1 minute read

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No sir, no pla$er! Somethigrg better!

Something that gives lumber dealers a bigger slice of every building dollar! It's just the sheer loveliness of 'S7eldwood Plywood Paneling - charming, luxurious, beautiful and absolutely practical for the nzall coJt, soen-to-be-built home.

A wonderful fact, isn't it?

Think of the sales possibilities! Think of those home owners who've "always wanted wood-paneled rooms" but couldn't have them before.

Now, for those 194x homes, you can offer them lTeldwood Plywood Paneling for rooms superbly done, partially or wholly, in mahogany, walnut, oak, gum, knotty pine or other fine hard- woods for litde more than the cost of ordinary walls.

\Zhat's more, \Teldwood Plywood Paneling is guaranteed for the life of the building!

Crack-proof and permanent, it goes right on furring strips attached to studding.

A few big, /q",4' * 8' panels are raised into place, and presto! the walls are ready for trim.

No waste of material no waiting for walls to dty . . . no plaster damp to cause cracks and warping.

And for those walls that are to be covered with paper or paint, srurdy inexpensive rVeldwood Utiliry Panels with extra-heavy gum faces provide an ideal crack-proof , under-surf ace.

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