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Guard Your Sawmills ! ! !

Wctch your scwmill plcnt, Mr. Mcmulqcturerl

Wctch cnd gucrd it crs you never drecrmed oI doing beforel

This means NOW and it mecns YOU!

Thie is qn emergency situcrtion the like oI which ihere hcrs never been belore. Every sawmill is cr delense plcurt, every industricrl institution <r Governrnent asset to help win the wcr.

Mclce your plcns AT ONCE cnd put ihem into effect, to mcke your mills crs scrle lrom possible scbotcge as is humqnly possible. Don't spcre the expense.

These crre times when mysterious fires oppecr, cmd valuqble scwmills dis<rppecr. Don't doubt lor tr moment thct there crre plenty oI scrboteurs who would consider it their business to put a match to your mill.

Put on extrq |orces. Tcke every possible preccrution. Don't let your mills burn. Conserye your reaources lor the iob ahecd.

[r cll probcrbility the Government itsefi will request cnd cdvise you regcrrding ihe tcrking of precculiorurry meqsures to protect your mills. Donjt wcritl Stcrrt NOW with your extrc gucrds cnrd your crdditioncl preccutionsl Remember thcrt we crre ct wcr, thct Fi|th Columnistg cne the things we ct home hcrve to Iecn, cnd take wqrlike mecsures to protect cnd preserve your millsl

A line slogcrn right now would be: "A strong, high lence, and plenty ol gucrds, lor every scnrmilll"

Reports Record Building In I94i

Construction activity in the unincorporated area of Los Angeles county broke all records last year, according to the county's Department of Building and Safety, which annoirnced that 22,269 building permits valued at ffi,538,699 were issued during 1941, as compared with N,976 permits amounting to $41,016,920 on record for 194O.


Phil Gosslin, formerly with Gorman Lumber Co., is now representing Campbell-Conro Lumber Co. of Portland, Ore., with headquarters at 1620 Fruitvale Avenue, Oakland.

Spending Honeymoon In The South

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spalding, who were recently married, are on their honeymoon in the South. After spending a few days in Los Angeles they left for New Orleans. Mr. Spalding is manager of the Sugar Pine Lumber Co. at Ashland, Oregan. They will return to Ashland about February 15.

San Francisco Visitor

Stuart C. Smith of Fountain-Smith, wholesale lumber dealers, Los Angeles, was recently in San Francisco on a business trip.

Ten Years Ago Today

From Februudry 1 , 1932 lssue

Wayne B. Gettys opened a retail lumber yard in Cruz under the name of Wayne B. Gettvs Lumber

John H. McCallum, San was named a member of by Mayor Rossi.

Earl E. Bowe was the meeting of Lumbermen's, Legion, Los Angeles.

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