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Cornoration ^ Inuestrnent Counselors and found"dtgC4 Q Ad^;rirrrotiueEconomists

551 Fifth Avenue, New York

Hobbs-Wall l-rumber Company.-We think this one of the most attractive pieces of literature the Association has ever put out.

Wood Bros. Company.-It is an excellent piece of advertising.

Bay District Lumber Company.-These are fine.

Swift Lumber Company.-shorvs how easily u'ood uray go over wood.

- Concord Lumber Company.-Very attractive.

Glenwood Lumber Cbmpany.-I3est shingle pamphlet ever seen, E. J. Stanton & Sons, Inc.-Ilxcellent piece of advertis- ino Mendocino County folder is really good.

Retail Luml>er Company.-This

Loop Lumber & Mill ComPanY.-We est thing of its kind that has ever beert think it is the finput into the hands i i I { of the retail dealers. ir,onin Lumber - Comparty.-Yottr Recln'ood Shingle Folder is a work of art. very best a "kttock-

Diamond Match Company, Chico.-We think this is a very fine advertising medium.

San Jose I-umber Company.-Our cornpliments on this. It is a winner, I feel sure.

Consolidated Lumber Company.-shoulcl lle made to fit a 4x6l envelope.

Ganahl-Grin-r- Lumber Company.-Your Shingle Circular is the best one we hal'e seen.

Mullin Lumber Company.-Your folder is the ever.

Lloyd Bittenbender.-Your Shingle folder is out".

Palmclale Pioneer Lumber Company.-This' in nly min<l, shoulcl get Redwood business. The Folder is l>earrtiful and gives some true facts of the roof.

Valley Lumber Companl'.-(W. K. Kenclrick)' This little folder seems very attractive.

Wightman Lumber Company.-We think this is a very attraclive folder and ought to bring some results.

Patten-Blinn Lumber Company, Riverside.-Suggest shortening so can be put in ordinary size envelope.

Barr Lumber Company.-Your folcler verv attractive.

Atascadero Mill & Lumber Company.-Folder very attractive. Should help sell Recln'ood shingles.

Frank LaPorte.-This is a verv attractive Folder and strikes me as an ideal rvay in which to convey an importarrt message to prospective buyers.

Pasadena I-ttmber Company.-Will you accept our conlpliments on thc fine appearing Folder.

- Hayu'ard Lumber & Investment Company, Bakersfield.I beli-eve this (folder) should help us materiallv ir-r the sale of wood shingles.

H. A. Laki, Garden Grove.-This is one of the most beautiful pieces of literature I have ever seen. You certainly are to be ,congratulated on putting ottt sttch a fine circular.

Lolgta Lumber Companl'.-The Folder is man'elous and should be a valuable advertising medium to you and we

Diamond Match Company, Grass Valley.-'Ihese are fine folders.

Palms Lumber Company.-My hat is ofi can use two-hundred to good advantage.

Dixon l,umber Company.-It's putting top" as it should be.

S. P. Milling Company, Sbledad.-Accept this fine piece of advertising matter.

Redwood "on our thanks for

Danville Warehouse & Lumber Company.-Think size should be smaller.

Lumber & Builder Supply Company.-Think should be shorter size for mailing.

Stockton Lumber Company.-We think your Shingle Folder is a "knockout".

Henry Laws Company.-These are fine.

Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, Riverside.This folder is a very attractive one and one that will bring attention to a real roof. We are selling lots of Redwood Shingles.

Builders Materials Company.-We think the enclosed Folder is a fine one and something that the Shingle industry has been overlooking for a long time.

Maisler Bros. Lumber Company.-Very good. It will help new selling.

United Lumber Yards, Inc.-Allow us to congratulate yoi on your Redwood Shingle circular. It seems to be verv neatlv done and should have some ,effect on the use of Redwood Shingles.

Diamond Match Company, Petaluma.-I think these new folders, in color, are fine and if they are widely distributed they should bring in some shingle business.

Whiting Mead Lumber Company (Main Office).-We, wish to compliment you on the very attractive Folder for Redwood Shingles.

Buena Park Lumber Company.-Size should be cut down. T,he rest of it is a fine j,ob, easy to read and look over.

Shattuck Lumber Company.-We'consider this is a very comprehensive and attractive folder and should bring some results.

Merner Lumber Company.-This folder is quite attractive and should be of value in promoting the sale and use of Redwood shingles.

Spaulding Lumber Company.:We consider this a very attractive Folder and believe it should be of ,considerable benefit to us.

G. A. Good Lumber Company.-Folder very attractive, but as a stuffer for envelopes it is too long. Recommend smaller size.

Menefee-Scott Lumber Company.-We think the idea is excellent and well gotten up.

Completes Survey Of Northwest Mills

Brooks Walker, representative of The Red River Lumber Company, returned to San Francisco recently after making a series of four trips in the course of which he covered Northern California, all of Oregon and Idaho, and all of Washington except the southwest portion.

The trips were made for the purpose of picking up and trading ofr information on mill operation, and to gather information on timber supply adjacent to the mills, and primarily to encourage mill owners who have cut out to come to California to operate in The Red River Lumber Compiny's timber holdings.


William Vaughan, president of the Coos Bay Logging Co., North Bend, Ore., was recently in San Francisco on a business trip.

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