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Ten of The Years Ago Today

From the Files Calilornia Lumber Merchont, Februa ry 1 , 1926

The Sprague Lumber Company has opened at 8700 South Western Ave., Los Angeles. R. W. Sprague, the owner, has sold his interests in the Cargo Lumber Company to S. M. Earhart and with his brother, F. G. Sprague, will operate this new yard.

What is believed to be the first car of lumber bearing the new Grade-Mark stamp of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association was received about the middle of January by the Auburn Lumber Company, Auburn. The car was loaded with finish and was from The Whitney Company mill at Garibaldi, Oregon.

Paul G. Redington, chief of the California district, United States Forest Service, has been promoted to assistant forester with headquarters in Washington.***

The annual meeting of'the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club was held at the Hotel Californian, Fresno, on January 23. Elmore W. King of Bakersfield was elected President, succeeding J. C. Ferger of Fresno. Other officers elected were F. Dean Prescott, Fresno, first vice president; Chas. Schaffer of Kingsburg, second vice president;

PHILIPPINE MAHOGANY hag demongtrated itr rupcrior qtralirier combining RARE BEAUTy, wIIh!"DISTINCTIVE GRAIN and TEXTURE, at comparatively low cogts.

Frank Minard, Fresno, secretary; and J. G. Martin, Fresno, treasurer.

"Al" Kelley of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, has had several calls from radio fans for his services as a radio entertainer. Among the artists who broadcast over one of San Francisco's radio stations recently was the well known accordian soloist, Al Kelli. Many of "Al's" lumbermen friends were surprised to know he was such an excellent artist and he received several requests to take part on several radio progams. "Al" says he never knew musicians were so popular and plans on learning to play some sort of a musical instrument.

The Diamond Match Co. has opened a new ret4il lumber yard at Dunsmuir.

Work has begun on the enlargement of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company's mill at Port Ludlow which will increase the cutting capacity of the old plant from 200,000 to 320,000 feet per eight hour shift. Plans for the enlargement of the Port Gamble plant are already under way.

Your inquirier pcrtaining to PHILIPPINE MAHOGANy, prrticularly itr rdaptabilig to your individual trrde rcquirc' mentr will rcceivc prompt ailention by addrering:

Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' lmport Asrn., Inc.

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