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SAI.ES AGEI'.|TS FOR The Scrge Lcnd & Improvement Co., Willits, Cclil. Sclmon Creek Bedwood Co., Bectrice, Cclil. Los

News of Our Friends in the Service

Edgar M. Giles, son of Mrs. Lewis A. Godard, Oakland, recently received his wings and the rank of Ensign as a U. S. Navy Air Force pilot, at Corpus Christi, Texas. Immediately following his graduation he was given leave and was home for Christmas.

Lieut. Commander R. W. Caldwell, son of R. E. Caldwell of Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently spent three weeks leave in San Francisco, after ,sea duty in the South and Central Pacific areas. He is damage control officer on a large carrier.

Seaman 2/c Keyran A. "Bud" Hetherington, son of A. J. Hetherington with the Owens-Parks Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was recently home on his first furlough from seven months' action in the Pacific area aboard the U.S.S. Indiana. He arrived home in time to celebrate his first wedding anniversary with his wife, Barbara, who is the daughter of Pete Condee, also connected with the OwensParks Lumber Company.

Lieut. Orrin. Wright, Jr., Army Transportation Corps, son of Orrin Wright of the West Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles, left for Boston on Decemb er 2l alter spending a 2l-day leave at home. He attended the Hoo-Hoo Christmas party at the Oakmont Country Club, Tuesday evening, December 12, and also played in the golf tournament in the afternoon.

Jerry Thompson of the Seabees and Sterl Hairell of the U. S. Navy participated in the recent invasion of the philippines. Before going in the service they were with the Sampson Compariy of Pasadena, Jerry in the sales department and Sterl in the transportation' department.

Lieut. Bob Hales, formerly Pacific Lumber Company, San structor with the Army Air Luke. Arizona.

of the office staff Francisco, is now Force, stationed at

Sgt. Jim Hopkins, U. S. Marine of The an inCamp

The Pacific Lumber Company, San in Honolulu.

Corps, formerly with Francisco, is stationed

T7Sgt. Charlie Causse of the anti-aircraft is in paris, and when last heard of was quartered in the ancestral home of the Rothschilds. Before entering the service he was with The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco.

Lieut. (j.S.) Jerold G. Mashek, USNR, formerly with the Lumbermen's Supply, Inc., Sacramento, has been sta_ tioned at a Naval supply base in the Hawaiian Islands since last July. He is attached to the Naval Overseas Air Cargo Terminal.

Ensign Ben Batliner, son of A. M. Batliner of the Long- Bell Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is now a skipper on a LCT in the South Pacific. He was commissionecl an Ensign last June.

F"rnnal Jt{ewt

Robert E. Dant of Dant Wash., recently spent a few he conferred with Seth L. representative.

& Russell, Ltd., Vancouver, days in San Francisco, where Butler. Northern California

D. Normen Cords, manager of the Pine department, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, was back at his desk December 15 from a two weeks trip around the Pine mills oi Northern California and Southern Oregon.

Harry G. Dowson, sales manag'er, Medford Corporation, Medford, Ore., returned December 21 from a business trip to the Middle West and Southwest.

H. L. Lake, Garden Grove den Grove, has returned from

Lumber & Cement Co., Gara trip to the Northwest.

E. A. Brown of the lVloulded Products Co., Los Angeles, was on business for his firm.


Deelcrc in Forcrt Productr

Douglcs Fir-Redwood


Genercrl Office

Crocker Bldg., Stm Frcrncisco {, CaliL

Southern Ccrliloneicr Office crnd Ycrrd li{Q ltinn f,ve., Wilningrton, Cclil., P. O. Bor 518



Plywood Division, Evans in San Francisco recently

Carl Bahr, president of California Redwood Distributors, Inc., Chicago, recently spent two weeks in California, visiting the mills and offices of the members of his organization.

O. H. Carter, manager of Lumber Distributors, Inc., Stockton, has been confined to his home by illness since he returned November Z2 lrom a vacation trip to the Pacific Northwest.

At. L. (Gus) Hoover, Southern California representative of The Pacific Lumber Co. and Wendling-Nathan Co., returned to Los Angeles December 19, from spending two weeks visiting San Francisco and the Pacific mill at Scotia, Calif.

John F. Ifanson, Anderson-Hanson Co., Dallas, Texas, was a recent visitor at the mill of the Winton Lumber Co. at Martell. Calif.

Cy Hooper, former Los Angeles lumberman but now located at Fort Worth, Texas, recently spent ten days in Los Angeles where he called on his lumbermen friends.

Leslie Lynch, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Los Angeles, member of the Lumber Distribution Advisory Committee of the War Production Board, has returned from Washington, D. C., where he attended a committee meeting.


Ponderosct d Sugtr Pine Lumber G Mouldings

11615 Pcnmelee Avenue ct Inpericrl Highwcry

Los Angeles 2-Klmbcll 2953


Manulacturers Qucrlity Redwood Lumber

"Big trNllil lumber From o Little filill' SAI^ES AGENTS


420 Mcrrket St., Scn Frcncisco ll

Southern Cclilornia Bepresentcrtive

I.I. Becr,5410 Wilshire Blvd., Ios Angeles 36 . WEbster 7828


Distribu.tors ol

Pacific Coast Forest Products

tOS ANGELES Douglcs Fir POBIIAND tt' B-oJl"iti|t'd' HentocL 'trrBrsDaldtlt lSl*" Ross C. Iashley Cedcn Lcrne E. Paskill

L. t. GARR & CO.

ce/ifomio &rgor ond Potdierorc Pinc

Scles Agentr For


Milb At Woodleof' Calif. TACBTMENTO tOS

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