3 minute read


By Jack Dionne

Ag" not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 years---Some less

Pride of Parenthood

The white lady lay with her young baby at her side, and the colored cook was summoned to pass on the new and wonderful thing that had come into the house. After appraising the baby for some moments with much enthusiasm the cook declared:

"Missy, dat sho am a won'erful chile you got."

"Don't you think she's the most beautiful baby you ever saw?" asked the mother, looking at her baby with undisguised worship.

Immediately the colored woman began backing up.

"'Well, wait a minute, Missy," she said. "Ah couldntt zacHy say dass de mos' beautiful baby Ah evah seed; you see, Ah's got fo' chilluns of mah own."

Redwood Cover Used for Faces Problem of \(/ood lmports Aqueduct

The Redwood industry is filling an order of the City and County of San Francisco, booked by The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, for 1,00O,000 feet of irrigation grade Redwood to be used for a cover for the Crystal Springs aqueduct, which is six miles long.

This work is. employing a lot of men, and delivery of the material on time is therefore very important. This is being accomplished as follows: Twenty per cent in six to eight days from date of order, fifty per cent in 2O days, seventy-five per cent in 3O days, and one hundred per cent in 40 days.

The mills report that Redwood is being used more and more for reservoir and aqueduct covers. One of the most recent reservoir jobs was the framing and roofing of the Greenleaf Reservoir for the City of Whittier. This reservoir is 68,000 square feet in area and the work took 166,00O feet of Structural Grade Redwood.

Northern Counties Club Meets

Northern Counties Lumbermen's Club met at the Senator Hotel, Sacramento, February 9. President E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, presided.

4000 California Loans Closed

Los Angeles, Feb. 4.-Monroe Butler, state manager of the Home OwnerS' Loan Corporation, said today more than 4O00 loans amounting to $11,891,325.56 have been closed in California. Last week the corporation closed 537 loans on small homes, with a total mortgage indebtedness of $1,443,672.52.

From Russia

Washington, Feb. l.-The Lumber Code Authority today touched the edge of the problem of trade relations with Russia as affected by American recognition when it was confronted with reports of large increases of imports at Pacific ports of Russian ash lumber. It voted to put such lumber under the same minimum prices as Appalachian oak and ash. Similar ruling was made with regard to Asiatic hardwoods.

The delicate question of Russian lumber imports in general, especially of pine, and also of pulpwood, was not taken up. But members of the Authority pointed out that if Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau's order of January 24, suspending regulations in effect since 1931, should result in substantial increase of imports from Russia, relief might be obtained under the National Industrial Recovery Act. These regulations were aimed at imports from four northern districts ol Russia, after findings that convict labor was there used in lumber camps and mills. Imports of convict-made goods are forbiddden under Paragraph 307 of the tariff law-also of such products made by indentured and forced labor.

The Industrial Recovery Act authorizes the President, either of his own motion or upon complaint that imports seriously endanger the operation of codes, to impose limitations upon imports even to the extent of embargo. As the minimum prices established under the lumber code are likely to be attractive to importers of Russian lumber, large increases in such imports are expected. In that event, it was said, the lumber industry would undoubtedly appeal to the President.

Dealer Visits Arizona

George Meissner, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi, left January 25 lor a visit to Tucson, Ariz. He expected to be gone for two or three weeks.

Next Hoo Hoo Meeting Feb.26

The next dinner meeting of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club will be held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on Monday evening, February 26.

Entertainrnent Committee Chairman H. Servall Morton has secured Earle Warren, District Attorney of Alameda County, to speak on the subject of "Organized Crime."

The prevalence of kidnaping, lynching, murder and all forms of racketeering makes Mr. Warren's talk of particnlar interest, and it is expected that there will be a large attendance.

Professor Emanuel Fritz, o{ the department of forestry, University of California, will speak for 15 minutes on the subject of "Termites".

There will also be a musical program.

Henry \(/. Taylor

Henry Willard Taylor, retired lumberman, died at his home in Berkeley, Calif., February 5.

Mr. Taylor, who was born in Boston 75 years ago, came to California at the age of 20. He operated the Taylor Mill & Lumber Co. in Alameda, and retired from business sonre time ago.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Emma Squires Taylor, and two daughters, Miss Ruth Muriel Taylor and Mrs. Chesley J. Roberts, of Berkeley.

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