1 minute read

Are You Prepared--

to meet today's new responsibility?

Today we find ourselves Jaced with a War cconomy, Not only does it demand billions ol dollars, but it also imposes a new r€sponsibility upon the lumber and building materiaf industdes-a PATRIOTIC responsibility. Matcdals, experience and ability as Buildcrs must be at our Nation's disposal, to provide adequate shelter for soldiers and civilians.

Af l of us must put our shoulders to the wheel, building MORALE as well as Homes and Cantonments.

lf current needs for adequate housings ar€ to be met, mote new small homcs must be built and many old ones remodcled. Such a program meanr many new salcs opportunities lor Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Rctailcrs alikc.

But along with this program comcs this ever-existing but evcn grcater problemto whom can we salely extend credit?

tUMBERMEil'S RED Al{D BtUE BllOK SERYICE IS GEARED T(l ]TEET GREATER DEMAIIDS lf you scll in wholcsalc quantities to buyers of lumber and allied products, you will lind Lumbcrmcn's Red and Blue Book Service an excellent paying invcstment.

Herc at Lumbcrm?n's Credit Association we are geared to meet the industry's greater need lor dcpendable credit information. For your bcnelit our Service is kept right up-to-thc-minutc with changcs rcported every three days.

Many new concetns are starting in busincss. These are reported promptly in the T\(/|CE-A-\(EEK supplemcnts, and represent excellent opportunities lor new accounts.

Let us PROVE thc value of our complete sewice to you by thirty days use ON APPROVAL. Therc's no obligation, of course, and you can be your own judge. Write or wire us today

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