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How Lumbcr Looks
Due to tlhe holiday shutdowns at the mills, lumber production was the lowest of the year during the week ended December 24 according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of 805 leading hardwood and softwood mills. New business during the same week totded 84rE40r000 feet; the pre. vious low, that of the week ended December 10, was 102r 556'000 feet as reported by 706 mills.
Production for the week, E0r224r(X)0 feet, was only 16 per cent of apacity; new business was 17 per cent of capacity. These f,guree compare with 17 and 22 per cent respectively for the previous week.
322 mllla reporting to the Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended December 31 opemted at 14 per cent of capacity, as compated with 19., per cent of capacity for the previous week. Dudng the week 241 of. these plants were reported as down and El operating.
217 mills reporting to the Association for the same week producd 341965ro65 Leet ot 14.7 per cent of their weekly capacity. Shipments for the week totaled 4711961016 feet, or 35.6 per cent over production. Ctirrent new businegs at these mills was 47r1531196 feet, or 34.9 pet cent over production and 19.E per cent of their weekly capacity. New export business received during the week was 985r0O0 feet more, new domestic cargo orders were 316O9'O0O feet under, and new rail business decreased 8981000 feet as compared with the previous week's business.
. fnventories, as reported by 144 mills, decreased 9r11Erq)O
Calendar Makes Big Hit
The Redwood Calendar for 1933 has gone over bigger than ever, and'it can truly be said that it is more beautiful than ever before. .Large numbers were used by the Redwood mills for distribution to retailers, and by the California Redwood Association. Many retailers ordered the calendars with their names imprinted. Dealers can still obtain a supply of these from the publisher, James D. McClure, 216 Pine Street, San Francisco. The price is 12 cents each, and this price includes a four line imprint when 50 or more are'ordered.
feet from weelc ended December 24, and, arc 26.4 per cent less than at this *" tft.
The Southern Pine Association for t{re week ended Decembq 24 reported new businpss for 103 mills as 10r031r(X)0 feet, shipments 1511541000 feet, and production l4r777r00o Leef.. Orders wete 32 per cent under production and, 34 per cent below shipments. Shipments wete 3 per cent above production.
The Vestern Pine Associatiorr for the week rqrorted new business for 96 mills as 11r335rq)0 feet, shipments 1lr33Erfi)0 feet, and production 7r23lrOOO f.eet. Orders wete 57 per cent above production and less than I per cent above shipmentr. Shipmetrts werc 57 per cent above production.
3E2 hardwood mills reported for t[e same week new business as l2rl54r00iJ feet or 52 pet cent above productiono'and shipments as 12, 2l4rOOO feet or 53 pet cent above productioo. Production was 7,979,@O flt * *
The California market showed no matef,ial changes the first two weeks of the lrew yeat, although ttre demand was reported to be a litde better than duriag the month of December. Mill prices ate holding f,rm and indications are that there will be further advances soon
Unsold stoct$ on the public docLs at San Pedro on January 5 totded 6,5721000 feet, as compared with 5r33Er000 feet for t{re previous week. Cargo arrivals at this port for the week ended December 31 totaled 5rO57rOO0 feet, which included 11 cargocs of Fir carrying 416801000 feet, and 2 catgoe of Redwood with 377rW fe.et. 46 vessels in the California lumber service were operating on December 3l;62 vesselE were laid up.
Golf Tournament January 18
The Orange County Lumbermen's Club will hold their next golf tournament at the Hacienda Country Club, Whittier, Calif., on Wednesday afternoon, January 18, 1933. Lunch will be served at the club house, and the tournament will be followed by a dinner in the evening. All lumbermen are invited to attend. These monthly golf tournaments are very popular events with the lumber fraternity and a large turnout is expected.