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Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Christmas Party
The annual Christmas party and golf tournament sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club held at the Oakmont Country Club, Glendale, Tuesday, December 12, was a very successful affair and there was a large turnout. 66 played golf in the afternoon, and two hundred were present for the evening festivities.
A beautiful Christmas display in the dining room, including a Christmas tree around which were distributed many gifts for orphan children, gave a holiday spirit tc, the occasion. Tl.rose rvho did not bring gifts contributeti $1.00 each and over $150.00 .ivas collected. The presents and money rvere turned over to the Los Angeles Orphan Asylurn. The Christmas decorations were arranged lty Bill Ream.
Dinner u'as served at 7:00 p.m. President Roy Stanton presided, and Dee E,ssley actecl as master of ceremonies. The entertainment included several musical numbers by professional entertair-rers, aud Dee Ilssley led the gathering in group singing.
After the dir-rner, George Clorrgh presented the prizes to the golf winners. Lou Cusanovich found the course very much to his liking and really played big-time golf, turning in a low gross score of 77. He was presented the Roy Stanton trophy and $10.00 in r','ar savings stamps. Walter Metz rvas the lo'n' net rvinner in the first flight and received the George E. Ream trophy and a $25.00 war bond; I{omer Warde won the second low net prize in the first flight and was awarded $10.00 in war savings stamps. Sid Simmons won the first low net prize in the second flight and was awardecl The California Lumber Merchant trophy and a $25.@ war bond. Golf balls were given to the rvinners of the several special events.
The prizes in the blind bogey contest were war savings stamps, and the rvinners were: first, $7.50, D. D. McCallum ; seconcl, $2.50; Fred Chapin ; third, 92.50, Gene l_assiter.
The door prize u'inners lvere: Mike Narkoii, $25.00 l.ar (Continued on page 30)
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