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Incorprated udrr thc lawr ol Crllfcnia
J. G Dimc, Prcr. ud Trear.; J. E. Martlq Vte-Pns; A C. Merrym' Jr.' Secy. Publirhcd rie lgt and l5th of ach D6th at 3lt-l!-2e Central Building, lOt Wcgt Sixth Stnot, Loc Angeter, CaL, Telqhom, VAndike 1565 Entmd u Scend-clars utter Septmbcr 6, l!tl, at tla Poct ofle at ls Angeles, Calllomia, uader Act of March 3, le?t
Subrcription Pricc, f2.l[ pct Ycrr Single Copierr 25 ccntr cach.
How Lumber Looks
In accotd with the usual seasonal trend and because of holiday shutdowns, ordets booked at the lumber milts during the last two weeks of 1933 wete down to the levels of the fitst week of dre year and production rias lowe,st since Marcfu ac. cording to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Associrrtion froan regional associatioru covedng the operations of leading softwood and hardwood mills. 11190 Amedcan mills repordng for the.weck ended December 30 gave production as 99'q12'0OO feet; chipments, llt,46.tr000 feet; ordere, 87170610{lo fet. Reporte of 22 Bitish Columbia mills during the same week wete productiono 91516000 feet; shipments, 9r7E4r000 feet; ordere, 12r98oPfl) feet. r * *
A total of 516 down and operating mills reporting to the Vest Coast Lumberments Associatiorl for the week ended December 30 ptoduced 44,1051144 board feet. This was a decreaae of approximately 2Erfi)0r(XX) feet under the preceding week.
New business reported for the week by 496 mills was 53r746,958 feet against a production of. 431641302 f.eet and shipments of 6116911704 f.eet. Shipments wete 4t.4 per cent over production, and current sales were 23.1 pet cent over the output. Orders booked for the week by this group of mills were 10,000,000 feet or 24 p: the preceding week.
The Southern Pine As.eociation for the week ended December 3O reported new business fot 127 mills as 151627rOOO f.et; shipments 16,717r00J.. f'eet, and, ptoduction l3r423rOOO f.et.
Lumber Firm Installs Teletype
Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. recently installed a teletype system connecting their Montesano, Wash., San Francisco and Los Angeles offices. This will enable the California offices to keep in closer touch with each other and with the head office in Montesano, and to give better service to their customers.
The system also puts the firm's offices in touch with all other users of teletype machines.
Craig L. Spencer, president of Elliott Bay Mill Co., Seattle, manufacturers of -BIG TIMBER- plywood, is on a month's trip to California and Arizona. Mr. Spencer is traveling by automobile accompanied by his son, and is combining business and pleasure on his.tour.
While in Oakland he conferred with Llovd Harris. manager of the Elliott Bay Sales Co.
Orders were 16 per aent above production and 7 pet cent below shipments. Shipments yo:25*per cent above production.
The Vestern Pine Association for the week rqrorted new business for 119 mills amounting to 14,O47,000 feet; shipmgnts l6r457r0iJ{J feeq and productlon 16,006,000 feet. Orders were l_? W, cent below production and 15 per cent below chipments. Shipments wete 3 per cent above production.
The California Redwood Associatioti for the saime week repoted producion from 19 mills as 4r4O9,OOO feet; shipments 4,26210[0 feet, and new business 3,235,O0O f.eet. Producion of t7 mills was 38 per cent of normal production" Ten identical mills reported production 76 per cent greater and new business 3 per cent flr.t*ahT f_* S" same week last year.
432 hardwood mills for the week ended December 3O gave new business as 12r955,(X)0 feet, or 58 per cent below production, and shipments 22rl74,OOO feet, or 28 pet cent below production. Production w1s 31,0!1,0*00 feet.
The California situation shows no change. Cargo and rail buying is slow and the consumer demand is not active. Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor totaled tg7rffiO feet on January 8. 54 vessels were operating in the coastwise lumber service on January 3; 51 vessels' were laid up. Totd Fir and Redwood cargo arivals at Los Angeles harbor for the yeat 1933 were as follows: Ffu 422rO5910O0 feet and Redwood 3O,4l9r0OO f.eet.
William Swindells Visits San Francisco
William Swindells, sales manager of the Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dalles, Ore., was a recent San Francisco visitor where he conferred with officials of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. The Santa Fe Lumber Co. are the California representatives of the Willamette Valley Lumber Co.
A. Triechmann, President of the Fordyce-Crossett Sales Co., Crossett, Ark., was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few days calling on the hardwood trade.
Tom Oleson of Lawrence R. McCoy & Co., wholesale lumber dealers of 'Worcester, Mass., r,ecently spent a few days in San Francisco on his way home from a tour of the Pacific Northwest.