2 minute read
Stars and a Trce
A bright star bloomed in the fields oi night, Low it hung o'er the western hills; And its shimmering image lay agleam In lakes and rivers and rippling rills. Ovei the forests it lingered long, Flecking their branches with dust of gold, Then onward swept in its destined path, True to its course as the star of old.
Over the snow clad mountain heights, Down to the canyon's rugged rim, O'er little hamlets and lonely farms, Into the gulches deep and dim; Stole the light of a shining star, Hallowing all with its magic sheen, And beauty blossomed as shadows fled, .And nothing it touched seemed poor or mean.
The star shone down on a little townOur little town of the seven hills; Resting secure in her mountain coign, Lulled by the music of singing rills; And rays from celestial realms afar, With earth born light were strangely wed, For a forest king stood forth in pride With a golden star on its regal head.
Lilting voices and words of cheer
Children's laughter and carols sweet, Fragrant incense gf fir and pine Jeweled verdure on every street; And a living tree with kingly grace Lifting a star to the orb above, While their mingled radiance told once more The olden story of peace and love.
-Adeline Merriam Lonner,
"Constitution" oj Forest Practice
(Continued f.rom Page 24) submission ald,approval of specific individual management plans.
Sustained Yield
Since the basic purpose'of sustained yield is to perpetuate the forest by regrowth after cutting and to mai.r.rtain in a given local district or on a given forest enough growing stock to provide ibw rriaterial for industry without interruption, and to safeguard the public welfare,-sustained yield is a desirable objective and. it shall be adopted as the objective of management for individual tracts or groups of tracts as rapidly as various considerations permit and owners find it advantageous as a matter of orderly business policy. Fire protection, preservation of young growth and partial cutting as outlined in the preceding paragraphs are irnportant steps toward regional and local sustained yield.
7. Public Coopbration'''
The measure,of-success ultimately- achieved by these undertakings of the Industry, is dependent upon the extent .*pd-.clraracter.of.pqblic..cooperation in4;rch slate, :
Los sale. chant.
Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for Address Box C-480, Care California Lumber Mer-
For Lease
Warehouse equipped complete for handling of lumber and lumber products. 8Ox135 feet, double frontage, on Santa Fe Siding. Desks, safe and office space included. Apply Roy E. Harrington, care California Moulding Co., 1306 West 58th Street, Los Angeles.
WANTS TO USED LUMBER CARRIER. tion. Pneumatic tires preferred. California Lumber Merchant.
Must be in good condiAddress Box C-502. care
Competent Experienced Lumberman
Retail Lumberman seeks connection as manager or assistant, expert accountant, years of experience in all branches of retail lumber and building materials. Have managed one-man yards, also larger lst class plants with planing mill and sash and door department. Open for any position to start. Address Box C-501 California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumberman
wants position as yard manager or in charge of office. Has been connected with the lumber business in Southern California for a long period. Will go any place. Address C. R. Short, 119 North 5th Street, Alhambra, Calif. Telephone Alhambra 528M.
Retail Lumberman
Well recommended with many years' experience in yard management, selling and plan estimating, desires responsible position with reputable firm. Address Box C-5O3, care California Lumber Merchant.
Will Rent Or Lease
Available lumber storage facilities under cover, yard and o6ce space. Excellent location, Alameda and | 5th Streets, in center of Los Angelee lumber district. Spur tracks on property. Above property can be rented or leased at very reasonable ratea. Sprinklered buildings also available on premises for wood-working manufacturing or kindred lines. For information address-
8l I Commercial Ex+Hlg;?tdfi Los Angeles, Calif.
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