1 minute read

Sell at a Beal Profit

A. I4/. Eilers, master fiIer of the new mill, uncrating one of the neza and unique machines lor his filing shop. For twenty years before coming to Klarnath Falls Mr. Eilers was filer and heail filer in the Cloquet and Northern mills at Cloquet, Minn.

intoboxes. From 30 to 40 per cent of the entire cut of some plants in Oregon and California goes into boxes which are disposed of almost entirely to the fruit-growers of the Pacific Coast. At the new plant there will be, therefore, a large development for the manufacture of boxes.

"The products of this operation will be disposed of probably in the rough proportion of 25 per cent to California and the remainder in Eastern territory. The latter will be reached by railroad, Klamath Falls now being served by' trvo roads, the Southern Pacific and the Great Northern."

Ralph R. Macartney, who for many years has been associated with the Weyerhaeuser affiliated operations at Cloquet, Minn., where he commenced work as a common laborer for the Northern Lumber Company in 1910, is general manag'er of the Klamath Falls branch.


James L. Hall, rvell-known San Francisco wholesale lumberman, California agent for the Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co., of Portland, Ore., returned recently from a three weeks' business trip to the Northwest.

Mr. Hall visited Seattle, Tacoma and Portland, and the :Chas. K. Spaulding and other sawmills in the Willamette Valley.

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