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BuildWur7ues I for S&tyln{
Llnless yortr flucs ar-rd chirlneys arc Ltuilt for safctv and r.rnless they are kept in a safe condition for scrvice' thev tnay becotne an ,rctive hazald-,rn ever-pres€nt source of danger frorn lire. To ,nake safety surc--to keep iire in its proper placc-thc cliirnney should be built of brick with a tile {ltre lining, and a.v defect whicir ,nay develop shortld be promptly repaired.
Prevention is aln'ays Lretter than cure. \7e airn theref.trc to prcvent fires rvhere.'er possible. !7hen l<rsses come, they are fairly and prornptly' paid. Orrr dividends t:cduce insurance cost. In thi, iI..""-fold sertice, Lumber Mr-rtt,,rl Policies offer safety and saving to the Lumbcr Industry'
H:rve tou notjcccl iu nev'spapcr rt' ports of fircs lr.t matrv titttcs tht' catrse rs givclr;rs a dciective chtt.tl,'\' <rr a defective fltrei' Any defecr ir. construction or e'quipmcnr for han' dlirrg fire is a cotrstant hatard Builcl right and keep strfe. Be sure that 6re u,on't break loose in,vour planl rhr<>ugh sone c:rrclcssrrt'ss of l ours irr f;rilurc to contr<tl it 1troptr11