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Ten Years Ago Today
From the Files of lhe California Lumbet Merchant, January 15, 1926
This issue carries an article with photograph of the A complete and comprehensive report of the California Boulevard Mill & Lumber Co. plant at Oakland. Lien Law by L. D. Gilbert appears in this issue.
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The Norman Light Lumber Co. has opened a yard at Phoenix, Ariz.
Three yards of tte cibinL"lro.. Co. at La Jolla, Mis' sion Beach and Pacific Beach have been bought by the Western Lumber Co. of San Diego.
A phcitograph of a large moving picture set constructed by the Fox Film Company in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, appears in this issue. The set is built of wallboard which was furnished by the Schumacher Wall Board Corp.
A memorial meeting in honor of Bolling Arthur Johnson was held December 22 by the Portland Hoo-Hoo Club. Carl Crow acted as chairman. C. D. Johnson, whose llooHoo number is 143, paid a fine tribute to the deceased brother whom he had known for many years.
The Diamond Match Company have started construction on a new yard at Dunsmuir.
Hobbs Wall & Company will spend approximately $300,000 at the company's mill and logging camps near Crescent City.
A. W. Middleton, president of Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., has returned to the Northwest after spending the holidays in Los Angeles,
New Arrival
A baby girl, Charlene Dodge, arrived at the Peralta Hospital, Oakland, December 19, to gladden the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Dodge, of Berkeley.
Mr. Dodge is associated with MacDonald & Harrington, wholesale lumber dealers, San Francisco.
A. W. "Bates" Smith, of the Los Angeles office of MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, recently spent a week-end at Carmel, and visited the company's head office in San Francisco, December 16. He made the trip by automobile.
Frank R. Titcomb, who has been manager of the Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., Snoqualmie Falls, Wash., has been appointed assistant general manager of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company with headquarters in Tacoma. C. H. Ingram has succeeded Mr. Titcomb as managbr of the Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co. ***
Grays Harbor made a new record for offshore shipments in 1925 by shipping 600,@0,00O feet. With coastwise cargoes included, the port shipped well over a billion feet during the year.
The Rush Lumber Company yard at Tucson, Ariz., has been sold to the Mulcahey Lumber Co.
Los Angeles in 1925 imported approximately 1,200,000,000 feet of lumber. This large movement of lumber exerted a big influence on industry in the Los Angeles metropolitan area which in 1925 turned out ir-r excess of $1,202,677,0A0 worth of manufactured products in its 550O factories'
Minton Lumber Company, Palo Alto, have moved to larger quarters.
The Geo. M. Huff Lumber Co. of Los Angeles have remodeled their office, the interior being trimmed in Knotty Pine and the ceiling finished with U. S. Gypsum Weatherwood Insulation Board. They have also installed a new traveling electric crane and burner.
F. M. Slade of Los Angeles, California sales representative for the Edward Hines Pacific Coast Lumber Co., has returned from San Francisco where he conferred with R. F. van Deinse of Portland, Ore., manager of the company.
Leaves For New York
Edric E. Brown, manager of the Bark Products Division of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, has left on a business trip to New York.
Reprerenting in Southern California, The Pacif,c Lumbcr-Company-Wendling-Nathan Co.
David T. Mason, Manager \(/estern Olin H. Carter Made General Superintendcnt
Pine Ass'n, Resigns
Portland, Oregon, Dec. 3l.-David T. Mason, Manager of the Western Pine Association of Portland, Oregon, today announce<l his resignation as Nlarrager of the Association, effective follo'n,ing the annual rneeting in February.
"In taking this action," Mr. Mason said, "I have in mind returning to my former rvork as Consulting Forest Engineer, in rvhich field I hope to serve our industry, especially in the process of forrvarding the industry and public programs of forest conservatior-r set up by the conference of industry and public representatives held under Article X of the Lumber Code."
"I shall leave the Association work rvith real reluctance, for it has been a great satisfaction to work rn'ith manufacturers of the 'Western Pines in dealing with the many problems of the past few years. Especially I dislike to interrupt the pleasant personal relationship with the Association staff, officers and members. But in making this change I not only hope to be useful to the industry, but also hope to maintain the many pleasant personal friendships which have grown up during the past few years."
During the later period of the Lumber Code, Major Mason served as Executive Officer of the Lumber Code Authority in Washington, D. C. For many years previously he was engaged in consulting forestry rvork under the firm name of Mason and Stevens in Portland, in rvhich capacity Mr. Mason lvas associated with the late Carl M. Stevens. This announcement will come as a distinct surprise to his host of friends in the industry.
Santa Fe Lumber Co. Yards--Other Changes
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Vice-President ancl General Manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, of San Francisco, announces effective January first, the appointment of Olin H. Carter as General Superintendent of all Santa Fe lumber yards, including the big operation at the Port of Stockton.
Mr. Carter has been manager of the Port of Stockton plant of Lumber Distributors, Inc., a Santa Fe Lumber Company institution, since its inception a year ago. He got his early lumber training in the Pacific Northrvest. Coming to California years ago he was assistant for years to that lamented veteran of the San Joaquin Valley, Joe Martin. He became manager of the Fresno Lumber Company after the death of Mr. Martin. Later he rvent to the Palo Alto Lumber & Roofing Company, at Palo Alto, as manager, and from there to Stockton. The appointment of X{r. Carter to his new position is for the purpose of relieving Mr. Russell of many of the duties and responsibilities rvith reference to their yards that have occupied much of his time in late years, and he considers Mr. Carter splenclidly fitted for the work.
W. L. Calvert, who has been assistant to Mr. Carter at Stockton for the past year, is promoted to the management of the plant of Lumber f)istributors, Inc. Ed Gilbert, former St. Mary's football star and recently at Dallas, Oregon, for the Santa Fe Lumber Company, has been transferred to Stockton and given the position of assistant to Mr. Calvert.
Lumber Distributors. Inc.. norv carries four and one-half million feet of stock on hand at their Port of Stockton plant, and is enjoying a wonderful business, shipping everything from plywood rvall-board to large timbers to the lumber dealers o{ the adiacent territorv.
Business 50% Up in 1935
"Our business showed a 50 per cent increase in 1935 over 1934, and we are looking for further improvement in 1936," said Chas. G. Murra, manager of Paramount Built-in-Fixture Co., 1807 E. 12th Street, Oakland. recently. "Business has been very good in the East Bay area, both modernization and new construction, and we are graduail-v extending our territory."