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New Window Display for Lumber-Paint Dealer
Washington, Feb. 1.-A brand new Clean Up and Paint
IJp window display in ten brilliant colors of real paint is announced by the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau for 1933.
The new display features both interior and exterior painting, varnishing and decorating, refinishing of furniture, and repairing and modernizing of property, with a big red {'NOIV" to emphasize immediate action. Supple-
Inwood Gets Good Boost
fnwood, the well known one-coat finish for wood, linoleum or concrete, advertised recently in these columns, received special mention in Bulletin No. 13 recently issued by the trade extension department of the California Redwood Association on "Painting and Finishing California Redwood Exteriors." The item is as follows: menting the picturized suggestions are admonitions. to "Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up-Modernize-BeautifyRenovize."
INWOOD-A special product, manufactured by Inwood Products Corporation, San Francisco and Oakland, California, who attribute toit unusual preservative and water-proofing qualities. Made in clear for natural finish and also any stain colored to suit requirements. Manufacturers claim this to be a one coat_finish for interior or exterior that is almost everlasting and not affected by any climatic conditions. May be applied by brush or spray in the usual manner. The clear may be colored with colors inoil or dry colors by the customer. ft comes highly recommended by many users.
The new display is approximately 32 inches high and 46 inches wide when fully extended, is die cut, and is made in two. hinged wings. The left wing emphasizes interior and furniture painting, with a painter working on a wall, a woman painting a cabinet, and a prominent display of paints and brushes. The right wing pictures the painting of the outside of the house, a carpenter sawing lu-mber for making repairs, a man repairing the roof, the featuring of garden tools, etc.
The displays will be sold on a cooperative basis, at a price intended to cover only the Bureau's own cost and handling, for $1.45 each, regardless of quantitn including an individual corrugated shipping carton for each display, carriage charges to be paid by the purchaser.
The Bureau will imprint the displays in lots of 25 or more at a small additional charge to cover the cost.
The descriptive circular showing the display in full color will be sent in response to requests by the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau, 2201 New York Avenue, N.\M., Washington, D. C.
Wesley Shrimp Visits Los Angeles
Wesley Shrimp, Cresmer Manufacturing Co., Riverside, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few days on company business.