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Mass Distribution Starts for Sp-ce-Saving Door

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Rosboro humher Co.

Rosboro humher Co.

Biggest market for the product is that offered b1' small homes and apartments where floor and wall space is at a premium and arrangement of furniture is complicated by swinging doors. It is estimated that the installation of sliding doors will add as much as 100 square feet of usable floor area to the modern home.

The Sav-A-Space assembly requires no overhead metal channel because the light, noiseless discs glide along the groove in the fir header. Tests have proved there is no perceptible wear either on the rollers or headers a.fter 100,000 openings of a door weighted to 50 pounds (exceptionally heavy for a house closure).

Unit Fits Into Wall

The sliding door can also be used in a remodeled Here ig c scv-cr-spcce sridins door fomg .yithout adding apcasembly. The trcmewJii.,'l'"'t-"i preciably to the cost of the Iir, fiig stcndard 2x4 wcll conatruc- imDrovement whenever tion, receiveg stqndcrd l7e-inch doors (doorg "ora ""plrot.ivj.'-" walls are to be reconstructed-

The assembly for the new sliding door is available only for doors 6'8" high and I3f" thick, but it is offered in five widths from 70" to 3'U'. For the three-foot-wide door a stud opening of C4" wide and 7'7'high is used. The unit fits in this space to become part of the wall ; there are four bearing points on the assembly header to support cripples as part of the wall, but the header itself is not intended as a weight-bearing beam.

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