1 minute read
$uting Januarl 18s ifs uP to US!
tr.f ftf lUe retpilers have made history in our War Bond selling up to now. All of us can be proud of the part we've played-but the biggest part is still to come! The 4th War Loan, starting January 18th, calls for fourteen billion dollars. Iet's decide noo to break all records in hehing to reach that goal. Here are some ideas for doing it-what do you think?
'T.ike every retail store worth its salg wenre going to make our quota in 'E: Bonds-a guota of $200 worth, bought or sold by every employee. So I'm lining our people up in truo rival teams, with captains for each floor, and lieutenants in each deparhent, to make sure that everyone knows just how to make out "E' Bond applications, and how best to sell his $200 guota to his cugtomers and friends.
"f've gone over the plan with our City War Finance Retail Chairman, and heoll help us arrange our meetinp and rallies. Team rivalry, and ttre attractive citations for each 6as mating his $2CI quota, ought to put the 4th War Loan over in our store in a big way.
"As official War Bond issuing agents, 1ss're meldng
Keep Backing tlrc Anockl
This ryorc untributnil n Viaary by N|E CAIJFOBI{IA LT'IUBER MERcITAIrf up a large banner to display on the building, and our windows and aisles will be so decorated that everyone will realize we're all-out for tle 4th \[ar Loan We're getting sone good War Bond posters direct from the Treasury, and from our local Reail Committee-and ws're malcing some of our own, too.
Tl&t adostiwwtt prepard undar tilw attspies of Unitd Stata Tteomry Dryrfrrrartdtlu Var A&crtisittg Comdl.
'oOur newspaper advertising will give generously to the drive. lVlats for newspaper advertising-and good suggestions as to themes-come from our local War Finance Committee, or ttre papers. 3-minute and l3-ninute radio traucriptions are available for retail sponsorship. We retailers have a lot to gaia by selling War Bonds. They soak up surplus buying power, and put very welcome funds in retail channels when ttre war is over.tl
For thc tunne of your local Rewil Cluirmano
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Store llone: -------
Individuol's llone:-
Sf,ute:----- lvtAll TO: Retoil Section, Wor Finonce Division, 717 Woshingion Bldg., Woshington 25, D. C.
If you ate wt now-and you duuld be-an issuing agmtfor Vor Botds, o,nxtlt your Var Finatw Commifine, gt fu, for fuIl, fuik. No allataal reguiredfor"ratd' turds.'