplies constitute total annual purehases of $7,500,000.
New Office Building
Build New Business and Profits for 1938 with Fir WELDWOOD The weather-proof plywood Guaranteed waterproof and not expensive U(r.rrrno $rerrs Qtrwoop GoRp. l19 Kansas St., San Francisco MArket 1882 1920 East 15th St' -- i"' lig"t"' WHOLESALE ONLY PRoopect 3013 AT COM'ETITM PRICES NEW YORK_PHILADELPHIA_BOSTON-DETROIT_CHICAGO-ROCHES'IER-BROOKLYN_BALTIMORE
The Glad New Year
Through the mystic moonlight Flies a Spirit bold, Bearirrg gifts more precious Than frankincense and gold; Singing, "life is beauty
When our deeds are true, Take these priceless moments Offered now to you."
Fill the hours with melody, Swell the joyous song; They are yours to cherish
All the bright year long. In them Opportunity Shows a smiling face, Press on with assuranbe
To. your destined place.
All the old-time errors. All the old-time sin, Vanish as the brave Nerv Year Flies so gaily in; There's no time for pining As the past you view, Revel in the sunlight Of a world made new.
-A. Merriam Conner.
Los Angeles Visitors
Taylor L. Sublett, J. V. G. spent the Christmas holiday in er, Pat Sublett.
Posey & Co., San Francisco, Los Angeles with his broth-
Mark DeBruin, sales manager of the Gorman Lumber Co., San Francisco, spent a few days in Los Angeles around the middle of December, and with Art Twohy, the company's Southern California representative, called on the retailers.
E. A. Blocklinger, president of the Chiloquin Lumber Co., Chiloquin, Ore., was a Los Angeles visitor last month while en route to the mill following a two months' trip in the East calling on the lumber trade. He made the trip by automobile, traveling about 10,000 miles. He was accompanied by Mrs. Blocklinger.
Steuart Hoonan, A. C. Tebb Lumber Wash.. has returned to the Northwest weeks' stay in Los Angeles.
Corp., Aberdeen, following a trvo
Jack Dodson, salesman for the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., working out of its Phoenix, Ariz., office, was in the Southland for the Christmas holiday and spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles office.