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N. L. M.A. Ur$es New J. S. Spelman Appointed Legislation
Washington, February 2.-An aftermath of hearings held last u'eek before the House Ways and Means Committee on the Kendall Bill to prohibit importation of ploducts of conr.ict or forced labor appeared today in a letter fi1ed rvith the Cornmittee by the National Luml;er N{anufacturers Association. Replying to the testimony of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Seyniour I-on'man it calls attention to the fact that the Secretar'\-'s statement that the Department could operate effectuall_l' trnder existing statutes rvas not in line rvith the excuses offerecl l>y it for its failure to do 3o since last July.
The letter recites efforts rnade by the lumber industry to secure throrrgh the Treasury Department the exclusion of convict-made Russian ltrml>er as required by the latv. It asserts that inadeqnacies in the present lalv have been 1;ointed to by Treasurl' officials as their reason for releasing several shipments arriving last summer and for subsequent delays in promulgating regulations and controlling admission of suspected cal'goes. It specifically recalls that failure of the Department to "find" that certain Russian producing and shipping areas are suspected areas rvithin the meaning of these regulations, on a complaint more than trvo n.ronths old, has been explained and excused on the ground that "the Department does not have in its possession anv evidence identifying any particular parcel or -ship- ment as having been convict lnade."
The letter to the Comrnittee u'as signed by Wilson Cornpton, Secretary and l\Ianager of the National Lumlter Manuiacturers Associatior.r.
Curtis H. Cutter, president of the Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento, has announced the appointment of J. S. Spelman, of Sacramento, as general manager of the concern. For many years, N{r. Spelman was secretary-manager of the Superior Building-Loan Association of Sacramento, and 'ivhen that finn rvas merged last April rvith the Mercantile Building-Loan Association of Oakland, he had charge of the Sacranrento oFfice. N{r. Spelman has taken over his new duties.
Sacramento Valley Club Meet
The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club held the first meeting of the year at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento, Janu- aty 24.
Chester Minard, of the Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento, the club's ng$r president, presided, and gave pn outline of the work planned by the directors for 1931.
W. B. Dearborn, of the Loomis Lumber Co.. Loomis. is the club's nerv vice president.
E. A. Blocklinger, Chiloquin Lnmber Co., Chiloquin, Oreg'on, was a Los Angeles visitor around the first of the month, where he spent several days. FIe rvas a caller at the office of his nepherv, Arthur E. Trvohy, Los Angeles wholesaler.