1 minute read
Most Sensational ofall Wroaements in Roofing Mercbandising ! A SIMPLIFIED LINE O '
$7'e have reduced our roofings to just 3 grades. There were 6. You can now carry complete stocks with about half the inventory. Simplification makes easier selling more sales.
And, we are putting into yout hands the most powerful instnrment that you have evet had competitiae prices pdces that enable you to meet chain'store competition with qaality products tbat shou, loa a good. proft!
Here is your opportunity to do a lion's share of the roofing business in yout territory. Grab it! Qaick!
Miner al S ur I ac e d Ro o f.n g
The only trible-coated roofinqs made. Special iolled-in granule surfice. And now VITALIZED by a patented process.
D ouble-C oat e d Srno ot b Ro o fn g
The onlv doable-coated smooth roofinss made. Tougher. More flexible Uoi. weather and wear resistant than ever. And now VITALIZED bv a oatented process The peer of smobth ioofings.
Sin gle -C o at e d. Srno ot b Ro o f.n g
RAINTITE lYhat a"set-uf' for a BigRoofngBusiness!
Enabling you to successfully meet any type of competition. in quality in pnce. in satisfactory service.