4 minute read
By Jock Dionne
not gurranteed---Some I hava told
br 20 years---Some lerg
Ag" He Served the llliterate ng Special
Lord Balfour, of England, delighted to tell the Calhoun Clay, a colored waiter he met in W first time tllis waiter served him, instead
-and always let over for his ttDass
The waiter said: select the food. When he was leaving brother generously, and thanked him the menu he said to the intelligent dar\ey:
"Just bring rne something your choice." dinner. I'll trust
And sure enough, the waiter him a splendid dinner. So for several evenings he ate at this darkey's table,
Wholegale Hardwood Digtributors To Meet at Dal Monte
The Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association will hold their 14th annual convention at the Hotel Del Monte, Del Monte, Calif., on Friday and Saturday, January 31 and February l,1936.
Friday morning, there will be a business session. Friday afternoon the delegates will play golf, and meetings of the various committees will be held. Friday evening, a shore dinner will be served at Pop Ernst's, Monterey, after which there will be a round table talk by the members.
At the business session on Saturday morning, there will be reports of the committees, election of officers, and the choosing of the next convention. Phillip A. Hershey, C.P.A. and Tax Specialist, will address the meeting on "Present-Day Taxes and Their Effect Upon Business," and will be followed by an open forum for questions.
The annual banquet will be held at the Hotel Del Monte Saturday evening. Hon. LeRoy Goodrich of Oakland will be the speaker of the evening. There will be an entertainment by popular artists.
Ahm glad Ah done pleased you, Suh, kuz dass whuts Ahm heah fo'. An' when any of you' frens come heah, Suh, whut cain't read eethu, jes' you send um to Calhoun Clay."
Much Port Orford Cedar Used For lrrigation Structures
Good rains in Northern California have been welcomed by irrigators, and these have evidently stimulated water users to renew and extend their plants, according to James L. Hall, San Francisco, agent for Smith Wood-Products, Inc., who reports having received orders for several hundred thousand feet of Port Orford Cedar for use in flumes, dams and similar construction.
This wood, because of its strength, impact and rot-resisting qualities, is most highly regarded by water engineers for this type of work, Mr. Hall says.
McCORMICK EXECUTMS VISIT S. F. Hillmann Lueddemann, Northwest manager, and E. R. Wade, sales manager of the Port Gamble and St. Helens mills of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., with headquarters at Portland, spent a few days last week conferring with executives at the company's head office in San Francisco.
Lumbcrjack Holds Checlc 45 Years Belore Cashing lt
When a lumberjack holds his time ,check 45 years before cashing it, that is news for in the bully days of the '9(ls wages were spent immediately, noisily and violently.
Andrew Stokke had worked in a logging camp of The Red River Lumber Company on the Clearwater River in Minnesota and in December, 1890 presented a time 'check for $11.96 at the Company's ofiice in Crookston' He was told that the slip would have to be sent to the Minneapolis office for payment and, as he rvas going to the city, he decided to take it with him. For some reason he forgot to do so.
In 1906 Mr. Stokke went west to British Columbia where he has since been employed by the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company as a cruiser with his present address Webster Corners, B. C. This winter he made his first trip east and in going through some old papers at Carleton, Minn., discovered the check which he mailed to the office of The Red River Lumber Company at Westwood, California. He wrote that he valued the check as a relic and was sending it in to recall the old days. If it was not payable he intended to frame it.
. The Red River Lumber Company made payment through a. c.heck sent to the office of J. J. Opsahl Company at Duluth to be presented personally to Mr. Stokke. J. J. Opsahl is the father of Leo G. Opsahl of Westwood, Sales Manager of The Red River Lumber Company. Roy Opsahl writes that Mr. Stokke is a youthful looking bachelor of 68 who recalls that his sawing partner on the Clearwater was named John Olsen and the Foreman was called Dave. R. F. Pray, executive at Westwood, identified the foreman as Dave Carr who died in 1911, and the signer of the check, J. C. Sheasgreen, as an employee of the old Paul Bunyan days.
Back From Oregon Trip
Carl R. Moore, manager of the San Francisco office of Moore Mill & Lumber Company, has returned from a visit to the company's mill at Bandon, Ore. Ile was accompanied on the trip by R. O. Wilson, of the R. O. Wilson tumber Company, San Francisco.
c4 rEAns oF sEnYrcE
Shakc Manufacturer Appoints So. California Distributors
Announcement is made by the Timbercraft Shingle Corporation that they have closed out their jobbing business in Los Angeles and have moved their sales office to their mill at Milwaukie, Ore. They also announce that they have appointed Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. and San Pedro Lumber Co., Los Angeles, as wholesale distributors for Southern California for their Timbercraft Shakes.
This company has issued a new specification book for their shakes, printed in colors. A copy of this book will be distributed to every architect in California, and a copy will be sent to any lumber dealer who asks for it.
Triplc Businesg in 1935
F. G. Hanson, West Coast Screen Company, Los Angeles, is optimistic about businegs prospects for 1936.
"We had an increase of 3OO per cent in our business in 1935 over 1934, and our January business this year will just double the figures for January, 1935," Mr. Hanson told a representative of this paper a few days ago.
West Coast Screen Comp,any manufacture the well known Hollywood Door, a combination screen and metal sash door. Their factory is at 1145 East 63rd Street, Los Angeles. Nicolai Door Sales Company is Northern California sales representative.
Yard Changes
Paul Rabsahl, who has been manager of the Pacific Beach Lumber Company at Pacific Beach, has been promoted to manager of the Chula Vista Lumber Company at Chula Vista. He succeeds O. G. Gray who resigned on January 1. Both these yards are branches of the W:estern Lumber Company of San Diego, the Chula Vista yard being one of their largest branch yards.
Arthur Pratt, who has been in the sales department of the Western Lumber Company for over a year, has been appointed manager of the Pacific Beach Lumber Company yard.