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Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany
SEU$IG TIIE PRODUCTS OF o tle llcCt.rrd dvra LrrlDrl Coapoy IcCtcod. Cdlonls
I lb llovlh.E*o Coopcoy lod, eargolr llobc o{ |ha W.atara Pls. A.aocfq[oo, Porilqrrd, Or.goa
Dltttttutots 0F
Ehevlin Fine
Rcg. U. S, Pct. Ofl. ETECU?N|a OIFICE q!0 Fh.t Nctloocl 8oc Lbr luldlt MTNNEAPOIIS, MINNESOTA DlgtllCl llLE8 OFFICEST Nqw YoRK CHTCAGO l6Q,l Grsybca Bldg. 1863 LoScltc-Wocl.r Blda. Mohcrl l-9117 Tolcpboac C.Dtrol 9l{ SIN FRINCISCO rmffiFTh,nuc.
LOS ANGEIJS S,AI.ES OEFICE 3tr Pctrolcuo Bldg. PRorpoet ClS but the birthright of all free and worth-while men.
Opinion on this proposition will difter diametricall)r, depending on whether we consider it from the standpoint of the man who desires to create wealth by the sweat of his brow, or of the parasite who consumes it in idleness.
,F'or it seeks to make all men equal-by law. The strong and the weak; the ambitious and the ambitiousless ; the thinker and the thoughtless; the genius and the moron; the honorable and the dishonorable; the honest and the dishonest; the thrifty and the spendthrift; the worker and the drone; the brainy and the brainless; the saint and the sinner; the law-lover and the criminal; the producer and the destroyer; all must be brought to a common level. Want must be abolished. The poor must disappear, regardless of their fault. We must all seek that same level -by law.
Under such a regime the lion and the lamb, the ant and the elephant, become equal.
We shall eat out of the same plate, drink out of the same pitcher, share and share alike this world's goods, whether we produce much or little individually. There will be no more hard work, no more deep thinking, no more burning the midnight oil to create things for humanity, no more ambition to improve, no more efiort to outstrip the other fellow, no more incentive to rise in the world, no more sweat, no more competition. Everyone shall stand still, mentally and physically, and enjoy the blessings of freedom; freedom from want; freedom from fear; freedom from ambition; freedom from character; freedom from intellect; freedom {rom pride; freedom from efficiency; freedom from usefulness.
The creation of such a law would do more in a minute to destroy everything that made America great, than any other legislation in history. The philosophy behind it is all wrong; so how can the product be right? Just so long as men are born unequal in mind, body, a4d ambition; just so long as commerce and industry flourish on this earth; just that long will the provident and the efficient and intelligent succeed and profit by their success; and for just that long the weak, the wasteful, and the incapable will have to take the places for which God equipped them, and that in spite of all the panaceas of politicians. Any system that attempts to withhold from genius and industry and thrift their just reward, and bestow these awards upon folly and sloth, or which makes the citizen the ward of the state, is the direct opposite of that system that made America.
Think you that under such conditions the world would ever again produce an Abraham Lincoln, a Thomas Edison, an Andrew Carnegie, a Henry Ford? Never! Such men are forged only in the crucible of sweat and struggle and unremitting effort to excell, to accomplish things. Only the white-hot fire of necessity and of competition makes fiber of quality. The very atmosphere that made our American giants would be wholly missing. When the atmosphere of "cradle-to-grave" security settles down over this land, we will raise only pygmies.
If this "cradle-to-grave" proposal becomes law we might just as well crawl into our hole, like a bear in winter, and throwing away our magnificent heritage, pull the hole in after us.