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Santa Co.

Francisco retail lumber dealer, the Public Utility Commission speaker at the regular monthly Post No. 4O3, of. the American

Victor Quong, foreign news editor of "The Young China," addressed the monthly meeting of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland. President Larue Woodson presided.

G. E. Engstrom, Arizona Sash & Door Co., Phoenix, was appointed Hoo-Hoo State Counselor for Arizona.

State, Federal, County and Civic officials attended the dedication of the new Manzanita Bridge on the Alto Highway, two miles north of Sausalito. The bridge is built entirely of Redwood, and is 2,476 f.eet long with a roadway 44 feet 4 inches wide. 2,158,ffi feet of structural Redwood was used in constructing the bridge, and in addition 31,185 lineal feet of Redwood piling.

For the third time, Ed Seward, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Los Angeles, shot a hole-in-one at the Hollywood Country Club when he made the eighth hole, 148 yards, in one shot. He had already performed the same feat twice before on the sixteenth hole of the course which is 140 yards in distance.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation bill, $2,000,000,000 government credit agency created by an act of Congress and designed to lead the way to better times, was signed bv President Hoover on January 22, 1931.

Federal aid work in the national forests of California progressed more rapidly in the fiscal year I94l than in any previous year, according to a statement by Regional Forester S. B. Show. A total of approximately $3,000,000 was available for construction and improvement of roads and trails in national forests in California.

This issue carried a career sketch of C. I. Gilbert. of the Eureka Mill & Lumber Co.. Oakland.


Newg Flaghes

R. E. (Bob) Caldwell, Hammond Redwood Co., San Francisco, returned last week feeling fine, from a month's leave of absence which he spent resting at Palm Springs.

Carl R. Moore, general manager, Scott Lumber Co., Burney, Calif., attended the Western Pine Association district meeting in San Francisco, Janaary 17, and met a large number of his old friends at the East Bav Hoo-Hoo Club's meeting, January 19.

Lester J. Carr of L. J. Carr & Co., Sacramento, recently made good use of the air lines to complete a business trip to Los Angeles, New Orleans, Memphis and Chicago in five days. He also traveled by air to Portland and back in one day a couple of weeks ago.

West Wuichet of Wuichet Lumber Co., Chicago, left San Francisco at the end of last week after spending two weeks calling on the Pine mills in Northern California and Southern, Oregon.

Rex Williams, who for the past several years has been with Eureka Sash Door & Moulding Mills, San Francisco, is now in the U. S. Army Engineers' Ofifrce, San Francisco, as inspector of general construction. He is at present assigned to an airport being constructed at King City, Calif. Mr. Williams was in the U. S. Army Engineers Corps during World War I.

Additional DefenseHousing Approyed

Washington, Jan. L2.-The second grou,p of defense housing projects to be built under the recent presidential allocation of $153,000,000 was announced today by Charles F. Palmer, coordinator of defense housing.

Of the 1730A demountable houses authorized for 13 defense localities, 1,000 are to be built at Bremerton, 'Washington, and 100 at Whidbey Island, Washington. The Federal Works Agency was instructed to proceed immediately with construction.

The Farm Security Administration was authorized to construct 300 trailers for Bremerton and 200 dormitory units for Sacramento as part of the temporary shelter program under the recent presidential allocation of $13,000,000.

R. S. Walton

Richard Storrs Walton, president of Century Lumber Co., San Diego, passed away at Furnace Creek Inn, Death Valley, Calif., on January 9.

He was born at Highmore, S. D. 48 years ago. He moved to San Diego in 1926 and became president of Century Lumber Co. in 1927.

He was a director of Central Federal Savings & Loan Association, San D'iego, and a director of the Lumbermen's Service Bureau, San Diego, since 1927.

Mr. Walton is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Walton, a son, Joel Witmer Walton,.three sisters and two brothers.

Funeral services were held in Barstow. Calif. on Tanuary 11.

San Jose Building

Building permits totaling $3,750,000 were issued in San Jose, Calif., during 1941, the highest figure since 1925, when the all time high in permits was reached with a total of $4,U7,875.

Permits in December showed a considerable increase over December, 194O, with $457,8O5.

Fence Stands 70 Years

'Warren (Me.) Jan. 2l-Joseph N. Vinal celebrated his 91st birthday by repainting a 165-foot picket fence of pumpkin pine which he first painted when it was erected around his home 70 years ago.

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