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West Coast Lumbefmen's Association Hold Annual Meetin$ at Tacoma
Trade Extension opportunities and numerous problems of the West Coast lumber industry came in for a vigorous discussion at the annual meeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, held in Tacoma on -Ianuary 30. About 175 lumbermen attended the meeting'
The principal action of the meeting was the voted decision to include an optional paragraph on seasoning specifications for West Coast rvoods in the Association grading rules. This step followed a thorough discussion of the matter from the floor.
An extensive exhibit featuring opportunities for mill fabrication of lumber and various uses of wood lined all sides of the meeting hall. Of principal interest 'ivere the full-size sections of pre-fabricated and creosoted bridge members; the samples of new finishes for West Coast woods developed by Otto Hartwig, Association paint advisor; models of fabricated roof trusses and a design for a l3Gfoot wood oil derrick suitable for mill fabrication and the improved wood sash and frame designs.
Talks on various factors in the present situation of the West Coast lumber industry t'ere made by J. D. Tennant, presiclent of the Association ; A. C. Dixon, president of the National I-umber I\{anufacturers' Association; W. F. Shalv, trade extension manager of the National Association; Col. W. B. Greeley, secretary-manag'er of the Association, and C. J. Hogue, manager of the Association's Trade Exten-sion and Field Service Department. At the evening session. C. P. Winslow, director of the Forest Products Laboratory, talked on what the laboratory is doing to promote a wider and better ttse of lumber, and Brice M. Mace. Jr., of the United States Department of Comtnerce, told of the West Coast's foreign trade opportunities.
The following rvere elected to the Board oi Trttstees : Northern District-H. A. LaPlant, L.yman, Washington' Everett District-H. W. Stuchell, Everett. Washington. Seattle District-E. C. Stone, Seattle, Washinston. Tacoma District-R. J. Sharp, Tacoma, Washington. Olympia-Centralia District-C. H. Kreienbaurn, Shc'torr. Washington. Grays-Willapa Harbor District-Wm. R. Morley, Abercteen, Washington. Columbia River District-J. D. Tennant, Longview, Washington. Portland District-C. D. Johnson, Portland, Oregon. Willamette Valley District-A. C. Dixon, Eugene, Oregon. Coos Bay District-H. W. Bunker, San Francisco, California.
Trustees at Large-Charles L. Lewis, Raymond, Washington; C. H. Watzek, Wauna, Oregon; F. R. Titcomb, Tacoma, Washington
Vice Presidents-For Oregon, Myron C. Woodarcl, Silverton; for Washington, Major E. G. Griggs, Tacoma,
Treasurer-R. W. Vinnedge, North Bend, Washington.
Honorary Trustee-R. H. Burnside, Portland, Oregon.
The paragraph below will be included as Optional Seasoning Specifications for West Coast tvoods in the grading rules of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association by action of the stockholders. It was recommended to the membership by'the Trustees and the Association's Committee on Grades and Manufacture.
Optional Seasoning Specifications
Kiln Dried Clears- l. "C" and higher grades of lumller l inch or less in thickness and 12 inches or less in width :
Shall be dried as closely as practicable to an average moisture content o{ not more than 10 per cent; and, upon inspection or reinspection shall be deemed to be kiln dried lumber if 9O per cent of the pieces in the shipment are found to have a moisture content of 12 per cent or less, and the remaining lO per cent of the shipment is found to have a moisture content not exceeding 15 per cent.
2. "C" and higher grades of lumber lfu inches to 2 inches in thickness and 12 inches or less in 'ividth:
Shall be dried as closely as practicable to an average moisture content of not more than 12 per cent; and, upon inspection or reinspection, shall be deemecl to be kiln dried lumber if 9O per cent of the pieces in the shipment are found to have a moisture content of 14 per cent or less, and the remaining 1O per cent of the shipment is found to have a moisture content not exceeding 18 per cent.
3. Other thicknesses an<\/cr u'idths to l;e sultject to special contract.
Dry Commons-
1. No.2 and higher grades of boards, l inch or less in tlrickness and 12 inches or less in width:
Shall be dried as closely as practicable to an average moisture content of not more than 20 per cent; and, upon inspection or reinspection, shall be deemed to be dry lumber if 9O per cent of the pieces in the shipment are found to have a moisture content of 22 per cent or less, and the remaining 10 per cent of the shipment is found to have a moisture content not exceeding 28 per cent.
2. No 2 and higher grades of Dimension and Joist 2 inches or less in thickness and 12 inches or less in width :
Shall be dried as closely as practicable to an average moisture content of not more than 22 per cent; and, upon inspection or reinspection, shall be deemed to be dry lumber if 9O per cent of the pieces in the shipment are fottnd to have a moisture content of. 24 per cent or less, and the remaining 10 per cent of the shipment is found to have a moisture content not exceeding 30 per cent.
3. Other thicknesses and/or rvidths to be subject to special contract."