2 minute read
All Aluminum Heavy-Duty Truck Fageol's Latest a t! Achrevement
Emerging frorn the Experimental Department of the Fageol Motors Company, comes their latest achievement, the all-aluminum heavy-duty six rvheel, four wheel drive truck chassis, r,vith aluminum cab and body.
Mr. E. H. Bill, President of the Fageol Motors Company, makes the following statement: "This latest development parallels Fageol's marketing of the multi-speed compound transmission and six wheel four rvheel drive motor trucks rvhich have now been adopted by practically every rnotor truck manufacturer in the United States.
"To the Aluminum Company of America and the airplane industry is due credit for the part they have played in developing alloys of such strength and lightness which have brought about almost unbelievable reductions in rveight throughout every unit of the chassis.
"The following examples .ivill give some idea of the savings in weight as reflected in various units: Rear axle construction, saving in weight 985 lbs.; frame construction, saving in weight of over 1,000 lbs.; all other parts in like proportion.
"One of the factors of considerable interest to engineers is that there is no loss in the safety factor and thal there is an added factor of strength of 1-O% beyond that of the old style steel construction.
"Th. Fageo_l Motors Company is the only manufacturer in the truck field at this time producing an all-aluminum heavy-duty truck chassis. It is the firsitirne that a truck manufacturer has developed refinements beyond that of the passeng'er car.
"Our engineers present an interesting example of the savings in cost to the operator of this type truct . Tests shorv that a truck operating at a gross iost of $50.00 a day, with a final net profit of $5.00 to the owner, now car_ ries a 2O% increase in pay-load, at the same gross weight, with the result that there is an increase of N/o in the-nei profit of $15.00 to the owner instead of only g5.00.
_ "Th9 _E_xperim_ental and Engineering Departments of the Fageol Motors Company have had th-is niw truck chassis under development for many months. The San Francisco Automobile Show offers thi first opportunity for a public presentation of this latest motor truck achie.lremerrt b.,, Fageol."
Pacific Lumber Company ln - New Home ,/
The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, moved February 1 to their. new quirters in the Shell Building, rvhere they occupy the whole of the 24th floor, a total floJi space of more than 400O square feet.
Visitors to these offices rvill get a good idea of the splen- did possibilities of Redrvood for interior finish. Thrie of the private offices are finished in Redwoocl. The room of Jo-!n H. Emmert, president of the company, is finished in 3_New E_ngland design taken from an old home in Dedham, Mass. The office of A. S. Murphy, executive vice-president, 11 paneled in Old English style, and the office of Herb 51"::,-assistant general sales manager, is a reproduction of the living room in Paul Revere's home.
The telephone number of The Pacific f,umber Company remains the same as before. GArfield 1181.
From the WEST For the South llr
Douglas Fir, Redwood, Spruce, Pine . . evefy west?rn wood is found at Hammond's. Acres of lumber at wholesale distributing yards . millions of (eet at Hammond mills, and in transit by boat and rail---a great in-stock and distribution servicc lor the retail lumber deafers of California. There is quality in every foot , it's up-to-gra de, well manufactured and well seasoned. Buy firom Hammond's.