2 minute read


Lumber Production in the Texas Territory is shrinking rapidly.

Texas is the fastest growing Consumer of western Iumber.

Perhaps we can help you sell your stock in this territory. Write lrs.

Are you getttlng your share of this growing replacement?





The Tie That Binds

Some may long for the soothing touch Of lavender, cream and mauve, But the ties I wear must tr)osses the glare Of a red hot kitchen stove. The books I read and the life I lead Are sensible, sane and mild, I like calm hats, and I don't wear spats, But I like my neckties wild.

Give me a wild tie, brother, One with a cosmic urge; A tie that will swear And rip and tear, When it sees my old blue serge.

O, some will say that a gent's cravat Should only be seen, not heard, But I want a tie that will make men cry And render their vision blurred. I yearn, I long, for a tie so strong It will take two men to tie it; If such there be, just show it to me, Whatever the price, I'll buy it.

Give me a wild tie, brother, One with a lot of sins: A tie that will blaze

In'a hectic gaze

Down where the vest beging.

Hisnameelected Him

Success Expert-"What's your name?"

Greek Client-"Gus Poppapopupopulos."

Success Expert-"Get a job selling motorcycles."

Brevity I

An English cub reporter had been soundly tJtured Uy the city editor for relating too many details, and warned to be brief in future,/ran upon a shooting scrape, and turned in the following report:

"A shooting affair occurred last night. Sir Dwight HopeIess, a guest at Lady Panmore's ball, complained of feeling ill, took a highball, his hat, his coat, his departure, no notice of his friends, a taxi, a pistol from his pocket, and finally his life. Nice chap. Regrets, and all that."



Earnshaw in "The Magnet")

"I am convinced that of all qualities essential to leadership, none is more important than the capacity for patience. Many a man who has both imagination an{ courage fails to reach the top because he expects the crowd to follonr his pace. The mob is always a laggard. People in the mass have only a limited vision. They are slow-witted, slowmoving. Original thinking is, in fact, almost completely absent from the mental processes of the average nun. Our minds and lives are moulded into patterns, pursue grooves. A new idea hurts, at first. Humans have the same properties of inertia characteristic of matter: we tend to keep on in the same direction when set in motion; while at rest we tend eternally to remain so. Let not the leader rail at the sluggish comprehension of the pack. For he will never be free from this compulsion to be patient."


J Quslernsl-"f don't like the looks of that haddock."

- Fishmonger-"Well, if it's looks you're after, madam, why don't you try a good fish?"


The tracery of the frost, the design of the snowfake, declare the existence of eternal and immutable law.

Not Interested

The Treasury Department is repoded to have received the following letter:

"I have received your application, but as I already belong to several good orders I do not care at this time to join your income tax.t'

Up where the samite mountains rise To greet the blue ethereal skies, \ And streamlets murmur midst the trees Tojoin the greaS eteriral seas, The breezes whisper, as they stir The branches of the stately Fir, "May fortune's sunlight o'er you play, Make Life a gladsome holiday."

-Harry J. Miller.

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