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Thisdealer has proYen RED SEAL OPENERS
Tbc Pltnttot. CoDp.nyr Bor 12O, lroai!. ADn.r. tos An8.lrs, c.lll.
CrntlcD?n: rrttJ tbr olil Dthoil ot Elpplnt, tle tootlag tt€cll r!! fr.Ecltly torn or iletgril rDcn I lnlta or soE othcr tool rls ulail to Bllt tb! nrpp.r. Wtth tla R.il S{1 Opcrctr tb! rol,l. my b! oprtrcil mob Dolc qulclly ud rlttrout any it8!g"r gl lnJutl.rg tbr mt.rl..l brnlrth. t. rr.ab tou ctclt aroolea lD thlE nlr tEDrorrDctrt. Vrly truly youra, ^L!Er BROI$nS.Eftcll*.
Fa rlah to tstc thr.B oDpottunltt to oopltmnt you upon your acr Dctboil ot errpptn8 roll rootlnt rlth Rlit Scll Opa!!!a. slno! lta lltrolluotton, r. brra oonolstlnt1y o!1lcil tt to tb! qtt.ntloD ot our rootlDg ouat6rra anil bav. illacorcrcA lt to ba gooil arl.s f..t[r. ln ocrolr.nill.atng yo! prodocts. Ono. oo6t6.ra htvr !B!il tt. th.t arr not s.tlatlod rltb t'y othr! typr of polllg.
Ve urge you to follow the plan of Alley Brothers . . demonstrate and display Red Seat Openers to every roofing customer who enters your display rq)m. You will be surprised how Red Seal Openers will bring back rep€at business-once a customer has used them!
And do not forget that Red Seal Openers are an exclu' sive idea that costs you nothing. You may rest assured when you feature this advantage' you are building busi'" ness that will remain secure from competition.